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Could anybody explain why everybody uses this word? Sure, you can use it in talking, but when typing it, it both looks and sounds ridiculous. Why can't you just call them something appropriate, like freshspawns or coastals?

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It originates from FrankieONPCin1080p, as he would always call noobs "bambies".

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I believe this came from some youtuber that people watch.

Edit: Inception beat me to it. Darn.

Edited by Mr Nasty

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I know it comes from Frankie, but I feel like the word is overused, personally.

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I call them fresh spawns.. I don't like the word "bambi". Especially when it's mainly used by those kids that barely reached puberty. You can hear the voice cracks in direct chat when they go "Come here boeh, you little bambi" or some lame shit like that, while chasing you with a hatchet when you're unarmed.

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Bambies are usually found lost and scared in the woods.

A very apt likening to the well known Disney character, I'd say.

Overused? It's just a word...

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It's discriminating but people like to repeat the words of other, more famous personalities whether they're applicable or not.

Edited by aHzdaNny

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It was funny at first but Frankie made it sound soooo patronising in the end.

Edited by DazTroyer
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Could anybody explain why everybody uses this word? Sure, you can use it in talking, but when typing it, it both looks and sounds ridiculous. Why can't you just call them something appropriate, like freshspawns or coastals?

It's supposed to sound ridiculous. Like a deer stupidly walking through the woods waiting to get it's head blown off by a hunter.

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I don't personally like it, as I feel it has negative connotations, and as others have said, it's most prominently (over)used by over-excitable children. It was an entertaining use of the word to add flavour to a youtube video, but when actually used 'for real' it simply makes me think slightly less of the user.

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I don't personally like it, as I feel it has negative connotations, and as others have said, it's most prominently (over)used by over-excitable children. It was an entertaining use of the word to add flavour to a youtube video, but when actually used 'for real' it simply makes me think slightly less of the user.

Aping the behaviour of a "famous" youtuber makes me think less of a person regardless.

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Yeah, that was kind of where I was going with that. I don't actually dislike Frankie's stuff (not really seen enough to really form an opinion), but yeah, someone using a potentially disrespectful term (I don't know the intention behind it, as I've not seen the video, but it doesn't seem complimentary) simply because they've seen someone on youtube do it is not exactly a sign of someone I want to play with.

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Hello there

I find it as offensive as noob. It's derogatory and pigeon holes one as a lesser person. To me it's used by the same type of person who'll quite happily call someone a retard or gay.

All words are essentially harmless, its the force of meaning behind those words that gives them weight. Bambi for me is one of those.



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I find it as offensive as noob. It's derogatory and pigeon holes one as a lesser person. To me it's used by the same type of person who'll quite happily call someone a retard or gay.

All words are essentially harmless, its the force of meaning behind those words that gives them weight. Bambi for me is one of those.

It's just one of the terms the somehow gets linked to the game, sometimes they become established by way of a youtuber - in this case frankie. It is annoying at times, but I doubt this post will do anything to stop usage of said term.

Edited by TheBambiAvenger

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It's annoying at times, but you made it part of your username? LOL

Made this account a couple months ago, got some status on these forums and didn't want to delete it. I don't mind it when normal people use it, but as said above, when 12-year olds are screaming it over side chat and using it as a excuse to kill you, I don't take to that too kindly.

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Hate the word.. just not fitting in a zombie apocalypse.

I even hate how that Frankie guy talks to other players when he encounters them.. like they are little children. I tell you something, if he did it to me I would tell him to shut the fuck up and simply shoot him.

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Any term used to describe fresh spawns or newer players will be used with negative connotations. It's simply how it is. If it wasn't Bambi, it would be something else.

Just use it as an idiot identifier - as others say, you know that you want nothing to do with the person.

Also, sticks and stones, etc.

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Let me start by saying I do not say it, but it is just because I would rarely speak to a new spawn unless they were coming directly into my area with a terrible weapon so they did not die. If you think Bambi is offensive just seek the nearest wall and start slamming your head against it, this world is not for you. If the worst thing you hear on the internet is Bambi it has been a great day. This forum has turned into an exercise of biting my tongue at the sheer level of pretension from some of those who post on here. Questions from new players are met with "use the search function." Bandits are called "KoS CoD kiddies" or some other term that just generalizes. If I were a new player this would literally be the worst place to go for information, according to the forum most players are friendly, helping people is common, modified servers are the devil, and finding military gear should be a week long affair as you scrape by with the dinner bell.

Orlok, come on it is no where near as offensive or derisive as calling someone a retard and saying gay is not an insult in the first place if used properly.

End rant.

Edited by Zombie Jesus
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It was a nice when it was first used, but the fact that he uses it for like EVERYONE decreases it's comedic value, if I ever saw him in game and knew it was him, i'd call him a bambi, then shoot him down. What a bambi..

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Orlok, come on it is no where near as offensive or derisive as calling someone a retard and saying gay is not an insult in the first place if used properly.

It isn't?

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