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E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

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Machinima interview with Rocket and gameplay footage

VG247 Gameplay with Matt Lightfoot:


/R/Games Walk-through with Rocket

JasonMiddleEasy Interview with Rocket

/R/Games interview with Matt Lightfoot


Gamespot Gameplay Demo

MaximumPCMag Interview with Rocket

GameSpot DayZ Interview/Walkthrough

PCWorld Interview/Article with Rocket (includes screenshots)


Gamestar.de gameplay/walkthrough with Rocket (German/English)


Kotaku Q&A (Reddit Poll Questions)


IGN Article/Gameplay









Weapon Renders




On a release date and alpha keys:

It's not going to be next week (jet lag, etc...). But it's not going to be longer than two months. It will be somewhere in between.

Why not set a date? Because we don't need too, and we don't want to force something out with a glaring game breaking bug just because we set a date, when we didn't need to in the first place.

Furthermore, we have scrapped the keys-in-blocks idea and going for a full access alpha. This means we need to be damn sure our central server will hold whatever load might be thrown at it.

Also remember, I was on tv. I'm always the most conservative on tv be because you get cut up into sound bites and lose the context. When talking to fans etc... I can provide context and be more realistic.

http://www.reddit.co..._stream/caikwji Edited by SmashT
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very nice

I hope we can see more

and I really hope that dean will pop out a release date


I can dream

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I'm beginning to like the simplicity of the UI.

P.S: SmashT, I need you to PM me, it's your turn to pick a game in the giveaway but your inbox is full. :]

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More please.

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So unprofessional..

Yeah, it needs to be in a suit. You know what I mean?

Edited by Shrimpy223
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Added livesteam

Edited by SmashT
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Gosh I want to play this game so bad that I'm going to start a hunger strike until it's released.

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Added live gameplay!

WHERE WHERE? I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE DOUBLE POST, I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW. No just kidding, please sir can i haz moar?

EDIT: Now I see it, thanks baby.

Edited by Guisho

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Gosh I want to play this game so bad that I'm going to start a hunger strike until it's released.

eat up or you will die :emptycan:

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Mr T.


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Always on the ball. Much appreciated.

(I'll be back when you've transcribed the entirety of E3 and colour-coded the interesting bits)

Edited by Chabowski
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(I'll be back when you've transcribed the entirety of E3 and colour-coded the interesting bits)

Come back in fifteen minutes then!

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Nice, however I wouldn't mind sexing up the shouldered rifle. I hear you if you don't want the muzzle aiming downwards or have the rifle clipping through the backpack hanging diagonally across the back, but please lower it a bit(a lot), so the barrel and muzzle doesn't peak high above the players heal like an antenna.

Edited by Dallas
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can i get a useless comment on page one of the thread?

edit: yes i can. also very exciting stuff.

Edited by pbrunk

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Dean Hall is definitely a great role model that represents the game as a whole along with the community. He definitely has an eye for the future of the Standalone. The alpha definitely looks great! It could easily be mistaken as a full release with all the effort thrown in. So far; it's all good news coming from DayZ and I hope they have a successful launch. I'll be most likely getting it for PC.

Edit: I still notice the clothing still glitches out where it stands upright, will that be fixed?

I believe we need to keep putting out ideas and input to expand the game furthermore

Edited by TIC321

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The new crouch-running animations are looking rough, but I do like the new running animations.

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Im happy of what I see now at e3 it looks much better then the older build whats yall guys thoughts?

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Im happy of what I see now at e3 it looks much better then the older build whats yall guys thoughts?

Did they just show it at E3?

did i just miss it?


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lol, did anyone notice the broken door on the second story of that house?

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