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Dayz SA to be a failure

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I'm a very casual player, and I demand that DayZ be brutally difficult.

You people are using that term wrong.

EDIT: It's more the "dedicated" players who for some reason get fixated on a single game therefore get bored, therefore try to mould the game into what they want to play. Anyone who thinks "oh this is too hard" are more likely to just stop playing the game and move onto something else.

Edited by Kra

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When I first played the game like in July 2012, it was awesome that you can play on 1 server, disconnect, join another server 2 days later and start with what you had found earlier at the point of disconnection. You walk for hours, searching every treeline for the sign of a tent or a car.

Today, you play on 1 server, disconnect, join another server, start again from Kamenka, just that you got spawned in with a GPS, Lee Enfield (or even DMR occasionally). Today, you connect to servers that advertise themselves with 900+ vehicles, 25+ helicopters and you don't bother to check out vehicles anymore since you chose the best one that you found in Chernogorsk available, all green, fully filled. You die and it doesn't bother you much anymore. Also, today, it's not just one server that has BMP's, Bradleys or even Apache helicopters with 24 rockets running.

Today, this is not DayZ like it initially was supposed to be. Today, we are actually playing 25% DayZ and 75% Arma 2. Just with zombies.

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Oh yeah, no private hives will make this game a failure.

Im sorry I think thats opinion not a fact

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It's time to move on. Lots of interesting games comming out with technology vastly superior to anything a game based on the Arma II engine could ever hope to offer, Arma III script injecting or not.

What do you call a "vastly superior technology" ?

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I disagree with most of what OP said. In fact I don't think OP offered up a single logical explanation to his thread title.

I do think this game will not live up to the hype however. Rocket should have stuck with his base game plan in my opinion. It should have been released back in december like he said it would be for 100% certain, and allowed to grow in the 'minecraft' model.

Instead here we are in April with still no release date, no real idea of what is going on, and as a whole having spent many millions of dollars buying arma keys, renting servers, donating to streamers etc....etc....etc...

This game has literally been played to death. It's old news now, overwhelmingly attributed to the brilliant ideas and actions by the community, rather then the developers.

I had a great time playing DayZ Mod, and the mods that spawned from it, but the season has come and gone for the whole zombie apocalypse thing.

I'm sure I'm commign across to many of you as being a dick, or what have you, it really isn't my intent. I'm just being realistic here. Mr hall & Co. had a great idea and they offered up countless hours of gameplay to us. They had the bull by the horns and they simply let go of it.

What I'm saying here was put into very easy to understand terms by Dean Hall himself speaking before an audiance. The video is readily available all over the internet and I couldn't agree with Dean Hall more. He really messed up by letting us all down with that December release date and never even commenting on it until it had long since come and gone.

For this game to be even remotely as sucessful as it could have been, the whole thing would need to be remodled and repackaged from the ground up adding years to a potential released date.

I had a boat load of fun with this game, but now after coming back many months later and seeign that heads have still not been removed from asses and there is still not even a release date...

It's time to move on. Lots of interesting games comming out with technology vastly superior to anything a game based on the Arma II engine could ever hope to offer, Arma III script injecting or not.

Dean Hall, if your reading this you really should drop what your doing right this second, Pickup DayZ for Arma III and completely repackage, rebrand, and remodel it. You will be rewarded handsomely.

1) They physically couldnt have released in December. The game would literally have been 50 players on a server running around in their underwear with no loot, no weapons, nothing. They're still releasing in alpha and following the Minecraft dev model.

2) DayZ standalone isn't using the ARMA 2 engine. It's using a heavily modified version of a mix between the Take on Helicopters and ARMA 2 engines with quite a few things ported over from ARMA 3.

You aren't coming across as a dick, just incredibly misinformed.

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Back when the mod first took off the official hive had a no side chat rule meaning all servers (should have)had this blocked. Going off this i would expect to see SA have no chat based systems at all meaning all voice com's well except direct will also be removed. Rocket has always been very clear about that side.

But lets wait and see.

no side chat is utter fail !

half of fun on servers can come from amusing side chat and makes that 1 hr run somewhere bearable when normally you might just log off.

some of the little picadillos in game that people cry about are the best things and actually make dayz fun. removing all these will just make the newer version a flop. listen to actual players and not some noob who plays it once every blue moon.

real things that actually need sorting is

stop admin abuse (lock down what is seen by admins in game. admins can currently have same powers as hackers but be legit ! this makes no sense.)

stop hacking best possible

those two alone are game breakers.

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I don't see much to add on to what others have said because pretty much everything to be said has been.

The one thing I want to add is this,

What I think made DayZ so popular was its unforgiving, cruel, tough, kick you in the ass when you screw up, nature. Back when DayZ first came out it was one of the most popular "games" at the time. Everywhere I looked it seemed like people were making DayZ videos or talking about DayZ.

Then when the masses came in, there were the ones who didn't like it. Who found it too tough or didn't enjoy dying and regaining gear. I believe that is when hackers started becoming a problem. They couldn't enjoy the mod for what it was and decided to ruin everyone else's enjoyment for their own fun.

That explains the 12 year old COD script kiddies. They excpected to come on here, guns blazing, and kill every mother fucker they laid eyes on. Then they got killed by a few zombies, got sniped in Cherno, and got backstabbed by that dude at NWA. They raged, downloaded dem hacks, get global banned, then came on here and say their younger brother downloaded the hacks.

All the private hives have also strayed away from what DayZ once was. I once saw a Taviana Server with 10,000 vehicles. There are some DayZ private hives that are vanilla or try to stay vanilla for the most part but those aren't all that common. They might add a few new features, which I personally like, but try to stay relatively vanilla.

But IMO as I stated previously, the unforgiving, cruel, kick you in the ass and make you slam your head against a wall then smash your balls with a sledgehammer, nature, made DayZ what it was and still kinda is. With SA going back to its nature and having all the amazing ideas it does, it seems unlikely to fail. I'm not saying it won't, but it has a lot of hope.

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ok i read the whole thread. i dont care for (or have anything against) private hives, but i look forward to the SA and i think OP is better off playing angry birds.

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I want SA to be hard, brutal and relentless! Also the less it tries to cater to the masses and the more it avoids succumbing to certain "proven recipes" for success in this sector for this genre the better for the final quality of the product. This will to some extend keep a certain type of player at bay while making individual achievements so much more gratifying.

I'd rather have 100k of players that appreciate the difficulty of the game then 10M players with a game that is essentially on rails with instant gratification left and right.

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Im sorry I think thats opinion not a fact

I was being sarcastic.

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no side chat is utter fail !

half of fun on servers can come from amusing side chat and makes that 1 hr run somewhere bearable when normally you might just log off.

some of the little picadillos in game that people cry about are the best things and actually make dayz fun. removing all these will just make the newer version a flop. listen to actual players and not some noob who plays it once every blue moon.

real things that actually need sorting is

stop admin abuse (lock down what is seen by admins in game. admins can currently have same powers as hackers but be legit ! this makes no sense.)

stop hacking best possible

those two alone are game breakers.

Side chat is extremely annoying and breaks immersion faster than anything. Maybe they can allow it on the super easy mode servers or something? I just wish it would die but that's my opinion. :)

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Side chat is extremely annoying and breaks immersion faster than anything. Maybe they can allow it on the super easy mode servers or something? I just wish it would die but that's my opinion. :)

I agree, while it may make things a tad bit more sociable, the immersion factor plummets.

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third party voice programs will come into play alot when side chat is removed there probably needs to be a thread third party voice programs effect in SA.

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Radios with like 20 channels no side chat.

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Maybe a lobby chat or something would work?

maybe a side chat where you can only type?

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nah ill just let the devs think ive got a headache anyway.

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it is just a sugar headache from drinking lots of a fruit drink and 2 little pieces of chocolate.

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No private hives is the best thing that can happen,tbh. These days I hardly care if I die because I know I can jump on another server and I've got a fully geared character already to go

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I have just the opposite reaction OP. I can't stand the private hive system - I like playing on large public servers at capacity. Private servers tend to be heavily modded or only half full or half the players are part of a clan or the admin are clearly abusing their power - so many issues that the politics becomes a big problem. On top of that though I get bored playing with the same people night after night. I love seeing new player names and not knowing what interaction is going to take place round the next corner. That's why I quit playing the mod and I'm waiting for the standalone.

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