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DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

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How can you guys not discuss what Ivan says right before he gets jumped?!?!? I want more info on that statement! "and i hope to see you on the new version of Chernarus later this week...".

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How can you guys not discuss what Ivan says right before he gets jumped?!?!? I want more info on that statement! "and i hope to see you on the new version of Chernarus later this week...".

I don't hear "later this week." Can't tell what he says.

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The zombie made me shit myself DX

What zombie? Why it feels that I have missed something...

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What zombie? Why it feels that I have missed something...

Watch the last 10 seconds of the video (Watch the whole thing if you haven't seen it yet!) :)

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Yup what SmashT said

You should supplement your diet with the spice turmeric, it is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory available, and it is a product of nature.

It's also highly antibacterial, antiviral, and is preventative against dementia and also cancer as well as a ton of other medical conditions.

All backed up by science and peer reviewed studies too.

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^health-bot? Where's the link?

Turmeric Health Benefits

MSI Funded Paper:

Potential Health Benefits of Turmeric

So far, in clinical trials it has been shown to be as effective as 14 pharmaceutical drugs related to cancer, strokes, neurological disorders, basically anything that is related to inflammation, or viral and bacterial infections. It has been objectively shown that it makes cells resistant to disease.

A kilo of Turmeric costs about £4...Big pharma is worth billions. The only reason this information is now filtering down to the public is because big pharma have managed to make a 'drug' from the compound in turmeric (curcumin) that they are able to patent. How much do you reckon their drug is going to cost?

Big pharma has been trying (and failed) to get turmeric reclassified as a controlled substance for the last 30 years. They have known about what a powerful 'medicine' it is for at least that long. Indian medicine has known about it and sworn by it for about 4000 years.

I used to have chronic health issues and tried everything. Nothing worked until I tried turmeric and I haven't been sick once in nearly 3 years. No colds, no flus, sore throats, chest infections, stomach bugs....Both my sister and my brother in law are doctors and they both acknowledge it's health benefits as it is now being clinically trialled in hospitals here in the UK for cancer, strokes and neurological conditions. It's also widely publicised, just use google.

Edited by soapmak3r
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He said couple days ago tht he might be back in late May rather than early June so it's hard to tell.

According to schedule, they will attempt to reach the summit tomorrow or the day after that. + another 5 to 10 days for him to get back, It's probably going to be first week of june for him to return to work. As far as his comments go, it looks as if the server-client-architecture is "stable enough", so let's all be optimistic and hope for a june-release :-)

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...is there a platform (thread) here in the official forum to place questions which will be answered. would be nice to see you guys answer maybe some in the next blog.

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:o Why Isn't there an update?

Rhinocrunch was right, standalone is a scam!

Devs haven't been doing anything at all and nothing is new, so we should just play arma 3 dayz {where nothing is new except the bugs}

Said: No person capable of using the adaptive concepts of logical reasoning and google search. :beans: :thumbsup:

Edited by Nihilum
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There is no way in hell we are going to get a June release. Were in the end of May and all we have gotten is non-informative videos and laughable pictures. Let me just say this, the game better be 100% when they do decide a release or there going to have A LOT of angry customers.

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No, there wont. There will be a lot of very satisfied customers, and the odd whining child. Its been like, less than a year since the standalone got announced and people are getting impatient lol! How quickly do people expect this thing to be turned around???

Screw it. Lets hope they just re-release the mod. Throw in some dogs and a new type of helicopter with rocket launchers and get it out in the next week. Thats DEFINITELY whats important...not the fact they're on the verge of (as long as they dont mess it up by rushing it) creating the greatest piece of computer entertainment ever concieved

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There is no way in hell we are going to get a June release. Were in the end of May and all we have gotten is non-informative videos and laughable pictures. Let me just say this, the game better be 100% when they do decide a release or there going to have A LOT of angry customers.

It'll be 100% ready alpha (as fuck) game. So people shouldn't buy it if they can't stand alpha stage.

/Ok people can use the alpha to pre-order to get it cheaper.

Edited by St. Jimmy
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There is no way in hell we are going to get a June release. Were in the end of May and all we have gotten is non-informative videos and laughable pictures. Let me just say this, the game better be 100% when they do decide a release or there going to have A LOT of angry customers.

Like they said. their focus is on development, not on documenting what they do to the public. Several things are completed, but not yet included in the main build. SA will contain "NO CONTENT" when it is released. It is all about the Client-Server architecture, the new character system and the new spawning system. everything else will come later.

This is going to be an ALPHA RELEASE. everyone angry about it not filling his expectations is angry about himself and the devs could have done nothing to prevent that. Not reading what the developers promised and being pissed afterwards, that it's different from what they imagined, cannot possibly be blamed on the devs.

So Again: Standalone, when it is released, will be a "working alpha". you will be able to connect. you will be able to run around and you will be able to pick up stuff. Everything else is a bonus.

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There is no way in hell we are going to get a June release. Were in the end of May and all we have gotten is non-informative videos and laughable pictures. Let me just say this, the game better be 100% when they do decide a release or there going to have A LOT of angry customers.

I bet Coolright has a face that can stop a truck.

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Angry customers will be the uninformed ones.

So Again: Standalone, when it is released, will be a "working alpha". you will be able to connect. you will be able to run around and you will be able to pick up stuff. Everything else is a bonus.

That's what you need to know.

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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.


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Longer they spend the better but that’s a bit selfish conisidering I will not be able to play it till Nov or Dec this year..

So as long as we get some info along the way I’m happy. I expect the whole development to go into over drive when Dean returns from his holiday. Set targets will have been made and probably most of these have been achieved or even bettered.

How do we not know that the wee jolly to see the area in real life was not a well done to the team for getting to a said point? It’s the calm before the storm as when Dean gets back its going to run for a few months in my opinion before release in any from and we have to expect this and accept this for the good of the Game!

Edited by sav112

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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.

Gummy pls anyone can flag a comment as a spam with 2 clicks. Ok you got me trolled...

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When the SA comes out, Yes there will not be much in it, Not a lot of weapons, Not any vehicles, Progress over a long time before it resembles anything like the Mod features.

But there will be a lot more happy customers than the naysayers and "shoulda released it sooner" crowd.

Get a life and realise there is more to life than negative replies. You could at least appreciate the hard work being done and the updates and information being given and shared, especially when they (the devs and co) don't have to do a damned thing.

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I love how Bohemia Interactive is not above silencing unfavorable opinions.


Journalism at it's finest. Next week we delve into the secret world the "Lizardmen" and learn how they plan to take over the world by wearing rubber face-masks and entrenching themselves within governments the world over. Stay tuned for more exclusives.

Edited by Fraggle
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