dimitri3p0 99 Posted June 14, 2013 I'm not 100% sure about this, but if my math is correct I think it's literally impossible to get infected from the first hit. I don't know for sure about any subsequent hits without doing the math again, but if I'm correct, and it is indeed impossible, that discredits a great deal of the complaints that have been posted in this topic, since many of them started with 'I got infected the first time I got hit!'I'm also not sure about the math either, and I know nothing about code, however, in the few hours I've put in on this patch earlier today and last night, I was infected twice on the very first hit I received from a zombie. maybe it is impossible and I blacked out (in real life) and didn't realize that it was a second hit both times. but I'm quite certain that on two separate instances first zombie that hit me also gave me an infection. After searching medical tents and hospitals in both Cherno and Elektro, and finding ZERO antibiotics I curled up to die. which isn't so bad, but maybe zeds should have less of a chance to pass on infection. Also both times I got infected I didn't bleed, which I can see the plausibility of, but eh...sorta feel like Im going to need a significant open wound or prolonged contact to get an infection, not just a random half ass swipenew patch is sweet though, lots of features have been a long time coming, like cargo checks ....FINALLYand now that I know that i can "sleep off" and infection..imo bullshit... that will make the game a bit more playable in my eyeskeep up the good work developers, and community keep voicing your opinions whether they are negative or positive, but remember its only a game. Don't forget to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted June 14, 2013 My server won't spawn loot or zombies since this patch, and we can't use building materials (wire fencing, sandbags, tents)Please report this here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139033-dayz-177dev-bug-list/try to include as many details as you can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armedtoe (DayZ) 0 Posted June 14, 2013 (edited) I used to host a Namalsk server with many custom things, so it has become habit to sift around the updates to put some numbers on my speculation.Then I saw this:_fpsbias = (60-(60-(diag_fpsmin min 60))/1.5)/60;_maxControlledZombies = 30 or 40_maxControlledZombies = round(dayz_maxLocalZombies * _fpsbias);_maxManModels = round(dayz_maxMaxModels * _fpsbias);_maxWeaponHolders = round(dayz_maxMaxWeaponHolders * _fpsbias);Now... It seems like the developers are trying to limit zombies and loot spawns to increase performance.In doing this they seem to have decreased zombie activity for lower framerates (Lower difficulty, higher framerate).And they are reducing the amount of loot that spawns for these people (higher difficulty, possibly higher framerate).I don't know if this code is in effect at the moment (definitely not //commented out), but here are some calculations I have made regarding how this may affect you based on your framerate:I am assuming that _maxControlledZombies is the number of zombies doing movements or running towards you at one time (Aggro)and _maxWeaponHolders is the max amount of loot piles that is capable of being on the ground at any given time.60fps minimum:_fpsbias = (60-(60-60)/1.5)/60 = 1.00Max Zombie aggros: 40100% Maximum Loot30fps minimum:_fpsbias = (60-(60-30)/1.5)/60 = 0.67Max Zombie aggros: 2766.7% Maximum Loot10fps minimum:_fpsbias = (60-(60-10)/1.5)/60 = 0.44Max Zombie aggros: 1844.4% Maximum LootIf any devs could shine light on this process - it would be much appreciated.My coding abilities are not the best, so if any mod-makers know what is going on, please speak up.had a quick look, but from what i can see, this piece of code is not executed anywhere.R4Z0R49, pls correct me if i'm wrong ...I found this in player_spawnCheck.sqf starting on Line 50.The _maxControlledZombies variable I saw in other lines of code being 30 or 40. I calculated the estimates using the maximum of 40 (cities).I feel like this could possibly be at the root of everyone's loot spawning problems - being that this code deals directly with numbers of loot piles being created.Also thanks mysterious moderator who moved this to the correct thread. Edited June 14, 2013 by armedtoe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IceBeam 34 Posted June 14, 2013 I guess they need to learn to hunt. Hunting knifes are available in next to any industrial building, hatchet as well (the one item that is pretty hard to find is matches). Once set, find a water bottle, tin can (available everywhere) and start boiling and you are good to go virtually indefinitely.Also, I've found that soft drinks and canned food can easily be found in house entrances (not enter-able) and small dog houses. It seems that the super markets are less attractive nowadays in my opinion, so just expand your views and you'll find it's not that hard.Just some tips.On what servers do you play? It's hard to find loot on official high population servers. I think it's because they are restarted every 6 hours (every 3-4 hours would be better) and almost all of the items are taken away by other players. As for me, I managed to find a machete in a deer stand, a flashlight, a map, Can (Frank&Beans) and an arrow in Rog castle and some Lee Enfield mags in Msta on an official low pop private hive server. My route on an official high pop public hive server: Cherno - Prigorodky - Electro - Topolka Dam. I don't usually spend much time in the coastal cities and head north, but this time I didn't find any loot in Cherno and made my way to Electro. Found nothing but 6x Empty Tin Cans, 1x Makarov Mag and 1x Crowbar. Died of infection near Topolka Dam.Is rare loot normal, are the loot spawns bugged, or are rare server restarts the reason? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fgw 4 Posted June 14, 2013 I found this in player_spawnCheck.sqf starting on Line 50.The _maxControlledZombies variable I saw in other lines of code being 30 or 40. I calculated the estimates using the maximum of 40 (cities).I feel like this could possibly be at the root of everyone's loot spawning problems - being that this code deals directly with numbers of loot piles being created.Also thanks mysterious moderator who moved this to the correct thread.yes its in there, but player_spawnCheck.sqf is not called anywhere in dayz code. at least i was not able to spot a single place. doubt its called directly from arma code but who knows?... or i missed something Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armedtoe (DayZ) 0 Posted June 14, 2013 yes its in there, but player_spawnCheck.sqf is not called anywhere in dayz code. at least i was not able to spot a single place. doubt its called directly from arma code but who knows?... or i missed somethingOf course it is called: "dayz_spawnCheck = [] spawn {" \n " while {true} do {" \n " // fps_safty_check = diag_fpsmin;" \n " // if (fps_safty_check > 20) then {" \n " if ((isNil ""dayz_spawnCheck_round"") OR {(scriptDone dayz_spawnCheck_round)}) then { dayz_spawnCheck_round = [""both""] spawn player_spawnCheck;};" \n " sleep 8;" \n " // };" \n " };" \nin player_monitor.fsm in dayz_code Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted June 14, 2013 Got to wonder people complaining that they get infected. I haven't get infection at all :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bondue (DayZ) 18 Posted June 14, 2013 Found a problem I don't know if it happens to all helis or just the MH6J_DZ but you cannot repair the hull anymore it says, "You need a to repair this" Soooo i opened dayz_code and found the repairparts.hpp and there is nothing in there for hull or missiles, I don't think the missiles effect the integrity of the vehicle but the Hull definitely does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fgw 4 Posted June 14, 2013 Of course it is called: "dayz_spawnCheck = [] spawn {" \n " while {true} do {" \n " // fps_safty_check = diag_fpsmin;" \n " // if (fps_safty_check > 20) then {" \n " if ((isNil ""dayz_spawnCheck_round"") OR {(scriptDone dayz_spawnCheck_round)}) then { dayz_spawnCheck_round = [""both""] spawn player_spawnCheck;};" \n " sleep 8;" \n " // };" \n " };" \nin player_monitor.fsm in dayz_codesorry, my fault! i missed this. overlooked my searchfilter which was set to search for sqf files only! guess i need a break from arma scripting ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedz 1105 Posted June 14, 2013 Still not on Play With Six? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted June 14, 2013 Still not on Play With Six?There's no information in Armaholic and Bohemia forums so they might have missed it :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommes 331 Posted June 14, 2013 The Zed's have been shit in this game since it's begining. In Every patch they try to make them different. No one was capable of making Zeds not shit. Probably because the root of the problem, which is, that Zeds are shit, can't be fixed that easily. Zeds are shit, because they don't behave like Zombies. The move weirdly and spastic. They hit you, when they shouldn't. They knock you down, when they shouldn't. They don't see shit. Then they spot you from half a mile away and won't let off your trail, no matter what. As a novelty they now knock you down almost all the time and as a plus give you infection. Awesome. Above that loot is less. More awesome. Now you waste double the time for half the shit and 4 times more deaths to the stupidest AI ever programmed. Pure awesomeness. They should change the leaderboard, so that the one with the most infections is on top so you can boast to your friends of how much antibiotics you can swallow. That makes awesome stories.I hate this fucking zeds! I wish there were none. From all video games mobs DayZ zeds are the most annoying to me. There should be a Battle Royale mod with no annoying zeds, just pure loot'n'kill. That would be a decent challenge. (I know about Wasteland. It's not the same!) Then there should be a mod with loads of normal moving zeds, you can slaughter with your friends. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that would make much more sense. Coop-Fun against hordes of stupid zombies or gunfights against human opponents. Both together could be cool too, but not with a game running shitty like DayZ. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironhuge 69 Posted June 14, 2013 (edited) I hate this fucking zeds! I wish there were none.I think its just called arma2, or maybe the mod wasteland. Edited June 14, 2013 by Ironhuge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted June 14, 2013 The Zed's have been shit in this game since it's begining. In Every patch they try to make them different. No one was capable of making Zeds not shit. Probably because the root of the problem, which is, that Zeds are shit, can't be fixed that easily. Zeds are shit, because they don't behave like Zombies. The move weirdly and spastic. They hit you, when they shouldn't. They knock you down, when they shouldn't. They don't see shit. Then they spot you from half a mile away and won't let off your trail, no matter what. As a novelty they now knock you down almost all the time and as a plus give you infection. Awesome. Above that loot is less. More awesome. Now you waste double the time for half the shit and 4 times more deaths to the stupidest AI ever programmed. Pure awesomeness. They should change the leaderboard, so that the one with the most infections is on top so you can boast to your friends of how much antibiotics you can swallow. That makes awesome stories.I hate this fucking zeds! I wish there were none. From all video games mobs DayZ zeds are the most annoying to me. There should be a Battle Royale mod with no annoying zeds, just pure loot'n'kill. That would be a decent challenge. (I know about Wasteland. It's not the same!) Then there should be a mod with loads of normal moving zeds, you can slaughter with your friends. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that would make much more sense. Coop-Fun against hordes of stupid zombies or gunfights against human opponents. Both together could be cool too, but not with a game running shitty like DayZ.heyhey guess whatthis is a fucking mod 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokeyassassin 21 Posted June 14, 2013 The Rolling update patch notes are missing an item.* [REMOVED] -FUN 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ironhuge 69 Posted June 14, 2013 The Rolling update patch notes are missing an item.* [REMOVED] -FUN Nah, you need to read the updated version:* [FIXED] - FUN 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted June 14, 2013 A few players here must remember the early days of DayZ when zombies were much more of a threat and you basically had to be very stealthy (sometimes crawling for ages) to get in and out of towns.It may not have been "fun" in the true sense of the word but it was different from any game out there. And this was why many of us were attracted to the mod in the first place - we wouldn't have put up with the numerous bugs otherwise.The difficulty of this mod needs to be ramped up otherwise it turns into a PvP fightfest because apart from other players there was no threat at all.So now with harder zombies, knockdowns and infection people are crying that the apocalypse isn't fun or easy anymore.Like i have said before a whole lot of players are going to be very upset when Standalone drops and they get ripped a new one every few minutes because their "mod tactics" no longer work.I am sure R4zor and the devs will look at fixing some of the issues mentioned here, but quit the frigging sob stories. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted June 14, 2013 Sob stories? I'd say all feedback is valid not just the kiss ass praise kind of feedback. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted June 14, 2013 As i have said many times constructive feedback is OK. I don't particularly care for the kiss ass praise either."Patch is shit", "Not fun" - how does that feedback help? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flaschenkind (DayZ) 34 Posted June 14, 2013 I have to emphasize DemonGroovers' point on this. This game is so much more as a PvP-fest. Most people, like myself sometimes, just looking for a firefight, because there are no more challenges. Therefore, PvE has to be challenging, players has to be forced to fear for their virtual life and to work together as if it were necessary in a fictive real extreme situation like a serious breakout.Besides that, please take a look into the general idea of the latest patch and keep in mind, that the mod as a whole is still a game in progress.I'm really glad that infections are now a serious issue as they can finally cause death. I'm now forced to re-enter the big cities to loot those quite rare antibiotics that my character needs so desperately. I really like the idea of being run over and knocked down by a wild horde of Zeds. Of course, there is still a big amount of adjustments to do for a good-working SA. But still, the game as a whole is on a good way to become truly what it was intended to be back in the DayZ. Dear developers, keep up the good work and thanks a lot for your efforts! :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheJackal_112 3 Posted June 14, 2013 Hey guys - great work on the mod - love the survival focus - also I just realised that the sound the journal makes when you change pages - sounds exactly like the same journal sound in the awesome indie game: Miasmata - am I right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted June 15, 2013 This new patch sounds interesting, i still remember early days of dayz which was over year ago and it was really challenging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted June 15, 2013 I did, search this entire topic, i even sugested that Antibiotics and Painkillers become reusable like gun clips, with several uses.Nobody ever eats the whole box of pills and the box too like in this game, acept if you are comiting a suicide.Months ago i sugested that cars and tents display status of inventory (how full) and there we are, its done. Well tents atleast.Fair enough, my apologies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swat_glock 1 Posted June 15, 2013 Found a problem I don't know if it happens to all helis or just the MH6J_DZ but you cannot repair the hull anymore it says, "You need a to repair this" Soooo i opened dayz_code and found the repairparts.hpp and there is nothing in there for hull or missiles, I don't think the missiles effect the integrity of the vehicle but the Hull definitely does.Same prob here with a Huey. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Heli cant be repaired. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted June 15, 2013 I agree, "patch is shit" is pointless negativity. Had it followed with an explanation why that was the case then that might have given productive, useful information. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites