Inception. 9443 Posted July 1, 2013 It is how it should be. Harsh, difficult and unforgiving. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
novogeek 253 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) Ummm ... errr ... wait a minute ... here is a tip: "If you don't like, don't F***ing play it ... delete it ... move on ... stop posting crap forum topics which make the devs wonder why they are even bothering with doing this anymore!"Use it ... don't use ... I don't care. But my gran (bless her) used to say: "If you have nothing nice to say ... don't F***ing say anything at all you retard!" ... My gran loved me and those were her exact words.I just don't understand people ... gawd ... take the MOD ... get some of your crybaby friends ... and make the MOD easier for yourself ... call it DayZCOD ... cos thats what you actually want. *mutter* *mumble* *grumble* Edited July 1, 2013 by novogeek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death_Dealer 3155 Posted July 1, 2013 I like how they made scavenging and surviving harder, but the infection rate is way too high. To the point where it brutally murders realism with an axe and, dare I say, ruins the immersion. The knockdown rate is also too high. We aren't near-weightless schoolchildren; a zombie hit shouldn't knock us flat on the ground over 60% of the time.Those are my only complaints. As a whole I'm pleased with how the mod is going so far. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkrabbe.#bof 35 Posted July 1, 2013 I like the direction the mod is heading: loot is more scarce, zombies are actually a threat and not mere annoyance.About the loot: I can say first hand (I played it) that although it's harder to get what you are looking for it's still very easy considering the fact that it's a late zombie apocalypse and towns should be pretty looted/raided/empty by that time. Just don't run only to the usual spots ("looky here, a supermarket with 5 backpacks, 30 cans of food, 2 siderarms, 1 rifle, ....") but check out all the houses which spawn loot... 30 mins and you should have a basic equiptment (happened to me in cherno and elektro). What I personally couldn't find yet is a hatchet and that's really the only thing. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted July 1, 2013 What I personally couldn't find yet is a hatchet and that's really the only thing.What annoyed a mate and me was that we had EVERYTHING except matches....can you imagine having no canned food, enough to drink, tons of weapons and ammo ( i would have gladly thrown that away if i got matches for it, i just carried the stuff around and hid it or "bugged" it away so people wouldn't pvp too much on the server ) but you starve because you can't cook your food...we searched every store in Chernarus. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkrabbe.#bof 35 Posted July 1, 2013 What annoyed a mate and me was that we had EVERYTHING except matches....can you imagine having no canned food, enough to drink, tons of weapons and ammo ( i would have gladly thrown that away if i got matches for it, i just carried the stuff around and hid it or "bugged" it away so people wouldn't pvp too much on the server ) but you starve because you can't cook your food...we searched every store in Chernarus.Yeah, seems annoying but also kind of awesome. Imagine, when you finally find what you are needing the most (I had this some games before when I was infected, was near death (0 blood, all blurry and b&w, going unconcious all 3 minutes) and found some antibiotics on the roof of a hospital)... a moment of pure joy.Or get creative: I noticed that the oil cans near that hospital in cherno were on fire, so I boiled my water there. And for my hatchet problem, I just took some firewood with me that I found in a village. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 216 Posted July 1, 2013 Every half-sensible critical thread eventually drifts on to 'no loot' 'no gear'. :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted July 1, 2013 The mod might not be perfect but i definitely think it is heading in the right direction.Less loot and more dangerous zombies is a good start. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HazZarD87 166 Posted July 1, 2013 Not according to the game:"When unconscious all damage is reduced to 50 blood for each hit zeds do no matter the part they hit."Baaaaad design decision, why would you be 10x more likely to survive when unconscious and being attacked? Really not a fan of that. Should be changed.^This!! It makes no sense in any way, shape or form. Not even mentioning how the rest of the so called new "difficulty" is contrived and cheap. It should be hard because of a good design. Not because of cheap tricks like zombies standing on a loot pile or nothing but cans spawning in hospitals, military bases etc.If something is truly "difficult" a good player will overcome it if he does things right. Now it's just a lottery whether or not you have a good piece of kit spawn for you. Luckily the SA isn't as limited in design options so it won't have to resort to such shennanigans. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyCry 118 Posted July 1, 2013 Go Play DayZ Origins, its the best DayZMod in my opinion. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death_Dealer 3155 Posted July 1, 2013 Go Play DayZ Origins, its the best DayZMod in my opinion.Prepare for flamage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted July 1, 2013 Go Play DayZ Origins, its the best DayZMod in my opinion.Origins is hardly what DayZ was intended to be; a harsh, cruel and unforgiving environment. In Origins, you have the ability to *build* houses and save your gear [correct me if I am wrong]. That is a mere one reason to why it is not what DayZ *should* be, in my opinion. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Feral (DayZ) 622 Posted July 1, 2013 ...DayZ Origins, its the best DayZMod...I assume you're joking =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyCry 118 Posted July 1, 2013 Origins is hardly what DayZ was intended to be; a harsh, cruel and unforgiving environment. In Origins, you have the ability to *build* houses and save your gear [correct me if I am wrong]. That is a mere one reason to why it is not what DayZ *should* be, in my opinion.Ahh right... in realife no one is able to build little houses and save the doors with a lock. We all live under the free sky and have all our propertys on our body. The human nature dont tells us to settle down at one place. The human body is made for living in the wood and walk around.I was so wrong.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted July 1, 2013 Ahh right... in realife no one is able to build little houses and save the doors with a lock. We all live under the free sky and have all our propertys on our body. The human nature dont tells us to settle down at one place. The human body is made for living in the wood and walk around.I was so wrong....No, but it's giving you the option to save all of your gear [again, correct me if you're wrong]. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jars (DayZ) 63 Posted July 1, 2013 What annoyed a mate and me was that we had EVERYTHING except matches....can you imagine having no canned food, enough to drink, tons of weapons and ammo ( i would have gladly thrown that away if i got matches for it, i just carried the stuff around and hid it or "bugged" it away so people wouldn't pvp too much on the server ) but you starve because you can't cook your food...we searched every store in Chernarus.You can cook food by using the drum fires in towns and military camps , and the fires at survivor camps .All you really need is a hunting knife , and something to dong those animals on the head with ( or run them over with jeeps , that tenderizes them nicely )Still , I think canned food should be far rarer ( never a loot drop from zeds ) , but much more effective , at least on par with rabbit meat . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtyCry 118 Posted July 1, 2013 No, but it's giving you the option to save all of your gear [again, correct me if you're wrong].Not 100%. Some days ago someone shoot me at the moment i was open my door and he took a loot of stuff out of my house. :( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted July 1, 2013 Not 100%. Some days ago someone shoot me at the moment i was open my door and he took a loot of stuff out of my house. :(I just realised I posted "correct me if you're wrong", as opposed to "correct me if I'm wrong". Lol. Ahh, I see. I wasn't completely aware upon how it worked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death_Dealer 3155 Posted July 1, 2013 To build a house in Origins also takes a lot of time and especially resources. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) Ahh right... in realife no one is able to build little houses and save the doors with a lock. We all live under the free sky and have all our propertys on our body. The human nature dont tells us to settle down at one place. The human body is made for living in the wood and walk around.I was so wrong....Normally one would make a house livable and not build a competely new house ( shed/whatever ) from what was mentioned above it's a bandit magnet anyway. I would rather set up a temporary camp in a house then keep moving, of course they need to add an alternative to carrying around all your possessions ( it would be possible if every server had it's own hive instead of a public one, there won't be 1000 players visiting a server anyway so the memory usage should be acceptable ).You can cook food by using the drum fires in towns and military camps , and the fires at survivor camps .All you really need is a hunting knife , and something to dong those animals on the head with ( or run them over with jeeps , that tenderizes them nicely )Still , I think canned food should be far rarer ( never a loot drop from zeds ) , but much more effective , at least on par with rabbit meat .Well that that incident happened looooong before you were born and we were rookies at that time... ;)To build a house in Origins also takes a lot of time and especially resources.It should take a lot of time and a lot more ressources, from what i heard it's difficult but managable by one person ( ok, it's only a shed )...not that i could ever build a normal "house" all alone ( house meaning the smallest possible house you find in Chernarus that you can call a house and not a dog house. Edited July 1, 2013 by Enforcer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bogulez 11 Posted July 1, 2013 It isn't the 'zombie' infection, it's a wound or something else becoming infected. :facepalm:Do you think everyone would be zombies if the virus was cureable with a simple course of antibiotics?I think infection should be toned down just a notch, this is one unnaturally virulent bacteria.Blood sometimes making you sick is good. This is not refrigerated blood, it's found on the floor blood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ingruo 5 Posted July 1, 2013 Well with the expectations of what you just posted I have the perfect game for you, Call Of Duty. There is plenty of ammo never ending supply and lots of action, oh did I mention it also takes no skill and presents no challenge at all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nimz41 105 Posted July 1, 2013 This post is as useless as this 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klesh 2423 Posted July 1, 2013 (edited) 81% of the 72 people that voted think it is going in the right direction, including me.The game has changed, adapt your playstyle to it. Can't find amo for that M240 MG anymore? time to lose it. Get a Winchester, get something else. Most importantly, get the hell out of Cherno. Edited July 4, 2013 by klesh 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabre05 351 Posted July 4, 2013 I like how they made scavenging and surviving harder, but the infection rate is way too high. To the point where it brutally murders realism with an axe and, dare I say, ruins the immersion.The knockdown rate is also too high. We aren't near-weightless schoolchildren; a zombie hit shouldn't knock us flat on the ground over 60% of the time.Those are my only complaints. As a whole I'm pleased with how the mod is going so far.All of my beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites