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No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

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If you want to debate his syntax, I could easily point out that he literally said the interface won't make itself prettier. That isn't what he meant.

Rocket has made it very clear on here, and in his posts on Reddit, that the GUI will not drastically improve. He did not say it will improve in time, he clearly went on to defend why the interface does not need to be pretty.

But the community will if rocket comes through on skinning the UI.

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Well, it's obviously not clear when so many people seem to disagree with you, no? Are you the only enlightened one of the bunch? Are you the messiah?

So many people? You're posting under an alias account.

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So Gummy does not like the ui. Does not seem to understand Deal Hall's game, and also does not understand the use of the word shill.

That is all i am getting out this so far.

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So many people? You're posting under an alias account.

Yes, everyone posting here is actually Dean Hall under the shroud of many alias accounts.

So, if nobody's opinion matters here, according to you, because we're all under alias accounts - why post YOUR opinion at all?

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Calm down SausagekingofMattlightfoot

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Yes, everyone posting here is actually Dean Hall under the shroud of many alias accounts.

So, if nobody's opinion matters here, according to you, because we're all under alias accounts - why post YOUR opinion at all?

I didn't say either of those two things.

Edited by gummy52

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I didn't say either of those two things.

Yeah, well, people usually don't say sarcastic things seriously anyways. Oh well, have fun trolling.

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Pull up a couch Gummy..tell us what you need.

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Just to get something straight, we're talking about an PC game inventory interface right. While I'm sure Steve Jobs's ghost is rolling over in his grave, who really gives a fuck?

Edited by Dallas
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poor troll is on the back foot now.


Edited by TurkishMonkey

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Just to get something straight, we're talking about an PC game inventory interface right. While I'm sure Steve Jobs's ghost is rolling over in his grave, who really gives a fuck?

Nothing to be alarmed about, just a common troll stirring things up.

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The only real problem I have with it is the font, I'm thinking something with flames and blood:


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Steve Jobs came back as a ghost. And he stayed in his grave?

I thought he was supposed to be smart?

STEVE! YOU CAN DO GHOST STUFF NOW! You can't work a touch-screen though, because your ethereal form would just go through it.

EDIT: Bet you wish you went for voice-activation instead now.

Edited by Chabowski
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I'm Dean too and I approve this UI.

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I love you, Rocket.

(no homo)

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Gummy, can you post the picture one more fucking time? for fuck sake.

WIP mean anything to you?

Then people wonder why Dean is reluctant to post any WIP pictures




Really? are you THAT lonely or something? Do you feel better about yourself because your sticking your neck out of the crowd and saying something is bad when most people are positive and excited?

Don't forget for a second the humble beginnings of this game and where it is now. One of the most anticipated games of E3, and there you are....complaining about how something looks DURING ALPHA!

Nice one man,people that think that small never really amount to anything, usually have pretty lonely and miserable lives.

I genuinely hope Dean stone walls any further dev info from this point on. You know why? Just to make you neckbeared nerds rage until you all lose your minds and hopefully go and play something that strokes your ego.

fucking peasants.

Anyone that complains about something so insignificant has my blessing to go fuck themselves.

I've come to the conclusion that TurkishMonkey does't like gummy"Bears"...

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I've come to the conclusion that TurkishMonkey does't like gummy"Bears" peasant trolls ...

fixed for you :lol:

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I'm the only one who rages when sees leaked Standalone info/gameplay? I feel like they destroy the hype of seeing with my own eyes how the game was developed and improved... maybe I'm just bitchin' about it, who knows.

PS: Sorry for not giving a F*** about the UI, it's too mainstream to discuss about it.

Edited by Guisho

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I just don't understand all those who complain about the UI... like REALLY guys... can't you understand that it is just a temporary placeholder!?

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can't you understand that it is just a temporary placeholder!?

That's a misrepresentation. Apparently it's more than a temporary place holder. Granted, Rocket said things such as the pure Red/Green buttons will change, but others, such as the font, won't. However, he has defended the way it looks here and on reddit/twitter as well.

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