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Cap'n (DayZ)

Where is our community headed?

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Hello everyone, as you should all know, the standalone is being released very soon. These last few weeks of ardent and persistent waiting(and somewhat limited patience) have given me time to look back on where we have gone as a community. We all have one thing alike. We take out time of our lives that could have been spent being productive or having quality time with friends and family to play, in my opinion, THE BEST FUCKING THING EVER! That aside, we've changed as a community. We started out as a bunch of hipsters thinking we're the shiznit because we play the most hardcore game ever, to a bunch of passive aggressive pessimists that can't help but make fun of the things they love and hate about this game. And with the standalone coming on the horizon, what direction might we take as a community. Might we change for the better or the worst? Or should we, God forbid, stay as we are now? Give me your thoughts, please. Oh, and beans. I like beans.

Edited by Cap'n
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Just like every other community.

Edited by GOD™
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I think God puked that up..big bang leftovers.

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Lets see, where to begin? I guess I'll start by listing some things then going into further detail. Let me go ahead and state in advance that I am not 'bashing' on the community or anything of the sort, but rather stating my honest opinion, which we all have our right to. Anyways...

One thing I notice within the community, specifically the forums, are a lot of idiots. People going around having nothing but stupid remarks to say about others, acting like they are better than them for whatever the reason may be.

Another thing that I have noticed within the community is a lot of bitching and moaning about the whole banditry concept, which is part of the game. I've noticed that people will sit there and complain about how bandits kill on sight, then turn around and shoot the first bandit they see in game. Makes sense, right? Oh let me go ahead and complain on the forums all day because I am constantly getting shot on sight by bandits, then get in game shortly after and do the same to them (/sarcasm).

Combat logging is still a pretty big problem within the community as well. I cannot tell you how many times I've nearly killed someone with an M107, AS50, etc. only to have them 'disappear' right before they die. Even people with the worst of gear can be seen combat logging from time to time.

Killing new spawns and un-armed players is another problem as well. I've seen countless people shooting un-armed players, hell, I've even been shot a few times after just spawning or doing nothing but running around un-armed.

That's just to name a few off the top of my head, won't get too far into it as my point as been made. Let me also go ahead and say that I am not complaining because I'm 'bad' or whatever else someone may feel the need to say, I am merely expressing my opinion.

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Lets see, where to begin? I guess I'll start by listing some things then going into further detail. Let me go ahead and state in advance that I am not 'bashing' on the community or anything of the sort, but rather stating my honest opinion, which we all have our right to. Anyways...

One thing I notice within the community, specifically the forums, are a lot of idiots. People going around having nothing but stupid remarks to say about others, acting like they are better than them for whatever the reason may be.

Another thing that I have noticed within the community is a lot of bitching and moaning about the whole banditry concept, which is part of the game. I've noticed that people will sit there and complain about how bandits kill on sight, then turn around and shoot the first bandit they see in game. Makes sense, right? Oh let me go ahead and complain on the forums all day because I am constantly getting shot on sight by bandits, then get in game shortly after and do the same to them (/sarcasm).

Combat logging is still a pretty big problem within the community as well. I cannot tell you how many times I've nearly killed someone with an M107, AS50, etc. only to have them 'disappear' right before they die. Even people with the worst of gear can be seen combat logging from time to time.

Killing new spawns and un-armed players is another problem as well. I've seen countless people shooting un-armed players, hell, I've even been shot a few times after just spawning or doing nothing but running around un-armed.

That's just to name a few off the top of my head, won't get too far into it as my point as been made. Let me also go ahead and say that I am not complaining because I'm 'bad' or whatever else someone may feel the need to say, I am merely expressing my opinion.

Very good points indeed. I'm not too fond of the types who act like they're smarter than everyone else here(I could name a few). I don't like talking down to others and starting arguments because I'd rather have people like me than make an enemy. So, I avoid starting a violent argument. I recommend others do the same, because it makes you look less like an asshole.

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One thing I notice within the community, specifically the forums, are a lot of idiots.


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One thing I notice within the community, specifically the forums, are a lot of idiots.

Indeed. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupidity.

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When you hit rock bottom things can only go up


Living the dream... (He's got popcorn chicken)
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Nowhere, we will repeat the cycle.

The forums will be like it was back in late July where a lot of people were new and the forums will be rife with activity asking for help, reporting bugs, people raging due to dying to bugs, you name it.

Well this is what I hope happens any ways.

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I fear the drop off of the community after the StandAlone comes

Hopefully these forums will be made the Official DayZ forums

and not some reddit bullshit

We are DayZ

we are the community

We play the game the most

not reddit

not any of those other BS forums US

we are number 1

I hope the community stays strong.

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Indeed. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupidity.

True, no matter where you go there will always be idiots. Every community and every forum will have those kind of people.

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When you hit rock bottom things can only go up


That trailer would never make it into a steep driveway.

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We are definitely experiencing a lull atm but i am sure it will perk up once the SA is released and we all start discussing that instead of a mod which hasn't really changed too much in the year since it was released.

I am a firm believer in having a bit of fun and a laugh on the forums and i wouldn't be here if it got too serious or negative. In general i think this community is a great and varied one and apart from the odd troll or shit-stirrer we are all here for the same reason.

To kill each other on sight.....i mean help each other in the apocalypse.

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I had something in mind to post here but work has gotten crazy


Edited by Creep-

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If this turns into the official dayZ forums, then like June/july, if not, then well...

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I had something in mind to post here but work has gotten crazy



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Short listed for possible thread of the day.

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If this turns into the official dayZ forums, then like June/july, if not, then well...

I really do hope this gets turned into the official forums, or that a new one is made on the standalone site and the moderators migrate over(maybe a merging of some sort) The truly active part of the community here is great aside from a small amount of people.

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I just hope there is a massive reduction in server advertising posts. Seriously, one day, the new content bar was just server advertising.

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The "community" has settled down into a solid ,friendly and helpful bunch of lost souls.

True it is that things are calm, never the less we have about 90 new members per day.

90 new Topics...

1100 posts...

On average over the last month!

The most visited Forum sections are as follows...

DayZ General Discussion.

Private Hive.


General Discussion is way in front.

Do not forget that this "community" is built around a simple modification of a game released in 2009 and there are rarely fewer than 500 people viewing at any given time, this is more than most "real" game Forums and that after a little more than a year!


Even more impressive is the fact that whole gamming communitys have been built around this "simple modification", more than I have ever seen before,perhaps Counter Strike, Red Orchestra, DoD and a few others but the truth is that most simple modifications" have a short life of just a few months and thats it, never hear of them again.

At the height of the of the frenzy that is DayZ there were 3/4/*5000 people on-line, 24/7, with 25% being members and most of them posting all at the same time, impossible to control.

Conclusion : the community is doing very well, the open spirit and freedom to disscus nearly anything from BIG BODY BUILDING to LEGO BRICKS is exceptional, few are the Gaming Forums where Politics, Religon, Gay marriage and.........

Carry on, it's gonna get better,,,,soon !

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The great thing about DayZ is it feels like everyone is equal. Majority of developers really pay no mind to the people, they call the shots, and the community continues to go through negative experiences. With Rocket and the team, it feels like they are just like one of us. They love games and they love DayZ, they have a vision and want the game to be great, not just do whatever makes them money. They are willing to listen, and I think everyone feels like they have had some input on the mod at some point.

The mod, for me, is essentially done. Add whatever you want to add to it, it's difficult to overcome the limits of it being a mod of a game. People will still treat it as large deathmatch. But thats where the servers and the admins of those servers come in. They have added so many different, unique, and fun things to their servers, and have built a community within a community.

The community will remain strong and generally positive IMO. It won't be too long before we are all back here, talking like it was our first day playing the mod again! :D

Edited by RJTurneR
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