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DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

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Awesome, I had seen where it had been talked about, but that will be awesome... makes sense to me though, they should get a better honest opinion across the board from people playing the game umpteen number of ways... Should give a better idea of what to do in the Beta and finally the finished game itself.

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Meanwhile at Bohemia Interactive:

Been a while since ive seen that.


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Dayz SA alpha will most likely be in beginning of August, as the stand alone was announced August 7th 2012. Here is the announcement from last year

In 33 days it will have been 1 year since it was announced and I think they picked that as a date to have it released on steam.

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Dayz SA alpha will most likely be in beginning of August, as the stand alone was announced August 7th 2012. Here is the announcement from last year https://twitter.com/...812202489442305

In 33 days it will have been 1 year since it was announced and I think they picked that as a date to have it released on steam.

well a week ago, well little over a week ago, they said the release was within a week's window. it's within the second weeks window now.

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well a week ago, well little over a week ago, they said the release was within a week's window. it's within the second weeks window now.

thats not what rocket said

they have a week window for when it can be released

not within a week lol

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thats not what rocket said

they have a week window for when it can be released

not within a week lol

Hmmm funny, I can clearly see I said within a week's window and not within a week.

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Hmmm funny, I can clearly see I said within a week's window and not within a week.

Again mate he didnt mean a week from when he said it at rezzed.

He meant a weeks windows. Which could be 10 years away lol

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Well, no. Because at E3 he said no later than two months.

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You guys have completely lost me with all this semantics babble.

Perhaps Rockets plan to spin release info onto us that has no real meaning has worked, We're all completely confused and nobody wants to ask out of fear of being pointed out as an infidel.

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Guys calm down, maybe they arent releasing devblogs because as they are on the last stages of development they want to keep their secrets and surprises for maybe an imminent release or close, or they dont have much else to show and are pushing pre release patches and preparing server for release, thats my theory, but who knows...

Edited by Henryllex~
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You guys have completely lost me with all this semantics babble.

Perhaps Rockets plan to spin release info onto us that has no real meaning has worked, We're all completely confused and nobody wants to ask out of fear of being pointed out as an infidel.

Nope! It's quite clear! No later than 2 months after E3 and they have a general week they want to release it! There IS no confusion. If people are confused then they have just misunderstood. That's all! So we're all clear. Unless you have any other questions? No infidels. Promise.

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I hope Dayz Standalone will show on Steam summer sale ...

Me too. Haha

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Nope! It's quite clear! No later than 2 months after E3 and they have a general week they want to release it! There IS no confusion. If people are confused then they have just misunderstood. That's all! So we're all clear. Unless you have any other questions? No infidels. Promise.

This! Anything else has mostly come from people who translated or understood wrong. So cut all the wild-theory horse-doodle and just wait till you see it on steam.

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i dont get why anarchybrownies cant understand that people are confused. I will start by saying that I personally do not care when it is released, but stop pretending like rocket doesnt trip over his words every dev blog/interview.

He says things like "release right around the corner" or, "we just finished x, and now we are ready to release so it should be anytime now", or "large scale alpha testing will be out imminently." or just mentioning dates or time frames that shouldnt be mentioned at all since they arent relevant to release.

He doesnt need to say july 15th to make people think release is coming. its all in his wording and he DOES dangle the carrot from our heads. so stop pretending like its so obvious what rocket means or intends, because it isnt.

The standalone has been the most convoluted development I have ever heard of. I am not saying its rockets fault or that he intends to confuse and dismay everyone. I am however saying that is unintentionally exactly what he does.

they are obviously anxious about releasing it without a shitload of new shit because they fear that people will say "we waited all that time for a slightly altered mod?" if i was on the dev team i would be thinking that. i mean you cant SEE server architecture changes so to the public it appears that the game has barely changed except for motorbike helmets...

i will say that when i saw the demo, it was gut wrenching to watch those stupid ass zombies STILL glitching around and being utterly useless. not to mention 100 times sillier now that they can fly around (apparently supposed to be jump attacking)... so i dont blame them for their hesitation.

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The problem is rocket wants the alpha to work. But he could prepare like 2 years, when it releases there will be problems. Maybe the game will be unplayable? Who cares? It is supposed to not work because it is an alpha. The longer rocket says "we want it to work" the worse the reactions are going to be after the release. I could bet my life that the standalone wont work properly the first week.

I just don't understand why Rocket is not telling us the one week he is planning to release the game. He said in worst case scenario it is going to release mid august. Then why is he not just telling us "well there is this week in juli where we plan to release it". What could happen if he does not release it? He did it once, I don't think people will be suprised if he does it again? And the problem is he really does not sound sure about it. For me he is like "Well the game is not nearly finished but we try to release it soon" because if he really would have a release date he would not have any reasons to not tell us this release. Because if he is sure, it will release that week.

I hate the not knowing when. For me it is better if he tells me "We plan to release it in 3 weeks" then "there is a special week we want to release it". Because I have no idea when this special week could be. It could be tomorrow or even mid august. Now I have to go every single day to the website to check if the DayZ Standalone is there. Every single Day I have hope that the game will release the next day. If he just would tell me "in two weeks" I could chill 2 weeks and then check if it is there. If it is not there, well then I will wait again.

In my opinion there is NO point in keeping it a secret. Better to know when it could release maybe, that to know that it could release every single day from now on. Well he thinks he could dissappoint us if he tells us a specific week, but actually he does it every day because he is not telling us. Who knows, maybe the special week was this week and they have huge problems? How should I know? Oh right, it is supposed to be... be what?!

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forealzz!!!! rocket being a little bitch for not telling us.

Edited by immajackuup

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I'm pretty sure the reason that he is not telling us is because he is afraid to disappoint. If you remember last year, Rocket was talking about releasing it in December. There was quite a bit of hype around it, but at the last minute during a dev conference he said that they would be delaying the release till later this year. This seems to be a theme with people that care about the games that they are making (off the top of my head I'm thinking Valve). If you really trust Rocket to make the standalone, then you can find the patience to wait until the game comes out.

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Let's remember that there are people testing it as we speak.

There have been 100 keys released, right?

I'm getting the impression that... If these 100 people did i better job of providing valuable feedback sooner, we'd be getting somewhere, in terms of what an Alpha Release is all about.

Get the unborn baby out into the world sooner... so it can become aware of its surroundings and become a better person.

If they released 500 keys, they would have proven their intentions.... but they did not. They used a 100 key system so that.. only the privileged may play. A friend of the president, per'say.

Alpha Release???? I'm getting the impression that It's not alpha. I've seen Alpha releases before on other games and what dayz is doing is utterly scrappy.

Edited by DaveZ

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@DaveZ you are exactly right. Its not alpha, its pre-alpha. Plenty of games have those as well and its on a "friends and family" basis, just like SA is right now. They are going to release the alpha once the pre-alpha testing has finished (By the way, the dev team was actually thinking about releasing alpha keys in batches of 50,000 or so, but they decided to just do one big alpha release...like minecraft...which is much better off than most other alphas let alone betas out there :D).

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Had a fantastic explore yesterday afternoon only to find an inhabited building with a rifle visible through the window - Matt Lightfoot (Twitter)

Hmm does this refer to DayZ?

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Had a fantastic explore yesterday afternoon only to find an inhabited building with a rifle visible through the window - Matt Lightfoot (Twitter)

Hmm does this refer to DayZ?

It's not.

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from Rocket's twitter

"My character running around NW airfield vomiting cause I drank way too much water. Stay classy Chernarus..."

Edited by paiik

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vomiting cause I drank way too much water.

because that happens a lot in RL :rolleyes:

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