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Dayz mod was great game, now is not

Do dayz mod going good direction?  

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  1. 1. Do dayz mod going good direction?

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Lets rearange this a little.

I logged again last night, my char was dead and I land on the coast again, new life. But this is maybe big problem, but I can deal with it. Other changes makes me angry and sad. It was really great game

*I played few hours on two servers - public and private, same dayz version and I was 6 times - SIX TIMES infected. I found 2 antibiotics, of course not enough. In few hours, I was dead twice by infection. No because dirty food or water, just zombies. This is weird and stupid. I was infected even after 2nd zombie hit, 1 min after new respawn/life

Zombies killed him dammit. He was not just infected one time but twice, thrice, fourth, quad, V, hex, times. This is "stupid", it must be the games fault that he keeps getting infected. (but circle staffing worked soooo good before :(

*military bases are empty. Here is hard to find good stuff. maybe you can find a weapon, but never not enough ammo

*in hospitals is nothing. I checked few times, was maybe two morphines + something else. With infection rate like this, should be here tons of antibiotics

So when a threat increases you want to increase the remedies for the threat so it isn't threatening anymore :lol:


*I havn't played for a while, i lost my gear, gona do the same old stuff

*Ohh i can't find stuff anywhere. I want it to be easier to find stuff

*This the game is terribad!


And despite the fact the the popularity of an idea is in way indicative of it's truth or how correct it is I do find the current result pleasing to the eyes.

Edited by Trizzo
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They're asking for the game to be a bit more fun, not to spawn with jesus loot. Not even hospitals have antibiotics. At least I don't think. I wouldn't know, because there's never any loot there in the first place.

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They're asking for the game to be a bit more fun, not to spawn with jesus loot. Not even hospitals have antibiotics. At least I don't think. I wouldn't know, because there's never any loot there in the first place.

They came to play the wrong game, they claim to just want antibiotics, next come more weapons and an ammo plant...DayZ is supposed to be harsh. Even in the day when i was still playing ( that was the period when pvp started to become more popular since you had an overabundance of loot you didn't know where to put it ) you were happy to actually find antibiotices in the medical boxes and not just bandages, epi, morphine and painkillers and then there was already too much of that stuff in those boxes imo. Then private hive servers started catering the needs of lazy players and pvpers and spoon fed them with a game that wasn't supposed to be played that way and a lot of players who joined dayZ in that phase thought the game was like this all the time. I you want the same boring game you have to stick to the mod and hope someone keeps developing it because the SA will evolve far from the modded mod that you will only recognize it by the name.

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If a survival game becomes easy, wtf are we doing? Why not sit on the couch and watch dawn of the dead again? That's an easy survival game for you

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I think it needs balancing, but for the most part it's doing fairly well. Loot seems a little to rare now, and it makes it practically impossible to be a medic, and the zombies are bugged, but I like how it's getting harder.

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Well medics do have trouble now if medicine gets rarer and rarer, that's where a community/group comes into play. If players want a working medcare system they should support the meds and not keep the medicine for themselves and maybe die in the following days and either lose them or give them to the next hoarder. If they have excess supplies they should actively seek the medics and give it to them. Afaik the medics have their "base servers"? If so then it will only work by visiting them.

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

I don't even know why I bother. Gaming was so much more fun when it wasn't inundated by millions of idiots. The same idiots that have destroyed every single good game in the last 10 years.

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

I don't even know why I bother. Gaming was so much more fun when it wasn't inundated by millions of idiots. The same idiots that have destroyed every single good game in the last 10 years.

Not to mention the rude way in which they try to portray how the game is meant to be harsh and all that Spiel. This community isn't far off of the League of Legends community from what I've seen on this forum.

Edited by sabre05

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

Here's why people say the game is meant to be harsh and unforgiving


I agree that many people can come across as dicks when others appear to threaten the core ideal of dayz being a harsh game, i'm sure i've been guilty of this myself, but coming out with the default "its a game, its meant to be fun" doesn't really work when clearly there's many who do find it fun as it is.

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

I don't even know why I bother. Gaming was so much more fun when it wasn't inundated by millions of idiots. The same idiots that have destroyed every single good game in the last 10 years.

I find immersion to be fun; a challenge, to be fun.

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

I don't even know why I bother. Gaming was so much more fun when it wasn't inundated by millions of idiots. The same idiots that have destroyed every single good game in the last 10 years.

It's not meant to be fun for everyone. The creator himself calls it the anti-game.

IMO the "idiots that have destroyed gaming" are the people who want easy mode. Die and come right back where you left off with all your stuff. Follow the same steps everyone else took. "Here's your participation award" games.

I personally miss games where you died a million freakin times trying to get through it. Games where you didn't have a hundred save points in case you died. Games you never "beat" because you simply couldn't. THAT was gaming to me.

In a lot of respects even Dayz is too easy. I'll take dying 4 times an hour from infection over getting all the gear I need out of Cherno and then having nothing much to do.

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To all of you people with your moronic statements like "It's meant to be harsh and unforgiving". Well, it's also meant to be fun! What's the point in playing a game where it feels more like work than your bloody day job?

I don't even know why I bother. Gaming was so much more fun when it wasn't inundated by millions of idiots. The same idiots that have destroyed every single good game in the last 10 years.

I agree 100% with creature in his reply. The ones that have ruined gaming are the people that choose to go easy mode. If you want to have a fun and easy time on a game, then go play your classic FPS CoD or Left for Dead, and leave the challenges to people like us.

I personally think the gaming industry has yes, been destroyed over the past 10 years... but not by people that you mention. The people that have destroyed gaming are the ones that strive for games like CoD and even Battlefield (sort of). Gaming should go back to the good ol' days of games like Resident Evil, DOOM, Mario, Poke'mon, and countless other titles that you couldn't just get on and own everything in sight. IMO, games like ArmaIII and DayZ bring things like that to the table, only more modernized.

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It's not the developers taking the mod in the wrong direction , it's the private hives with sidechat and their ridiculous settings .

Guns and food are still far too plentiful , in my opinion .

I was also thinking that only 2 or 3 of the gas tanks should have gas in them , randomly after each reset . This would make gas an uncertain commodity , and create some interesting situations .

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I find that everyone who complains to the devs to 'make it harder' or 'make it easier' are completely fuck-nut stupid. Why? Because the devs don't cater to either side; Veterans or Casuals. It's all about balance. Yes, the game is definitely meant to be unforgiving, but that does not mean that it should be set up so that only the hardcore players have any chance at all. That being said; the newer players should still have to have a hard time playing and the learning curve should intentionally be high.

This is why I'm glad with Rocket's doctrine as of the new devblog; Make the options controllable at the serverside.

I.E. Allow the hardcore and veteran players have their super-challenging game and allow the newer or casual players to have their 'easier' servers where maybe the loot is more common or whatnot (Of course, 'easier' does not necessarily mean easy, it could just relate to some small aspects unrelated to difficulty.)

So, to everyone who honestly thinks the game has to be a certain way; no, it doesn't.

Not everyone should be forced to follow the exact same conditions for the entire game.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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When Rocket worked on it, we had many funny bugs, but rest of game was awesome. Very well balanced lot table, any weird things. Now I start play it again after month, and I see only bad changes:

  • here is not enough ammo. What the hell you removed military ammo and stuff from deer stands?
  • military bases are empty. Here is hard to find good stuff. maybe you can find a weapon, but never not enough ammo
  • I played few hours on two servers - public and private, same dayz version and I was 6 times - SIX TIMES infected. I found 2 antibiotics, of course not enough. In few hours, I was dead twice by infection. No because dirty food or water, just zombies. This is weird and stupid. I was infected even after 2nd zombie hit, 1 min after new respawn/life
  • lot spawns very bad. Even walking I must wait for lot spawn, and sometimes it just not spawning or in place where should be something, is some shit only
  • in hospitals is nothing. I checked few times, was maybe two morphines + something else. With infection rate like this, should be here tons of antibiotics
  • after month break of playing, I had long term character with many players and zombies kills, and full equip. When I logged again last night, my char was dead and I land on the coast again, new life. But this is maybe big problem, but I can deal with it. Other changes makes me angry and sad. It was really great game

I should appreciate your hard work, but I never appreciate when somebody wasting something, even if he hard working on it. Let be honest, you know nothing about balancing gameplay.


There you go, this should do you nicely.

EDIT: Thank me later.

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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Because it is the easiest and best know way to keep naysaying in one place.

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it seems to me that people wanted zombies/the game to be harder so much that they will take bullshit to get it

lets face it at the mo you could reskin the zombies as aliens and it would make more sense

I can wait for the SA we will have zombies that work like zombies eg one zombie is not a threat but there are 100s of them and thats SCARY as shit (FYI I want the game to be hard but i want zombies to be zombies)

as for guns why dose every assume that guns would be LESS common in this situation? they would be EVERYWHERE, think about it 100s of solders, cops and civs on the streets with guns and most of the would die, THEY WOULD BE EVERYWHERE (ok ammo may be rare but guns no)

the big problem is that the mod is going in the wrong direction because it is impossible for them to go in the right one. think about it the SA, it is going in the right one and how long has it taken them?

going in the right diction is a task that no mod team have the time, money or the know how too pull off because they have to re-wight half the engine to do it

Edited by King Tubbs
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There you go, this should do you nicely.

EDIT: Thank me later.

This just sums up the typicality of the rudeness amongst this community. Thanks for becoming the poster child in my eyes to it.

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This just sums up the typicality of the rudeness amongst this community. Thanks for becoming the poster child in my eyes to it.

Huh, just like you tools. The kind that get on and blab about how terrible the community is, and how it's broken. There is usually conversation running wild and people enjoying talking to each other, until one of you shows up with your bullshit negativity. Then we lash our negativity on you guys, and when you're gone, we resume having fun again. That is the jist of it. The sole reason to your profile on this forum is to be a vent to my anger and frustration.... you're my rage whore sabre05.

So, why don't you take your jokey, negative, and all around stupid profile, and do one of two things with it.... A: Make use of it and contribute to something rather than bitching and moaning like a 5 year old girl that lost her waawy pop.

or B:


Edited by OfficerRaymond
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as for guns why dose every assume that guns would be LESS common in this situation? they would be EVERYWHERE, think about it 100s of solders, cops and civs on the streets with guns and most of the would die, THEY WOULD BE EVERYWHERE (ok ammo may be rare but guns no)

Dont think every country will mobilize it's army to help evacuate a region ot at least have units to spare, imagine the helpers having enough problems they can't even think of spreading their forces.

And with all the guns that are supposed to be lying around...even armed they died and they might not even be numerous to begin with because it's a rural area. Do you think if the DayZ scenario would happen any army could mobilize that fast? It's not like they have a company in every town, the first defense would be the gun owners for the US in one case and i'm sorry to disappoint you most countries don't have the gun laws like the US and let's ignore the few illegal weapons that could be in Chernarus ( let's face it there aren't many people living over there anyway ). Now imagine yourself: no weapons, no food, your only luck was you beeing immune to the virus...actually you are the unluckiest person alive because you have to hope that everything you find is still usable, the weapons are still worling and hopefully have enough ammo. etc.

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Huh, just like you tools. The kind that get on and blab about how terrible the community is, and how it's broken. There is usually conversation running wild and people enjoying talking to each other, until one of you shows up with your bullshit negativity. Then we lash our negativity on you guys, and when you're gone, we resume having fun again. That is the jist of it. The sole reason to your profile on this forum is to be a vent to my anger and frustration.... you're my rage whore sabre05.

So, why don't you take your jokey, negative, and all around stupid profile, and do one of two things with it.... A: Make use of it and contribute to something rather than bitching and moaning like a 5 year old girl that lost her waawy pop.

or B:


Baww, you seem mad. Tell me, how is suggesting someone to google "Games that don't hurt a childs brain to play" not rude? Not to mention the slew of verbal diarrhoea you just excreted from your fingers. Use me as your rage whore, because I guarantee you I will be laughing at how pathetic you are. ALL communities have cretinous piles of sputum like you, some have a larger number like League of Legends, some had less, I'm yet to find one with fewer twats, but I'm still looking. But feel free to rage at me. It won't hurt my feelings any because I assure you I've said worse just to piss people off on COD or LOL. Gimmie your best shot!

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Baww, you seem mad. Tell me, how is suggesting someone to google "Games that don't hurt a childs brain to play" not rude? Not to mention the slew of verbal diarrhoea you just excreted from your fingers. Use me as your rage whore, because I guarantee you I will be laughing at how pathetic you are. ALL communities have cretinous piles of sputum like you, some have a larger number like League of Legends, some had less, I'm yet to find one with fewer twats, but I'm still looking. But feel free to rage at me. It won't hurt my feelings any because I assure you I've said worse just to piss people off on COD or LOL. Gimmie your best shot!

Mkkay, so lets see... You're a troll "I assure you I've said worse just to piss people off on COD or LOL"... I'm shocked!

I'm not mad at all, I'm pointing out some facts plain and simple. Yeah, my comment was rude, I explained who I was rude to in my last comment if you'd have actually read it. My 'slew of verbal D-I-A-R-R-E-A*"? I thought it was pretty creative..... :( I'm not gonna continue insulting you, because now that I know you are no more than a common garden troll, I will cease to feed you. Yes, I'm such a cretinous pile of scum.... my entire 482 poss on this forum have been utterly useless, I clearly haven't contributed a single goshed darned thing to this community.... Well shit.... :emptycan:

I'm done 'raging' at you, as we all now know you're a troll. And you may not get banned now per sae, but you will be eventually as all trolls are. And I can say... INb4BAN!!!

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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I disagree with the topic but in my opinion the mod is definitly going in the wrong direction. Just look at the servers, every f*cking server which has more than 20 players has 1000 full health vehicels, 200 helicopter, 50.000 baracks, spawn with gear etc.

I mean, what the f*ck? This is no DayZ anymore, this is Battlefield FFA. And I actually found 1 server which has like normal vehicels and a decent amount of players. (dystopia DayZ)

Seriously why the f*ck is everyone playing in these boring "I god a car, a heli and a high end gear from the beginning"?!

When DayZ came out you actually had to find a car (you had to be really lucky) and then repairing it (which took a looong time). Now the servers are filled with full health cars. What is the f*cking point? -.-

Edited by Wayze

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