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any possibilty to safely hide / save your gear ?

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i haven't played for months and i'm not yet up to date regarding the SA. Please allow me one single question:

Is there today, or planned for the SA, the possibilty to safely hide your gear in any way ?

(Something like digging a hole in the ground to store your stuff, and only you have access to it.)

I really love this mod, but nothing what you did was lasting /missing endgame, that really stopped me playing. And regarding the loot/gear, we all know that there's no map big enough,

that your tent can't be found.

thanks guys,

best regards,


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There was talk of instanced underground bases...

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Something about using a fireplace removing the wood and using FP to sink tents in concrete?... Pure myth or does it work... You be the judge....

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Try logging out with it. Safest it'll ever get.

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I thought an addition to the mod could be drop backpack->save backpack but as the mod stands there is no 100% place to hide gear unless you find a good spot not very visible from the air, not visible from the ground, easy to get too but not a lot of traffic that might go that way.

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Thanks four your comments. Would be great to have anything to hide the hardly collected equipment. After some months playing, when your millionth tent is robbed again, what do you do then ? PvP seems all you can do...

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If you download the Dayz Origin mod you can actually build a house, where you can put a lockbox on with a personal 4 digit pin code. The house then has storage rooms no one can access except you and who ever you give the code. Be warned though it takes quite alot of time gathering the materials for the house, but with a couple of friends and a vehicle it's not too bad. Frankie did a video recently where he goes step by step through the process of building the first house all by himself, which can be a nice helping hand when just starting out.

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There was talk of instanced underground bases...

I believe these will still be accessible by other players if discovered. They're only going to be instanced to avoid cluttering the map.

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Try logging out with it. Safest it'll ever get.

Hopefully it stays this way.

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Try logging out with it. Safest it'll ever get.

Nah thats OP.

Try hiding it in your inventory.

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Yeah, about those 4-digit house codes. Is it possible to just camp out at that passcode lock and try out all of the combinations? And if you do manage to find the right combination, can you then (evil laugh) change the passcode?

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Yeah, about those 4-digit house codes. Is it possible to just camp out at that passcode lock and try out all of the combinations? And if you do manage to find the right combination, can you then (evil laugh) change the passcode?

yes you can, but there are 10,000 different combinations good luck guessing it.

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Hmm, sounds good. Worth a try. However i'd prefer a simple kind of earth hole for a start.

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Some private servers have a private ''hiden'' storage where you can store stuff right now ( on the Arma II dayz mod ) if that's what you're asking.

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Thanks, but i don't think that's "fair", and then searching for these servers ? I'm hoping that it's implemented in the SA, assuming that more people like it.

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Well, to be honest, I think the idea of being able to hide your gear from other players is actually quite unfair. Gear is like a £10 note, once its used to pay for something, it eventually goes back out into the 'rotation' to be used again. To hid your gear so other players can't access it just makes it easy. You die, run north, find your hidey hole, back out into the wastes you go with more high end gear.

Now I know stuff will continue to spawn anyway, but I find it unfair that you can stop having your gear taken all together.

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I think these are horrible ideas that completely go against the principles of dayz. You want to keep your loot forever? Go play a different game. Loot is fleeting. Lives come and go. Such is DayZ.

Tents are a perfectly suitable and balanced way of storing gear and if your tents are really being raided constantly then you're obviously not setting them up in sensible positions, but yes loosing a certain amount of loot through raided tents is inevitable and it should be.

Maybe you should try keeping lots of single tents in different locations rather than a single camp, this has worked for me and ensured that no lose is ever too great.

But running no risk at all!? That is not what the game is about, and not even close to balanced.

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Well, to be honest, I think the idea of being able to hide your gear from other players is actually quite unfair. Gear is like a £10 note, once its used to pay for something, it eventually goes back out into the 'rotation' to be used again. To hid your gear so other players can't access it just makes it easy. You die, run north, find your hidey hole, back out into the wastes you go with more high end gear.

Now I know stuff will continue to spawn anyway, but I find it unfair that you can stop having your gear taken all together.

I understand your opinion and it's a good point. But i've played the common way for a very long time now. I had lots of tents in nearly perfect places, everbody knows they'll all be discovered within weeks.

If you don't play for hardcore PvP only, you just come to a point when this endless looting, and having fun collecting stuff, gets soon pointless if all is gone sooner or later. It's not about hiding lots of the big guns with endless ammo, it's my survivor's feel to build a stock of food, water and other equipment to survive. Maybe a bit of making a home.

Edited by gambla
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I understand your opinion and it's a good point. But i've played the common way for a very long time now. I had lots of tents in nearly perfect places, everbody knows they'll all be discovered within weeks.

If you don't play for hardcore PvP only, you just come to a point when this endless looting, and having fun collecting stuff, gets soon pointless if all is gone sooner or later. It's not about hiding lots of the big guns with endless ammo, it's my survivor's feel to build a stock of food, water and other equipment to survive. Maybe a bit of making a home.

When you put it that way I can understand your point better. The mod right now is more or less hoarding guns/ammo, killing people, back in time for dinner. I guess on the standalone (Hopefully) the idea of actually gathering resources, food, drink, etc.. And stashing them somewhere, sounds fair, purely because it will be (Again.. Hopefully) be all about purely based on surviving. Kind of like, resources being scare, hard to come by, and so you take what you find, and keep it in a stash.

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Never been a fan of the 100% safe storage.

How about storage areas inside the small train station buildings, where you can store some limited stuff, maybe 1 backpack and 5-10 items. Only your unique character can access the locker, however if you die, your gear in storage is simply deleted.

What would be the point of this, maybe when entering Cherno to help a n00b with a bloodbag, you'd store your best gear there, just in case the n00b kills you after helping him. While you'd still lose all your gear, you'd at least deny the n00b from getting the best of it. Obviously the n00b could just be camping the train station and kill you there instead.

Edited by Dallas
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Meh.. it's fair idea, having somewhat of a personal storage area/facility, but the idea of having it there would take away from the experience, immersiveness of the game.

I mean.. how many people do you see storing stuff in their lockers, center of Cherno, biggest hot spot in the game, in a land infected by zombies? :P

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Doesn't matter if you make tent's, underground bases or any other saving "spot", if the part where it has to actually save doesn't work, then it really doesn't matter. Just make 100% working tent's.

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Burying gear has always been my favorite solution. Though it shouldn't be "safe" from anyone with trained eyes (disturbed soil or some other indicator should mark the spot for a given amount of time). It would be much harder to find than a tent but a little balance might be needed. Maybe something along the lines of needing a shovel to bury/dig up items and something to store/protect the items in.

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Safely hide gear? I don't think YOU should be safely hidden when you log off. When you log off, your character should just curl up in a sleeping bag and hope no one robs or kills you while you are offline.

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