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What you guys think about the new update?

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Overall, I like the new update. Yes, there are issues: the zombies are more erratic in close quarters and they can hit you instantly if you're not careful, the restrictions on where you can place a tent are a bit much (you can't place them under tree branches or even next to a building, it seems).

But, I have to laugh when people complain that the majority of deaths are due to zombies... really? In a zombie survival game? Shocking!! Seriously, that's as it should be. No longer can you be engaged in a fight among the zeds and expect to be able to focus solely on your enemy... if you have zeds around, you have to deal with them and if you try simply to get out of the way, you'll be knocked down. For all the "joy" of geared up squad firefights, that's not what this game is primarily about and, for a while, the mod seemed to lose sight of that. That's not to say you can't do that anymore, but it means it's more of a challenge to do it and survive. You can avoid the zombies, but you can no longer ignore the zombies. They are more of a threat now. I realize this translates into "greater annoyance" for many, but that's simply because it's not you that's actually in danger, it's your character.

For everyone complaining about "trains" of zombies for hundreds of meters, come on... either you're exaggerating or you simply don't know how to ditch a zombie. Yes, it's a bit harder to ditch the aggro, but if you're running for hundreds of meters with a train following you, you aren't using the terrain to your advantage... that isn't an issue with the mod, it's an issue with your ability to play the game.

Yes, loot is rarer, but it's not impossible to find. If you only look for beans and coke... well, I don't know what to tell you. I've seen plenty of water bottles... and, once you find a knife, matches and a hatchet, you can hunt. You know those four legged things walking around on the map? You can eat them.

Can't find a bloodbag? Meh... no sympathy here, I've rarely used them myself - relying primarily on the ever tougher cooked meat health mechanic.

And, antibiotics? Technically, they are more available because there's a chance they can spawn in residential buildings - and there are a ton of those on the map. If you want to know how to stave off bloodloss until you can find antibiotics, please refer to the mention of the four-legged things above. The blood regen of one piece of meat is enough to replenish blood lost from infection so long as you don't wait too long to eat.

In other words... adapt... that's what survival and this game is all about... adapting to your environment. If that's not for you, then... perhaps this game isn't for you. There's so much potential for interesting and exciting PvP when the zeds are a part of it... it's not just you and another player, your squad vs another squad; it's your squad, the other squad and the zeds - that's the way it should be. Man, if I were in a squad, I can already think how I would handle the new zeds in a firefight... get creative.

I can't imagine the amount of disappointment many are going to feel when the standalone comes out and gets developed. The complex survival mechanics that have been described are going to drive people bonkers, if they can't handle this. Imagine how "annoying" it's going to be when you have to crap during a firefight because you've got cholera.

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geez do we realy have so many noo3$%#$s in Dayz, I wanted to check is it really that hard to play dayz from freshpawn - I let my character die. Respawned near slonicny after ~ 20miniutes of playing I have lee enfield with 6 mags, 1911 with 5 mags, 4 cans of beans, 5 colas, binocular, matches, knife, hatchet.

I got knoked down 3 times, 2 times i needed to bandage myself. Hatchet I found in first 10 minutes. beans and drinks are in zeds almost all of them have something now

lee enfield I found in barn - actualy there was 2 of them with clips ......

I just cannot imagine how more easy you want DAYZ ?!

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I like the changes. Zombies are much more of a threat, mostly because of the rate of infection. I actually heard ppl over direct chat and saw players teaming up in elektro so they could survive...lol don't remember the last time I saw that happen. As an added bonus last night, my usual server hadn't been updated yet, and I stumbled across one that only spawned you with a bandage.....damn it brought back some great memories, and earned that server a spot on my favorites list. As far as all the other additons I haven't really seen them yet, I haven't stumbled across any of the viral infected, or the new camps that are around the map.

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Jesus this is so awsome...so much rage...DayZ mod needed a change this big to go somehwhere, its been two days and people want to go back? OH because the dayz of two weeks ago was a fresh experience.... <_<

The patch is trying to break months worth of lazy end game PvP habbits. Want to run past 20 zombies to quickly loot up an Enfield and Alice in Cherno? Well not anymore. People complaining about bloodbags being scare and they can't have gun fights...WTF is that...now more than ever people need to work together to survive, to loot, to heal, to spread out and survive...i can't wait to play in fact i just finished patching...

Give it a few weeks, loot piles up as players pay it forward, your precious PvP with ARs will endure in the end.

Its just too much, its not fun playing it anymore when there is almost no loot and zombies are now 90% case of death. Maybe its the way it is supposed to be, but you are making the funfactor go doooooooooown for alot of us players. We are not all expert survivors that enjoy running around in the woods looking for soda cans, hell, i just found my first one today, probably played 4 hours to get it. Whats the point?

I think Dead Rising is bringing out another game, or go buy the old ones, i heard of a game Left 4 Dead? Might be worth checking out? This is the game that caters to the people that enjoy looking in woods for soda, who enjoy the payoff that the one soda brings. Don't like it, leave. If it wasn't the way it was meant to be rocket would not have signed off on the patch. DayZ is going in this direction and was always meant to. This is how the very first moments of DayZ felt. A big scary world where people were afraid to fire a maky for fear of a single zombie being aggored.

Get out now save yourself the dissapointment.

Edited by Trizzo
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I actually thought Rocket made these patches. Well, what do I know...

But yeah, I guess there will be a global division between DayZ and other mods. I think DayZ is moving too far away, forcing the majority of players to no longer look at the other Mods as a supplement for DayZ now? I got 20-30 people here on my skype wanting to go back to asap.

I guess around half of the population on these forums enjoying their new single player PvE experience with the original DayZ?

The rest of us - the majority, if I may be so bold - will not waste our precious spare time on trash loot or enjoy hours of just getting rid of the zombies. We will still be playing or some other mod. You can modify and adjust the software, but not the human mind. But thank you for trying anyway, developers. I know you are listening to the community and what they think they want.

But you should probably concentrate on just fixing the bugs. Would be very appreciated. Thx.

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Just my two cents, i think they have ruined the zombies again! You run past them they will knock you over 50% of the time, it just makes the zombies more anoying than ever. And where is all the loot? All i have found is tin cans (seriously), not even a can of coke or a box of beans, no guns or anything other than flares, empty tin cans, shotgun ammo and such. Now the patch might just need some tweaking as its day one, but right now i am having a whole lot of "not fun time" playing it. Your opinion guys?

retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, retrying authentication, disconnect.

That sums up my 1.7.7 experience to date..

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News just in, Razor will be tweaking the "knockdown" mechanic.


Well, obviously he should make it so they knock you down even more. Maybe even make it so there's a chance your game will become minimized when hit. Because you know...that is manly and shit according to this forum.

Edited by SteveLord
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what makes you think people are noobs or whatever and loot is rare.

its like a benny hill show with zombie knockdowns on busy servers

for eg

was on a busy full 50 man server in electro yesterday , ran near hosptial and there were already about 40 zeds around because of others not my spooking them so i jogged by them and i got knocked down even though im like 15 ft away from nearest one :rolleyes: get back up knocked down again rinse and repeat three or four times. great fun that !

next busy servers yes and loot

becuase many want to play with people it is mp after all . then many places are quite barren of loot anyway so because of the decreae of loot there is litterally nothing now ! genius !

so you spawn you cant get anything because its so rare. so you can shoot defend yourself cause you spawn with nothing and there is nothing to pick up . so as said bad decision and nothig skill based .

on servers which arnt busy which are pointless playing if noone plays them (might aswell play single player ) then you will get odd bit of loot.

so the loot needs to be upped a little .

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Seems to have completely ruined our servers at least, looking for a way to downgrade as we speak.

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Well if you dont wanna play anymore please message me your cdkey so i can use it since battleye refuses to give me a new one saying i was a hacker when i was a admin for a private hive -.-

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I like it ... granted my entire time since release has been getting DayZ Control Center working with 1.7.7 ... but I like it. :)

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because starting a bullshit thread for your inane comments wasn't enough of a playspace for you

Edited by Trizzo

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Jesus this is so awsome...so much rage...DayZ mod needed a change this big to go somehwhere, its been two days and people want to go back? OH because the dayz of two weeks ago was a fresh experience.... <_<

The patch is trying to break months worth of lazy end game PvP habbits. Want to run past 20 zombies to quickly loot up an Enfield and Alice in Cherno? Well not anymore. People complaining about bloodbags being scare and they can't have gun fights...WTF is that...now more than ever people need to work together to survive, to loot, to heal, to spread out and survive...i can't wait to play in fact i just finished patching...

Give it a few weeks, loot piles up as players pay it forward, your precious PvP with ARs will endure in the end.

I think Dead Rising is bringing out another game, or go buy the old ones, i heard of a game Left 4 Dead? Might be worth checking out? This is the game that caters to the people that enjoy looking in woods for soda, who enjoy the payoff that the one soda brings. Don't like it, leave. If it wasn't the way it was meant to be rocket would not have signed off on the patch. DayZ is going in this direction and was always meant to. This is how the very first moments of DayZ felt. A big scary world where people were afraid to fire a maky for fear of a single zombie being aggored.

Get out now save yourself the dissapointment.

Wish I had the opportunity to give anti-beans.

A horrible horrible post. Why don't you f*ck off into the actual woods and go actual hunting in the real world? You have no right to tell people to go play other games.

THIS IS A GAME. PEOPLE PLAY IT FOR FUN. Some people have 3-4 hours a week maximum to play., I would imagine most of them are massive fans of this game and will be potential customers of the standalone, many of them who were enjoying the game are enjoying it less under this new patch. You really think that people with busy lives want to spend some of their downtime spending four hours looking for some beans? You really think people want to spend ALL their time in game just trying to avoid a zombie that is 100m away? Maybe YOU should go play Left4Dead seeing as you want to fight Zombies. That's monotony, I would imagine people have more than enough of that in real life that they don't want to replicate it in the game.

This is the game that caters to the people that enjoy looking in woods for soda, who enjoy the payoff that the one soda brings.

No one enjoys that, that's a glorified easter egg hunt on your computer.

I play the game because of the PvP interactions, both good and bad, the massive sandbox do anything, no rules, no objectives freedom that this game provides. Take that away and you have a glorified scavenger hunt and a rubbish version of Resident Evil. There has to be some balance between the survivalist element and the PvP. From the collection of largely fair comments that balance has shifted too far.

Everyone here is entitled to their opinions, they wouldn't post on here if they weren't fans of the game. If this patch is putting people off the game then that is serious feedback that needs looking at if they actually want to sell the standalone.

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Gosh! Im willing to finish my exams so I can play this new patch!! So much tears from codkiddies that is almost giving me an orgasm :D

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Wish I had the opportunity to give anti-beans. A horrible horrible post. Why don't you f*ck off into the actual woods and go actual hunting in the real world? You have no right to tell people to go play other games.

and other stuff

This game has a vision. This patch was cleared by the very person/devs who are are the curators of that vision, it is lining up with what they expect of the game. I'm not telling people not to play (if they don't like it there are other casual games) but the mod is finally getting closer to what was promised and the people who were waiting for that are satisfied and don't want to return to a genric ArmA PvP mod with faux zombies.

*This patch has increased the imprevitive for both player cooperation and PvP.

*It has increased the zombie threat INSANELY so

*Increased the bleak vision that was part of the mission statement.

*Has shaken the game up that had grown stale from old forumlas and boring tired loot runs rinse repeat.

I play the game because of the PvP interactions, both good and bad, the massive sandbox do anything, no rules, no objectives freedom that this game provides. Take that away and you have a glorified scavenger hunt and a rubbish version of Resident Evil.

This patch has in no way diminished this. It has increased the zombie threat so they actual ressemble threatening zombies (not merely a minor annoyance that gives away your postion) The massive sandbox do anything no rules game is that same as it always was. Way to miss the point and whip yourself up into an emotional frothing at the mouth frenzy. I forgive, nothing feels quite as righteous as (mistakely) defending "players rights man".

You think these zombies are hard? You see the jumping zombie+improved path finding that rocket and co are working on? If you can't stand the heat, save yourself some dissapointment, the game is going to get harder not easier.

-ps- i have 3-4 hours a week to play, sometimes not even, i want the authentic zombie surival sim that was promised, i want quality time

Edited by Trizzo
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Sounds like the good old days to me when finding the smallest things mattered, as a result of that you end up genuinely fearing for your life. So far I'm loving what I'm hearing, sounds like DayZ is gonna stop catering to the casual player and get back to it's roots.

>can't run without falling 70% of the time.

>tin cans and flares everywhere is the default loot of DayZ.

>no medical supplies in hospitals.

Seems worse than the old DayZ.




(I like that the threat of zombies are greater.)

Edited by DayzForumer
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>can't run without falling 70% of the time

>tin cans and flares everywhere is the default loot of DayZ

>no medical supplies in hospitals

Seems worse than the old DayZ.

let me fix that for you

>can't run sprint through the same old streets on the same old loot runs (that i have been practicing for months) without falling to the now improved and threatening zombies 70% of the time, WHY would anybody want to improve zombie AI in a zombie survival sim?

> the only loot i immediatly found was cans and flares (aka junk loot) in a failed state that was hit by a zombie uprising, can't figure out why this might be

>can't find medical supplies in what would be the most obvious and easy place to find medical supplies in a post crisis, crisis, maybe i should keep looking and not give up as that is the desperate nature of survival

this dayz patch is awsome, thanks razor and co

Edited by Trizzo

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This game has a vision. This patch was cleared by the very person/devs who are are the curators of that vision, it is lining up with what they expect of the game. I'm not telling people not to play (if they don't like it there are other casual games) but the mod is finally getting closer to what was promised and the people who were waiting for that are satisfied and don't want to return to a genric ArmA PvP mod with faux zombies.

As were all the previous patches, were they not? So your saying every single previous patch doesn't line up with the vision?

You in fact were telling people to go play other games, I don't need to re-quote you, your post stank of unfounded self righteousness.

You have a vision of how YOU want the game to be. Maybe this patch goes close to it but certainly don't pretend like you speak for the community. The standalone will be a game sold for profit, thus it will have to appeal to the whole community the mod has developed not just you or a minority. It's not like all the comments on this thread favour the new patch now is it?

*This patch has increased the imprevitive for both player cooperation and PvP.

No, it hasn't its encouraging far more selfish gameplay, less loot available and stronger lZombies means that the already geared will farm those who don't. Why bother risking yourself with the super zombies in Cherno, hide in the woods with your guns and tents, hunt animals and kill those new players that have struggled to pick up a few supplies and get out of Cherno, which will be easy because they won't have found a gun.

*It has increased the zombie threat INSANELY so

Which makes the game massively about the E and boring boring AI that are predictable and repetitive. It's a multiplayer game, that is it's appeal. Make the E too important and people will essentially be just playing a single player game fighting Zombie AI. There needs to be a balance, I agree the Zombie threat was not there in the previous patch but this patch has flipped it far too far on the otherside.

*Increased the bleak vision that was part of the mission statement.

What by making game play a chore? Is that in the mission statement. There is a massive difference between 'challenge' and 'chore'.

*Has shaken the game up that had grown stale from old forumlas and boring tired loot runs rinse repeat.

In your opinion. What about the many people that were enjoying the game before the patch, or do they not count because you are happy?

This patch has in no way diminished this. It has increased the zombie threat so they actual ressemble threatening zombies (not merely a minor annoyance that gives away your postion) The massive sandbox do anything no rules game is that same as it always was. Way to miss the point and whip yourself up into an emotional frothing at the mouth frenzy. I forgive, nothing feels quite as righteous as (mistakely) defending "players rights man".

Wow, the arrogance and the smugness you exude.

Balance, have some sense of perspective and understand that a lot of people enjoy the PvP element and less the looting/survival element. Just because you want to play one way doesn't mean others do. If people are visiting hospitals several times and finding trash do you really think they will persevere with the game?, People have already switched off, I've seen countless people who have already switched back to the previous patch. Your whole post is essentially about as considered as the 'man up' posts. I have nothing against the game being hard, but you do know some people found the game hard as it currently was? I admin on a server that encourages new players, there are guys on there who die countless times to zombies, I expect most of them will probably go play something else, which is a shame IMO. But apparently that's fine with you as that has been your message all along - Play my way or go somewhere else.

You think these zombies are hard? You see the jumping zombie+improved path finding that rocket and co are working on? If you can't stand the heat, save yourself some dissapointment, the game is going to get harder not easier.

I think these Zombies are stupid, not hard. They make no sense, nor does the new jumping Zombies unless all the Zombies were former WWF members? ]

They are sick and infected humans but they can knock someone out with one punch? In the standalone demo the guy talks about plausibility, yet these infected humans can leap about like monkeys, punch like Tyson and have cat like vision. Very plausible indeed.

Oh and If you think a game that is being sold for profit is only going to listen to a small minority of the community you are very naive

Edited by tajjuk
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Hello there

Relax, guys. No ranting at eachother, please. I feel the thread is going that way.

Don't forget we have a suggestions area if anyone feels they have a solution to an issue.

We do want constructive feedback but keep it clear and simple otherwise it just gets lost in "banter"



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Jesus this is so awsome...so much rage...DayZ mod needed a change this big to go somehwhere, its been two days and people want to go back? OH because the dayz of two weeks ago was a fresh experience.... <_<

The patch is trying to break months worth of lazy end game PvP habbits. Want to run past 20 zombies to quickly loot up an Enfield and Alice in Cherno? Well not anymore. People complaining about bloodbags being scare and they can't have gun fights...WTF is that...now more than ever people need to work together to survive, to loot, to heal, to spread out and survive...i can't wait to play in fact i just finished patching...

Give it a few weeks, loot piles up as players pay it forward, your precious PvP with ARs will endure in the end.

I think Dead Rising is bringing out another game, or go buy the old ones, i heard of a game Left 4 Dead? Might be worth checking out? This is the game that caters to the people that enjoy looking in woods for soda, who enjoy the payoff that the one soda brings. Don't like it, leave. If it wasn't the way it was meant to be rocket would not have signed off on the patch. DayZ is going in this direction and was always meant to. This is how the very first moments of DayZ felt. A big scary world where people were afraid to fire a maky for fear of a single zombie being aggored.

Get out now save yourself the dissapointment.

First off i think you have misunderstood the definition of rage...

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As were all the previous patches, were they not? So your saying every single previous patch doesn't line up with the vision?

Correct. That is the nature of patching. To constantly change things in increments. Just as the game is going to be released in Alpha and built upon. Pieces coming together, never full, work in progress. That is how DayZ will always be.

You in fact were telling people to go play other games, I don't need to re-quote you, your post stank of unfounded self righteousness.

Yes they can play other games if they don’t like this one. It’s simple. I don’t play WoW or tell them to nurf X mechanic so I can have a social dick around. It’s different from dictating that they do. Saying people have choice does not infringe on rights. You have choice. Pre patch. Pretty easy.

You have a vision of how YOU want the game to be. Maybe this patch goes close to it but certainly don't pretend like you speak for the community. The standalone will be a game sold for profit, thus it will have to appeal to the whole community the mod has developed not just you or a minority. It's not like all the comments on this thread favour the new patch now is it?

So this patch may be close to the vision but don’t defend that vision if the community disagrees?

Selling for profit and targeting the mass whims and demands of a wide community is how CoD goes, low brow gameplay and ease of access. One marketing approach. Niche products, with a targeted appeal and quality player experience derived from intense gameplay is how DayZ become successful. Return to those roots seems like a good idea.

No, it hasn't its encouraging far more selfish gameplay, less loot available and stronger lZombies means that the already geared will farm those who don't. Why bother risking yourself with the super zombies in Cherno, hide in the woods with your guns and tents, hunt animals and kill those new players that have struggled to pick up a few supplies and get out of Cherno, which will be easy because they won't have found a gun.

You’re making a judgement call on mass player behaviour, after you said I should not speak for the community, two days after a patch is released? Swallow some cement you’ll have some consistency in your body if not your arguments.

What by making game play a chore? Is that in the mission statement. There is a massive difference between 'challenge' and 'chore'.

Not mutually exclusive. Surviving isn’t fun, wasn’t meant to be. It’s the times in between the cans that makes DayZ.

In your opinion. What about the many people that were enjoying the game before the patch, or do they not count because you are happy?

No, they count and they can take action. They can pre patch, made new mods, make never servers, essentially same as it always ways. Razor and co are making DayZ Vanillia. Train tracks has come through your sandbox jump on board if you want to head to progressvile.

wall of text

Balance, have some sense of perspective and understand that a lot of people enjoy the PvP element and less the looting/survival element. Just because you want to play one way doesn't mean others do. If people are visiting hospitals several times and finding trash do you really think they will persevere with the game?, People have already switched off, I've seen countless people who have already switched back to the previous patch. Your whole post is essentially about as considered as the 'man up' posts. I have nothing against the game being hard, but you do know some people found the game hard as it currently was? I admin on a server that encourages new players, there are guys on there who die countless times to zombies, I expect most of them will probably go play something else, which is a shame IMO. But apparently that's fine with you as that has been your message all along - Play my way or go somewhere else.

Does this patch stop you teaming up? Help players? No! It’s harder and more rewarding. Feel free to switch back to the old patch! Keep playing the old one forever

Oh and If you think a game that is being sold for profit is only going to listen to a small minority of the community you are very naïve

Not navie. Not going to let DayZ sell out like most niche complex games sold out. I will be a vocal defender and not allow DayZ to freely go down the (refer spoiler bellow) causalisation route without noise. Certainlly not before it really begins.

Games That Got Fucked By Money/Mass Markets/Patch Moaners

Fallout ->Failout: New Vegas


Codename 47>Hitman Absolute Shit

Ghost Recon>Whatever bullshit thats coming out

Rainbow 6>Rainbow i stopped playing 10 years ago

Call of Duty/UO>CoD10:Cluster Fuck

If it doesn’t work so be it! (Feel free to have another crack)

Edited by Trizzo

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