SmashT 10907 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) Am I allowed to ask about the leaked streams? I don't think you have said anything officially? Well like what am I going to say? I don't think it's fair and one of the reasons we have been killing twitch channels that come up is because it's not fair to legitimate streamers who won't stream it because it's a pirate copy. The other thing is it doesn't really bother me in the long term because it's a multiplayer game so if you can't authenticate with the server because your account isn't authorised on steam then you aren't going to be able to play multiplayer. I think getting really upset and angry about it doesn't really achieve anything because the real focus of ours should be finishing what we are doing at the moment, but man that old gear screen in that build, I seriously talked with Matt about just letting a bunch of people stream so they could see it's not still that awful version being used. It's a really old build, over two months old from before I left for Everest. (some guy was exiting before when we were watching the stream and we saw the build number so know how old it is) Bikeman: There is some weird fascination with getting something early I guess, like they know it's not a game yet right? Rocket: Yeh and we don't want to release the alpha in a state where I wouldn't be happy to buy it, like I love Prison Architect but when it first came out, after about a day I did get a bit disappointed because there wasn't a lot to it yet. I think one of the things I am most excited about is the skeleton and new animations. Yeh, they look a lot better, the ideal situation would be if we could use something like Euphoria but you have to give them a cut of your game so it increases the price significantly and also there is integration time so it would probably take like a year to integrate properly. A lot of people want to know about the sandbox type stuff. Besides looting, hunting and shooting, what other plans do you have? Yeh so since I've been back, Ivan has been handling most of the crafting side of things and I've mainly been dealing with the architecture stuff so for example the other day all the Reddit and forum mods tested out the new radios that we have made, so there are two kinds of radios currently that are heavily inspired by SS13, one is what we are calling a transmitter which you can use to talk to other players and the other is a proper traditional radio that you can tune into internet frequencies with so you'll be able to talk to other players and listen to streaming radio. The transmitters currently have unlimited range but what we have our programmers working on now (after discussing in the testing) is having them limited by distance and doing some kind of degradation at the end of the range and we have a few other ideas for them that we are discussing. When you talk over them are they going to have neat helicopter/muffled voice masks? We don't have filter in yet but that is something we are looking at with the degradation. Do you want to remove side chat if the radios work? Yes, again heavily inspired by SS13 we want to have an out of character chat (global) but server admins will be able to dynamicly enable/disable that so server admins can say no out of chat and then there is no global or side chat, the only chat would be admin chat (like a private message) A lot of people tell me people are just going to use skype or teamspeak and I mean there is nothing we can do about that, we are just providing an option and I think people will use them as listening devices and all kinds of stuff. I've mainly been working on the health system to make sure the prototype is properly working for E3. The way we kind of developed it (and I think this is what a lot of people missed) is the engine was being redeveloped for an MMO. We could get into the whole argument about what is a new engine and what isn't a new engine but it's redesigned for an MMO and when you compare an FPS to an MMO it's like chalk and cheese. So while that was happening we prototyped a bunch of systems and now it's all about merging them together. Everyone always complains it's not using ArmA 3, can you do the same sort of things ArmA 3 does in the engine? It's an honest question and I can see why people ask it but I think those who have done their research know why we needed to go to an MMO. So in December we realised we needed to do this in order to deal with issues like hacking. I think people forget how much of an issue hacking was and still is, the only reason it didn't completely kill the mod was because of private hives. It was a bad situation so we needed to do it as an MMO and our lead programmer Andre (who is like the father of the whole Engine, he started it all) said he would really like to work on turning it into an MMO so we said sure do that and unfortunately that was a lot more work then we were anticipating and the fact that's it's done now is a miracle. Bikeman: Most games I hear in development take 3-4 years, I don't think people realise how much progress you guys have made in such a short time. Rocket: SmashT raised some really good points today that he had concerns about the quality of some of the transitional animations and the camera (clipping through buildings) and stuff like that, so we kind of take some steps back in some significant areas which is unfortunate and I think there are going to be some people who buy the alpha and then are going to be disappointed that some things are quite unpolished. I think that's legitimate and I think we are just going to have to accept that because it needs to get out and we aren't going to delay the alpha indefinitely until it reaches that point. We have reached the milestone we had to which was the server-client architecture and now it's really just making sure we have stuff in a state where people can do something with it. If we completed the large scale test last year then I don't think there would have been an issues releasing with virtually no content but now that it has been so long there is an expectation that a lot of stuff should be working. Bikeman: I'm personally happy you aren't using the ArmA 3 movement system, I really hate that you get winded and move slowly in that. Rocket: Instead of taking the movement from ArmA 3 we actually got the guy who did that in ArmA 3 and assigned him to DayZ for a few weeks, so we talked a lot about it and at the moment we have it so you need to hold down a button to hold up your gun. I'm really not 100% sure about it yet, another idea we have is to have the gun automatically lower after a certain amount of time so you can sort of toggle it, I don't know yet, we don't want people running around with their gun raised all the time but there is still a lot of stuff like that which will be shaken out in the first month of the alpha and now that steam has "early access" we can release on there and not get torn to pieces about it. Are you going to put syringes in game? Yeh, there is a massive list of items, it's huge. What's an example of crafting in the game right now? Improvised grenades. How deep are you going to go with the sandbox stuff, can I fill a syringe with poo, pooing is in right? It's not 100% confirmed. We can do it but again it's kind of like this new control system and the advantage of the alpha is we can just try anything. That was a suggestion on the forums actually and I laughed about it at first and then I read it but then I was talking to my brother who mentioned waste is one of the major vectors of disease in a disaster scenario. It sounds weird. So will there be a poop meter? This is the crazy thing and something I am working on now, you can see in the leaked gameplay videos there is a debug monitor we use but that will be gone, for the moment there will just be textual cues that you are hungry, sleepy, need to go to toilet etc with health effects if you ignore them. Are you looking at doing them with sound cues or animations? Exactly, that's later on but the guy who did the zombie sounds (Michael Manning) we want to use him again as we think he did a really good job and should have the first option. He's on holidays at the moment but will be back in a few days and will get him straight into it, we will probably fly him over as he is from the UK but the idea is to slowly move into the sound cues but we want to get the gameplay done first. Someone posted about the UI font on twitter and I raged a bit over people complaining about the font, it had been a long week and that isn't a priority at the moment. Bikeman: I think you should just not pay attention to that stuff, you can worry about fonts after you prevent the game from crashing etc. Rocket: Exactly. Actually that's one thing I can say is good, lack of crashes. The game is very stable, I'd like to say more stable then ArmA actually, mainly because the server does everything, when you want to eat a can of beans you will see text for a brief second saying recieving because the server is populating the UI. I'm getting super geeky here but anyone who is a script kiddy or anything like that should realise how important that is, it's not a silver bullet but it's a massive blow to the types of hacks that can be made. So we aren't going to see parachuting cows and those types of hacks in the standalone? The client can't control and tell the server what's happening? Yes that's right and also the client only sees information relevant to it, that helps not only with client bandwidth but also with hacking like seeing other players on the map and that kind of stuff. It's kind of interesting because the server performance has been improved drastically but now it's handling a lot more then it used to so I think the server specs will probably be about the same as they were. What about desync? Desync doesn't happen like it did before, you will still get latency issues but you won't get deysnc. Latency is more a sign of the network rather then a sign something is going wrong. Another issue that happened a lot was when we were going through the code and ripping the stuff out is we discovered all this stuff that was broken, stuff with VON and we discovered a lot of packets were being sent in the wrong order so you would receive a reload message from someone who has already disconnected and a lot of stuff like that, there was a lot. So what about rubberbanding? So rubberbanding is one of the methods used to stop characters warping and was brought in with one of the ArmA 2 patches and we have seen that during the testing, one of the issues is that optimisation is the kind of thing you do quite late in development, we have done some so far but what we found is it's alright if you are close to the server, which is pretty amazing because we are spawning over 2000 zombies and 100,000 items on the map and there is no way an ArmA server would even boot with that. We have found that people joining the server from Australia and places like that are having issues with performance. What kind of weapons are you planning? All items and weapons are being redone, everything. One of our external artists did a lot of work on Grand Theft Auto and was quite a score for us. I'll just open the spreadsheet, we have got bolt action rifles, semi-auto hunting rifles, military style rifles, ruger, remmington shotguns, mauser, mosin-nagant. There is quite a lot of bolt action rifles, there is quite a bit of a mix, there is a lot of stuff you would expect in a Eastearn European country but we have also added in some military weapons like the m4a1. We aren't aiming for realism, we are aiming for authenticity so we make a few concessions, you might find a few scopes that fit quite a few weapons instead of one specific weapon. How rare is loot going to be? I'm sick of everyone running around with an AS50. I really like the idea of a very difficult experience, a lot of people oversimplify this, I don't just like complex games I like deep games. You have probably seen the huge apartment buildings in screenshots, North of Cherno. These building are being redone from scratch and have every room in them opened up, the idea is this offers a massive looting potential, the idea is they have been gutted. They will have massive loot potential but very low percentages. What people will see at E3 is not the spawn ratios we want, everything has a default spawn ratio of 1 so everything can spawn and all items have the same space values (jeans, jackets all have 6 slots) but that will all be balanced and changed. Are you considering a stamina system, I hate to mention WarZ because the whole game is garbage but that is the worst having to wait for your stamina to build up, I think they were trying to make the maps feel larger. We have our burst sprinting which doesn't last very long but you can still run around and there is no attention of having stamina. I think a lot of games worry too much about realism and it takes away from the authenticity and I think stamina is one of those things. I think the way we will do it is looking at complex health effect, so if you run around and use a lot of energy you are going to get cold and malnutrition having medium term health problems rather then your stamina running out, so as long as your diet doesn't consist of energy bars and pepsi you are alright. What about art design, have you thought about adding overturned chairs, skeletons etc. I'm really reluctant to add things like that that after reading someone's post on the forums - this guy heard a dead body buzzing and saw a line of dead zombies leading all the way to the top and then looked over the edge and saw a dead body on the ground, this was someone's last stand and he described it as seeing something you aren't supposed too, nobody designed that, the person will never know he saw that. That is such a compelling experience compared to something else like Left for Dead where there is bus with lots of blood and zombies, that has no effect on you. I think context is incredibly important and so if we are going to add skeletal remains and stuff like that it should be based on the players stories. That's DayZ, when you look at the mod there really isn't any gore at all other then cartoon blood and yet a lot of people say it's scary, I think that's validation that horror is all about context. Do you remember in SS13 when I got the face hugger inside me? Bikeman: To clarify for everyone, we were playing SS13 and a face hugger like alien attached to Rocket and laid embryos inside him, Matt was a surgeon so they put him on the surgery table to cut him open and take the alien out. I was a chemist and I had polytrinic acid grenades walked over saw Rocket was infected so I threw my grenade in and missed everyone but melted all the medical equipment so Matt had to go and order new equipment. Rocket: People use the term emergent gameplay and I had a lot of discussions about that at GDC, I think it's different to that, I can't take credit for the experiences people have in DayZ because all we are doing is providing a platform and throwing stuff in and saying well something is going to to provide a compelling player experience, we don't know what it is though. For example books, why put full length books in the game? What's the point? We don't know we are just putting them in just incase, it adds a little bit a depth but who knows, maybe some will be incredibly rare. People fight over all kinds of things in the mod, imagine what they will do if we add a bunch of crap. Maybe we can sum it up like that, DayZ: It's got a bunch of crap. Bikeman: I was waiting for people to make a currency, like I've got 50 tin cans, can I buy your weapon? It never happened though and I was really sad. Everyone wants to know what are you doing about combat logging? So I talked with Jirka, one of our programmers about this the other day, so what we are going to do at the moment when a player disconnects their character gets deleted instantly, we are going to apply the WOW mechanism for a start and there is some really good stuff in some of the mods for detecting whether someone is in combat or not so we might end up tying it with that so there is a sort of cooldown penalty if you aren't in a safe place and it will be even longer if you just got out of combat but I have to stress, that is not in yet. Now we won't be demonstrating multiplayer at E3 because multiplayer is very difficult at conferences. People really want to know about construction, any update? Nothing. I need to be really brutal about this and need to remember to do this in all the interviews at E3 to manage peoples expectations. I'm being really brutal about two things. 1. The architecture - we want to get it right so are spending extra time designing stuff in such a way that it's extensible and we can do other stuff with it later at the expense of content now. 2. Quality - I just reamed our artists out before about our current character because there are a few issues with it. I basically said fix it or we are cancelling E3 - that's how bad we want to fix some of the stuff. I am really pleased we are able to maintain that and the only reason we can is because how well BIS did with ArmA II and the amount of anticipation for DatZ. For example, if we want a bottle of water we can pay three artists to create that and then only choose the best one. You just can't do that normally. So with the construction I'm not even letting anyone think about it until we have the alpha released, same with vehicles. We might leave the vehicles in just so people can drive around but they will be entirely ripped out at some point and replaced. Are vehicles going to be rare like in the beginning? Yeh, I don't want to piss anyone off by mentioning DatZ Origins but you have to admit the vehicle attachment system is really cool, I know how difficult it is to do stuff like that so full credit to all the different DayZ mods that have surfaced. Fortunately, we don't have to deal with any of that anymore because we are an MMO now so everything occurs on the server so I am really excited about the stuff we can do. Can you put the rumour to rest that the alpha is being released this month? There is no defined date, we are really pushing a milestone based release. We could pick a date but what if we aren't satisfied that people are getting their money worth on that date, then we have to let people down and delay. We have hit our blocking milestone which was the client-server architecture so technically we can do our release whenever we need to now. We would like to push it out as soon as we can but we don't have a date. Will you be able to shoot from inside cars. No, we looked at doing that, the technical basis for that is significant but again we are looking at removing the cars entirely and redoing them all from scratch so that is something that is definitely on the list for that. Will server hosting be available on day one? Yes. There will be some degree of customisation and settings but one of the unfortunate by-products of dealing with the hacking is we had to lock down a lot of that sort of stuff (modding) initially. Will there be helicopters? Again, all that stuff comes after. The first thing we want you to be able to do is run around, find a weapon, find some gear, craft some stuff etc. Basically the idea of the Dayzmod when I first had the idea, all the stuff I thought was important in a survival gear. From there we will follow the Minecraft approach and pump out weekly updates that add new weapons, LOS only radios, battery usage etc. I think that point is really important and I need to manage peoples expectations. Would you say the crafting is similar to Dont Starve, where you start with stuff but it's not useful until combined with other objects? We have built the architecture. The architecture is fantastic but because it's such a departure from anything we have had before in the Real Virtuallity engine we have a lot of ways to do stuff and so we have a lot of options on how we approach stuff and that's why it's important we don't do too much before the alpha because then we can say does this approach work for crafting, if it doesn't we can change it. Any wildlife besides zombies? Yep, we got an artist and animator to do a deer. Bikeman: Anything that is a threat to the player? We wanted to do that, again the main problem is animation and syncing the animation, again with a few million dollars and being prepared to give away a massive chunk of the royalties we could use the Euphoria engine but you would also be talking about another year or so after release. I would say it's highly unlikely based on the animation, having said that there are some animals we can do that don't require complex animation. We have looked at dogs a lot, it's a yes for the player but how the attacks are going to work is a difficult one and how the attacks are going to work in terms of looks and whether they achieve the quality we want. What about ragdolls? I originally had it as a must have, but MMO won. When I found out we could remake it as an MMO I was like ok screw ragdoll and I think anyone who appreciates the difference between an FPS engine and an MMO can understand that. What about clothing variation/colors. Yes, lots of variation in colors, t-shirts, hats etc. You can really customise your character. What about streamers and standalone access? I think we were a bit naive about how we handled that but I think we did a pretty good job overall. It was based on how many people were needed and we are giving them free copies of the full game we couldn't just give it to everyone. It wasn't really based on importance or anything like that but mainly based on necessity. When all the leaked streams were happening I said to Matt, the best way to deal with that would instead of reporting them all just let the testers stream, why would anyone watch the old leaked build when they could watch people playing the most recent build but we just aren't at that point. The chance of us breaking the build is so high right now as we are just building for E3 and use steam internally for distributing the build. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if people see the leaked footage and get turned off by it, people always keep telling me on Reddit the hype is over and I'm like well good, I don't get a dollar for every person that gets hyped up by DayZ. The hype income department don't turn up and pay me because I made a thousand people hyped up about it. The best thing for us is if we have a fairly soft release on steam, I don't think there will be any kind of announcement about it, it will just be there one day. I'm not a video game hippie but from a pragmatic standpoint, if we make a good game, we don't need to market the game, the game will market itself. Yes we take down all the streams and youtube videos showing leaked footage but it's a multiplayer game, we have less of an issue then say Prison Architect or KSP with piracy. How are you able to lose zombies now with them running indoors and better AI? It's line of sight, so I've been testing that a lot. So at the moment (again at a quite simple level) if you run out of line of sight for a period of time, the zombie will change into it's alert phase. So the zombies have three phases right now, loiter where it stumbled around, alerted which is where it's moving fast and then frenzy where it breaks into a sprint. It will sprint to your last known location and then it will search around for you, if it finds you it will continue sprinting. Even if it loses you completely it will retain some aggro so it will still move around in an alerted state but it won't sprint. How modified is the engine, how different is it to the RV3 engine? ArmA 3 is an FPS, DayZ is an MMO. They are complete different. The DayZ engine differs from the rest of the Real Virtuality engines in the fact that all the multiplayer activity is done server-side, that is not a minor thing, it's very significant. What about books/diaries? Yes to both, again we focused on the architecture, the architecture is in there to do all that, we can store a variable about any item, it's like SS13 if it were persistent. It just really means we need time after we have confirmed the base game to add in all sorts of crazy items. How was Everest? How long were you planning it for? Did you hear about the Sherpa fight drama? I made a big Tumblr post about it because I get asked all the time, it's hard to describe really. The company I went with was really good so oxygen really wasn't an issue, my main concern was about ten minutes before I got to the summit despite having electric and chemical boot warmers my right foot got really cold but it all ended up being fine. It had been a dream for about 15 years, I had been planning it for over a year and even got it written in my contract to take an unpaid sabbatical for it. I was at camp 2 when that fight happened and saw the crowd but ended up going back and reading a book, drinking mango juice. The mountain just attracts so much drama, I'd never go back if I didn't make it to the summit tbh, I was just done with it. Are we going to have to clean our gear/magazines and all that kind of cool stuff? I know I've mentioned Space Station 13 like a thousand times already but that and OpenTTD both added lots of cool stuff over time and that's what DayZ is going to be able to do. Things like going around and filling a syringe with poo and injecting it into someones blood stream - we can code that kind of stuff in. I've got a lot of ideas and I'm trying to use them as motivation to get the alpha out. We can start all the cool stuff after the alpha is out, there will be no really cool stuff when the alpha first comes out. Don't buy the game when it first comes out! What is the max player count per server? There is no limit really, well it's only limited by the server bandwidth and map size. I think Chernarus will start to struggle with more then 150 players but that's just me. If we put in underground structures later on we can expand that greatly. I think it's more going to be design limited but you are always going to get that one crazy server. We are aiming for 150 players though. I think latency will also become an issue but more then 150 players and Chernarus just gets too full, we did have a 150-250 mod server once - that didn't work out to well but things are a lot more optimized now. We are probably going to need to add more testers actually to find out. Are broken bones going to stick out of your character? No, well maybe, I don't know. A lot of the graphical kind of stuff, bleeding for example it will probably be in the alpha but not initially because we prototype a lot of stuff and then go back and do it properly. Are the zombies going to be a threat? Ok so zombies, there has been a lot of work done on them but there is a tremendous amount of work that still needs to be done on them. In terms of are zombies going to be a threat, I think there is a very complex range of factors that are going to decide that, the short answer is I don't know and the long answer is that now we have more factors to make the game more complex in terms of the experience and I think that will make not only zombies but the game itself more of a subtle challenge. For example looting is more difficult, now instead of walking up to a pile and pushing g and seeing everything, our inventory system populates the vicinity menu based on as a minimum of what you can actually see, that adds a whole element to looting that wasn't there before, then there is all the health aspect, what if you run around without shoes on, what if it's hot and you are wearing lots of clothes or cold and you aren't, what if you catch cholera. Can we hurt our feet on broken glass? That's a fantastic example of something that might take an afternoon and will appear in a weekly release, another example being wearing a bicycle helmet to prevent getting knocked out by zombies or a motorbike helmet to protect you from melee weapons. That's the kind of stuff that would appear in the weekly updates. I think the zombies are going to present more of a challenge because they are less munted, like the jumping attacks are really cool. I need to do a video of that actually - hopefully our animator is finished with that so I can make one. If I can sort of finish up by managing peoples expectations on what we are trying to do. 1. We're not going to meet everyones expectations with the alpha release, it's just not going to happen. 2: I Know that's going to affect sales and I know that's going to affect the hype but we are ok with that. If 200k people play DayZ and we get maybe 10-15k concurrent users, that's a good result and would be fantastic numbers for the first 2-3 months of the game. 3. We have this real insistence on quality, we aren't just throwing things in from DayZ or other mods but that doesn't mean that it looks quality, the animations initially might have problems but the individual components have a lot of quality. I hope that makes sense. Bikeman: Be real with your expectations people, we've seen the Dayz forums and Reddit, insanity. Rocket: Yeh, I think we have a really active community which is the reason DayZ was successful. It doesn't mean they aren't a bit rabid sometimes. Bikeman: There are a lot of really cool people on the DayZ Reddit but then there are the insane people and we all know the insane people. Rocket: Also the Dayz forums, I don't post much on the Dayz forums but I read it a lot, I've spent a lot of time on it because there have been some really good suggestions about things like the medical system. The next six months are going to be awesome, I'm really excited about it, it's going to be good to finally get it out there and start doing weekly updates, you boot up steam and find an update. We just need to stay the course and if everyone keeps the end state in mind, where you log in and find an update each week where we have added stuff, that's where we want to be. Edited August 9, 2013 by SmashT 35 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xenomta 128 Posted June 4, 2013 thanks, watching now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Florx 1326 Posted June 4, 2013 Dean: You know me i'm a total d%ck, a$sh&%e when it comes to gaming.LOL 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted June 4, 2013 Confirmed gunsrugermosin nagent mauserremington shotgunm4a1 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wep0n 532 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) this is so fun. i hope someone is recording this/uploading it once its done, i want to listen trough it again...his comments on gaming hit me every time... i am going to write a compendium of rocket quotes one day... absolutely hilarious and totally true at the same time...even though he is not trying to hype up the game at all, he is comstantly pointing out bugs, he still manages to raise my hype enormously.Thanks Smash for your wonderful efforts in keeping us guys up to date and morals high! Edited June 4, 2013 by Wep0n 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hosty 647 Posted June 4, 2013 Confirmed: Matt downloading Dolphin PornEhehehehe 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 271 Posted June 4, 2013 Cool, I'll watch it now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) can someone make him aware of this thread? or can someone ask some questions from there? thanks[DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&Aedit: i don't have a facebook-account and am not interested to make one. Edited June 4, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steppwolf 97 Posted June 4, 2013 If you want a short summary what have been talked about: nice dude is updating it all the time.Check it ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 4, 2013 dean on livestream:-talking squirrels with rabies confirmed-hello kitty contracts to use ingame hello kitty backpack for $ 1,99-- confirmed 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wep0n 532 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) talking squirrels confirmed!he also mentioned rocket station, and it really should start running again, i am happy he pointed that out...EDIT: AH DANGIT JOE; WHY ARE YOU SO QUICK Edited June 4, 2013 by Wep0n Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beastoverlord 574 Posted June 4, 2013 Hello Kitty backpacks confirmed! Or 'Goodbye Pussy' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 4, 2013 Talking about radios right now.The transmitter (radio) : unlimited range atm, limited by distance in the future, with degradation.Streaming radios."Out of character/Global chat" dynamically enabled/disabled by admins.The engineThe engine was being redeveloped as a MMO.They've hit the milestone they were aiming at (client/server architecture), now making sure they have enough content for alpha.ContentExample of crafting: improvised grenades.Poop isn't 100% confirmed.Engine/ServerEverything is computed server-side.Server performance's been improved drastically, but the amount of zombies has been increased as well.Desync doesn't happen the same way it did before, meaning latency over traditional desync."Rubber banding" will happen? (not sure about this)2000 zombies, 100,000 objects spawned on a server.The nearer you are to the server, the lesser latency you'll experience.Content againAll items and weapons are being redone.A guy from the team worked on GTA.Bolt action rifles, semi auto, hunting rifles, Remington shotguns (didn't catch everything).On the subject of weapon rarity, to quote BikeMan "less is more":Dean really likes this idea of a really difficult experience.Appartment buildings offer massive looting potential, but already gutted, low spawn ratio.[*]Burst sprinting, but you can still run around, no intention to add a stamina system.[*]Dean doesn't care that much about realism, when it goes in the way of authenticity.[*]Really reluctant to add static dead people assets, prefers players to build their own universe.[*]"Horror is context"About combat logging issueThe character will be left on (as in WoW) on disconnection.Cooldown penalty if you don't disconnect on a safe place.Not in there yet though.Camp constructionNothing new :)Dean wants to emphasize the fact that they want to design the architecture in a way that is expansible at the expense of content.VehiclesVehicles (as they are today) might be left for a time, but they'll be taken away for a better system in the long run (not sure about that either).On the subject of release date and "June release"No defined date for public release. Milestone based release rather than a date release. Client/server architecture milestone passed.Release as a paid alpha, to limit the amount of people that are testing it.Vehicles againYou won't be able to shoot in moving cars.Looking at removing the cars entirely, redoing them all from scratch (as said before).No nameplates with player name.Server hostingServer hosting on day oneSome level of customization.Content again"All that stuff comes later." Only basics at first, vehicles, camps etc. coming later.Battery usage for radio?The architecture is FANTASTIC, dream come true for rocket in term of possibilities in VR engine.An animator is working on a deer.Animals are a very difficult thing to achieve (animations are a problem).Ragdoll, not sure if yes or no :(Rocket's psychological warfare (not to be taken too seriously)Step one: kill the hype.Step two: soft release on Steam, no announcement.Step three: ?Step four: profit!2,000 people watching the stream, went up from 800.Zombie AIIf you run out of sight for a tick, the zombie will go into "alert" state.Three states: "loiter", "alerted", "frenzy".Will sprint to your last known location then look for you.Will remain in alert state but won't sprint anymore.Everest tripBig tumblr post about it if you're really interested.Dreamed about it for ~15 years.Sabbatical was written on his contract.Content"Poo syringing" can be coded in. Everyone can breathe now.MiscellaneousRocket wants to make a 32-player CK2 game.Stream audio was cut here for ~10s, talking about alpha testing./u/l3eniy: "he said he is aiming to do 150 player servers"[*]Rocket wants a twitch hoodie at E3.[*]Rocket jelly because he was not invited to the sony party with a shiny golden PS1 like Notch was.[*]Rocket mentionned this thread :D[*]Squirrels with rabbis (maybe).[*]Rocket wants Hello Kitty backpacks in DayZ, really interested in brands in game.ZombiesA lot of work done, still a tremendous amount of work to be done.Now they have more factors to make the game complex in term of experience, will add more of a subtle challenge.The jumping attack is damn cool, Matt approves.Three thingsNot going to achieve everyone's expectations at release.Knows it's gonna affect sales and the sale, but okay with that.Quality first. Individual components will have lots of quality, even if they're broken at first. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) i hope i can lure him into my trap...Dr Rocket! please be aware of the questions, declared by the rabble: Edited June 4, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elf cakes 559 Posted June 4, 2013 good lord the guy interviewing rocket sounds like a grade A tit. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted June 4, 2013 Poo syringePoo syringe indeed, nice work SmashT :beans: :beans: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law1977 17 Posted June 4, 2013 Intesting detailed interview, got a few good points out of it and looking forward to getting my hands on crafting. Soon my friends this game will be in our hands and I hope to be in te first batch to say I was there from the start of stand alone.On another note smasht = legend, it doesn't get said enough but typing these interviews out makes life so much easier, you sir will always have my beans. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Argamore (DayZ) 110 Posted June 4, 2013 Knocking people out and infesting feces into them...I WANT TO PLAY A GAME... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 4, 2013 the first ingame journal i am going to keep will be a daily updated stool-chart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted June 4, 2013 DayZ: It's got a bunch of crap :beans: 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leviski 2152 Posted June 4, 2013 (edited) I TOLD YOU ROCKET WATCHES US BUT DOESN'T SAY ANYTHINGHE IS CREEPY LIKE THATanyways thanks for recognizing us Rocket :)I really see people taking dumps on other people after killing them and posting the results on youtube...lolor taking dumps all over elektro so from the air it looks like a penis Edited June 4, 2013 by leviski 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted June 5, 2013 Confirmed gunsrugermosin nagentmauserremington shotgunm4a1and ak-47 as seen in pictures and vids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted June 5, 2013 I really see people taking dumps on other people after killing them and posting the results on youtube...lolor taking dumps all over elektro so from the air it looks like a penis The whole poo thing is going to be eitherA. Totally fucked up and everywhere will be covered in shitorB. Totally fucked up and everywhere will be covered in shit Hopefully it implemented so people cannot pump logs out like a sausage factory. And hopefully said logs will degrade into the enviroment rather quickly otherwise running anywhere near Cherno will be like running into a swampy thick marshlands. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dajeroen 11 Posted June 5, 2013 Thanks for the text version :). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites