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570 [Looking to Recruit] [Mature/Serious Dayz mod clan][18+ age requirement] [CCG Overpoch]

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Age: 15

TeamSpeak Name: Xhodia

Mic?: Yes.

Why do you want to join?: Sempaz told me to make an request to join this. :-)

Experience in game 1-10: 8 I guess.

Timezone: GMT +1

Bio: I'm good at PVPing and such, also I just like to play for fun, I'm mature and I don't get upset when I get killed and lose my gear and such.

In game Name: Xhodia

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? 4 months of playing both.

How often do you play a week? Almost everyday, atleast 2 hours everyday, could be more.

Any questions about the clan? nope.

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Name:Tobias Ringdahl


TeamSpeak Name:Bandit-SwagYolo


Why do you want to join?: I've played with you guys alot with my buddy sempaz, and you guys seem cool.

Experience in game 1-10:7-8


Bio:As i said i've played with you alot with Sempaz, We think it has been really fun and i would like to join you guys clan.

In game Name:Bandit-Swagyolo

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma?Since august,8 months.

How often do you play a week?Almost every day, 3-8 hours

Any questions about the clan? Nope.

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Clan is still going strong, the map just changed to cherno today, we have helis and cars and our team base is going to be put in soon. join the fun guys!

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Age:soon 15

TeamSpeak Name:Wheezy


Why do you want to join?:I still really enjoy it and this seems like a good place to play with some people.

Experience in game 1-10:5-6

Timezone:Swe (GMT +1)

Bio:LOve to play games and love dayz and it's fun to play with other pepole!

In game Name:Wheezy

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma?for about 3-5 month.

How often do you play a week?3-5 times.

Any questions about the clan?nope.

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TeamSpeak Name:(not in TS yet)


Why do you want to join?:I'd like to learn more about the game...

Experience in game 1-10:1-3

Timezone:USA,CA PST

Bio:Very mature, learns quickly.

In game Name:Krys

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? ...new...

How often do you play a week? as much as needed

Any questions about the clan? I know i broke a rule by even applying because im a noob, but i'd still like to throw my app out there and see if anyone is willing to teach me the basics..?

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Name: Josh

Age: 18

TeamSpeak Name: thejoshknight

Mic: Yes, I use Turtle Beach X12's

Why do I want to join: I've played for a while by myself, so I'm interested in how playing as part of a group will go.

Experience in game, 1-10: 6

Timezone: US Central Time

Bio: I'm an 18 year old high school Senior. I'm much better at killing players than zombies for whatever reason. Maybe it's the awful zigzag the zombies do. Anyway, I follow directions, get along with almost everyone, and am generally a laid back guy.

IGN: Josh

How long I've played: Since August of last year. So for about 9 months now. There was about 2 months in there I did'nt touch the game though.

How often do I play a week: It depends on what else I have going on. This week will be my Spring Break, so probably a lot. Once school starts back up, a few days a week in the evenings and on weekends.

Any questions? Nope.

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Name: Captain Speirs

Age: 20

TeamSpeak Name: Captain Speirs

Mic?: Of course

Why do you want to join?: To team up, no other reason.

Experience in game 1-10: 6 and a half

Timezone: Sweden, GMT + 1

Bio: Male, Swedish accent, good at both writing and speaking english.

In game Name: Captain Speirs

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? In total probably a month or so

How often do you play a week? I play every day, several hours if i can.

Any questions about the clan? What timezone are most of your players in and where is your server at ? If it's in the US i'm not really interested as the ping would be too high to really bother with it.

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Name: Kasparas

Age: 17

TeamSpeak Name: Kaspa

Mic?: I have it

Why do you want to join?: All the time i played DayZ i was a lone wolf, and after 3 months playing alone i understood that i need a group which i can help out and could have a good time.

Experience in game 1-10: 8

Timezone: +2.00 GMT

Bio:Well im formo Lithuania (Baltic countries). I like to ride motorcycles, and hang out with friends. In RL i have a Yamaha Xt, which is a awesome motorcycle and a Husquarna TE250, and it's a beast

In game Name: Kaspa

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma?For 3-4 months

How often do you play a week? 2-3 times a week

Any questions about the clan? Do you play in private hive or in pubilc?

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Name: Ryan

Age: 22

TeamSpeak Name: iSpecter

Mic?: yes

Why do you want to join?: Looking for a good group of people to game DayZ, hopefully make some friends

Experience in game 1-10:7.5

Timezone: Est Centeral, Canada Ont.

Bio:Good guy from Canada

In game Name: iSpecter

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? I've been playing DayZ for about a year

How often do you play a week? I get on everyday about.

Any questions about the clan? Nope

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Name: Arron

Age: 21

TeamSpeak Name: RunZombies!

Mic?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Bored of being alone.

Experience in game 1-10: 4

Timezone: United Kingdom

Bio: Like to have fun on games and make friends.

In game Name: RunZombies

How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? almost a month

How often do you play a week? as often as possible.

Any questions about the clan? Nope

What can you bring to the clan? Help loot.

Edited by RunZombies!

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Joined today and I really like these guys, great group. Mature no little kids.

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Joined today and I really like these guys, great group. Mature no little kids.

You are lucky dont think they accepted me because I am not experienced enough :(

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