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Hi guys,

Ok so here's the problem: I rent a server with a friend of mine and we made a very nice and epic base with world edit.

I love to build with world edit, it's so cool :)

But recently we had someone stealing a ural from us. The server rules are: no stealing and also PVE.

And since I don't want to keep guarding my base 24/7 (no shit, I have a social life too) I wanted to have a invisible

shield that allows entrance of only my squad members and nobody else.

That way we can be sure nobody steals from us.

So it would be awesome if somebody can give me the script for that.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Edited by IT07

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+ In the wrong Forum section.

What you need is NPC's with big guns or you could shut down the server !

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Put a password on your server that only you and your friend know.

Then you don't have to worry about ppl stealing your stuff.

Since you only allow PVE, this will also keep PVP from happening.

Win-Win ..... and you contribute to the employment of people who work for server hosts. Good job!

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yeah but playing alone on a server, it's boring isn't. We don't host the server for ourselves; we host it for people that want PVE.

But still, there are always people who ignore the rules, and that's what I want to prevent.

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Don't reply if you haven't got anything helpfull to say, my friend.

I think his post was helpful. This is DayZ... the wrong game if you want to have invisible walls.

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The silent warrior. Look it up. It allows you place a bubble that will kick and teleport anyone who isn't approved to enter.

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You're playing the wrong game, my friend.

GZ on the most idiotic answer of the day.....

The whole point of DayZ is, ohh thats right... YOUR STORY!!!

So you can play it anyway you want.

Pack that elitism away and dont write posts if you got nothing important or usefull to say.....................................

Back on topic:

You could use the Silent Warrior script or you could use AI, to protect it.

BUT if you keep people away from bases like that, they might not wanna play on the server tbh.

Edited by Byrgesen
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if your going to admin a server that proclaims no theft or pvp of anytype then your gonna have alot of work on your hands keeping it open to the public. you might want to think about creating a small community on your server that is whitelisted to join. that said i do hold the opinion that this is dayz, getting F'd in the A is part and parcel of the mod.

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Whats the matter with people? you and your friend should go and steal that shit back! it will give you something to do other than sit in a base aimlessly looking at it.

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GZ on the most idiotic answer of the day.....

The whole point of DayZ is, ohh thats right... YOUR STORY!!!

So you can play it anyway you want.

Pack that elitism away and dont write posts if you got nothing important or usefull to say.....................................

Back on topic:

You could use the Silent Warrior script or you could use AI, to protect it.

BUT if you keep people away from bases like that, they might not wanna play on the server tbh.

Thank you SO MUCH for telling me this. I really appreciate your work. Thanks!

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This thread actually makes me sad :facepalm:

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You need to build your community until you can trust everybody !

Doesn't sound like much fun but, there you go.

It's a Private server, even if they steal your gear they ain't going far now, are they ?

You should hunt em down and cook their meat !

Byrgesen built a nice little community back when Private Hives were introduced, very hard work it was too.

Good luck, you will need it.

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There is a script that allows you to lock a vehicle, only you the owner would be able to access it :D

Just don't ask where to find it, i've honestly forgotton where i got mine and now my server only runs ArmA 3 so i couldn't even send you my files.

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Hi guys,

Ok so here's the problem: I rent a server with a friend of mine and we made a very nice and epic base with world edit.

I love to build with world edit, it's so cool :)

But recently we had someone stealing a ural from us. The server rules are: no stealing and also PVE.

And since I don't want to keep guarding my base 24/7 (no shit, I have a social life too) I wanted to have a invisible

shield that allows entrance of only my squad members and nobody else.

That way we can be sure nobody steals from us.

So it would be awesome if somebody can give me the script for that.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Have you tried The Sims? You might like that game :D

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I think what you want is to horde all the best resources on the server using your ‘magic invisible admin barrier of protection’. Rather than using your cunning, setting up a proper camp and spending time hiding it in a strategic spot like anyone who really plays the game, you’re trying to force the game into being exactly how you see fit using external scripts and blatant admin abuse with no thought about the average player on your server.

…that’s what I think at least.

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lol , man you asked for the responses... dayz in its nature is screw or get screwed... But.. you can however do excatly what you were looking for.. with enough looking you can find Exactly what you are wanting ... i too ran a server with no Stealing / Base rape.. anytime they came in the selected base and was not a member of that base they would effectivly get teleported 1000 K/m away and Warned they were entering a private base.. and all items (cars,tents, buildings, ETC) had damaged Turned off... so to Answer your Question.... Get to Google.. :)

Happy Hunting


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I've removed the abusive posts (and those quoting them), going to lock this thread as OP has gotten an answer and now it's just getting personal.

Edited by smasht_AU

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