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AA-12 in dayz?

AA-12 for dayz?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. AA-12 or Saiga 12 in dayz for a auto shotgun

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I want one in-game for the sole reason of seeing what happens when I empty a clip of AA in the middle of Cherno on a busy server.

I can tell you right now... pretty much any scenario in Cherno usually ends with "and you heard the bang of an Enfield". :lol:

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I could give you one point it should exist in DayZ. AA-12 do exists in real life so after an zombie invasion everything goes to shit. Do you think that the warehouses with AA-12s woul be untouched? Just saying.

You're assuming there's 'warehouses' of AA-12s out there, let alone in some backwater like Chenarus or even in Europe all. By your reasoning there should be warehouses and warehouses of M63s and all the conversion parts all around the globe just waiting to be looted when shit hits the fan.

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You're assuming there's 'warehouses' of AA-12s out there, let alone in some backwater like Chenarus or even in Europe all. By your reasoning there should be warehouses and warehouses of M63s and all the conversion parts all around the globe just waiting to be looted when shit hits the fan.

At least there would be warehouses of AKs...i doubt there will be any Armalites or even a prototype weapon though.

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15+ years ago, there was a period of "high political instability" in Albania. Military warehouses were opened and everyone was running about with an AK. Even today criminals use these same weapons to rob banks in Greece.

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15+ years ago, there was a period of "high political instability" in Albania. Military warehouses were opened and everyone was running about with an AK. Even today criminals use these same weapons to rob banks in Greece.

That's all good and fine, except AKs are native to the region and there are literally tens upon tens of millions of them.

The AA-12 hasn't been adopted by anyone and there could easily be only a few dozen. Statistics are not available. Why would they make more if they have no sales? They don't need many for demonstration purposes. There aren't going to be "warehouses full" of AA-12s, I don't buy it. There aren't going to be warehouses full of any unusual prototype weapons.

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That's all good and fine, except AKs are native to the region and there are literally tens upon tens of millions of them.

The AA-12 hasn't been adopted by anyone and there could easily be only a few dozen. Statistics are not available. Why would they make more if they have no sales? They don't need many for demonstration purposes. There aren't going to be "warehouses full" of AA-12s, I don't buy it. There aren't going to be warehouses full of any unusual prototype weapons.

Logic doesn't apply to some people...

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Stupid? Maybe, you either hate it or you love it. I can without a doubt say that it would demolish your collection of my little pony to dust faster than you could blink.

1. I'd love to see you in the army. "Fucking terrorists are using to overpowered weapons.. Devs, please nerf!!" haha.

2. Does it matter the genre? AA-12 would probably do just as much damage in a zombie movie as in an action movie. The Expandables though is old school brute force action. But the realism in the two are pretty much the same.

Since when did we compare someone complaining about an overpowered gun in a game to being in the Armed Forces in real life?!?!? c'mon i know you can't be that dense to think that was a valid argument. This gun (AA-12) would be the essential spray n pray gun of choice by anyone who would like to blind fire at moving targets.

I understand some people would just love for this to be a game solely based on Hardcore Free for All Deathmatch in the streets,

but no..

just nooooo.

please just stahp.

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Maybe AA-12 isnt the best choice. But i really feel lack of good weapons for short-distance combat in town.

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After reading this thread i decided to try it :D It's a really cool toy

Damage close up makes it a 1 shot kill but over 100 meters the zeds lie down but crawl towards you, It's so loud it's like ringing a dinner bell

Only bad point is the iron sights make it very hard to aim.

I'm going to add this to my heli crash site loot, I have a new weapon of choice :D

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Bro, no one wants the AS50 or the AA-12. Your point is invalid.

Speak for yourself! I and my community want the AS50,M107,KSVK,AA12 or any other guns thats in Arma2/3. Your point is invalid!

Everyone who says they hate that shotgun are BF3 players without a doubt.

You got that right and I'd also add those whining about 50 Cals!

Seriously you've got about 300 or so whiners here and about the same on reddit that constantly whine about 50 Cals, meanwhile the rest of the 1.8million players are having a blast with the 50's, before them it was thermals and look what happend there! 300+ votes decided for 1.5million as it was at the time of the vote.

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This is supposed to be a realistic game, and that... thing... doesn't belong in it.

In that case we better get rid of the Zombies!

Last time I checked they did not exist. :o

If its a "realistic game" get rid of em isent that what your saying????

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I don't see why they shouldn't at-least try it.

There are those people who sit on hills and snipe people for hours with a one shot one kill gun.

So if there are huge weapons like M107's and AS50's around. And snipers are ever so powerful.

Why not give the people on the streets a great shotgun? I mean, there are shotguns in the game. And every "class" of gun. Assault Rifle, Heavy Machine gun, Sniper. They all have that one good gun that you always go for.

Why not give the shotgun users a gun to look forward to looting? And just make the spawn rare, so not everyone is running around with one.

And to the people who hate it and say it will be the weapon of choice for Spraying and Praying.

A lot of people do that anyway, with any gun, at close ranges when they get scared and see someone suddenly. Why not have a gun that hits? x3

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In that case we better get rid of the Zombies!

Last time I checked they did not exist. :o

If its a "realistic game" get rid of em isent that what your saying????

Zombies aren't realistic, that can't be helped. What can be helped is not adding in AA-12s, XM8s, Avro Arrows, Hattori Hanzo swords and kung-fu fighting systems.

If people want an AA-12 they can put it in their private hives and leave the rest of us to enjoy a more sane experience.

Why not give the shotgun users a gun to look forward to looting? And just make the spawn rare, so not everyone is running around with one.

Because weapons should try to reflect the setting and Rocket's "authentic" goal for the game, not adding in practically non-existant stuff because it's cool and it's in Battlefield.

Edited by Gews

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In that case we better get rid of the Zombies!

Last time I checked they did not exist. :o

If its a "realistic game" get rid of em isent that what your saying????

They are infected, not zombies just to clarify things.

I don't see why they shouldn't at-least try it.

There are those people who sit on hills and snipe people for hours with a one shot one kill gun.

So if there are huge weapons like M107's and AS50's around. And snipers are ever so powerful.

Why not give the people on the streets a great shotgun? I mean, there are shotguns in the game. And every "class" of gun. Assault Rifle, Heavy Machine gun, Sniper. They all have that one good gun that you always go for.

Why not give the shotgun users a gun to look forward to looting? And just make the spawn rare, so not everyone is running around with one.

And to the people who hate it and say it will be the weapon of choice for Spraying and Praying.

A lot of people do that anyway, with any gun, at close ranges when they get scared and see someone suddenly. Why not have a gun that hits? x3

Aren't shotguns one of the most common weapons in the world? I heard they are quite popular for hunting and home defense ( with double barrel and pump action beeing a great number of the lot ).

Edited by Enforcer

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Someone explain plz how come it is perfectly logical to have enfields and winchesters in russia, but draw the line to shotguns...

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1. way too overpowered

2. this ins't expendables

3. why would a gun made in the U.S be in a soviet country?

1. Remove HE rounds and it will be good.

2. He posted the video as a joke.

3. The same reason the M4, M16, M14 AIM, M107 etc. are in soviet barracks.

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Someone explain plz how come it is perfectly logical to have enfields and winchesters in russia, but draw the line to shotguns...

Lee-Enfields are common. They made millions of them. They should have made a Mosin but it was easier to use the Lee-Enfield from Takistan.

The Winchester I don't get, but lever-action rifles are not uncommon, even in Europe. Uberti even makes an 1866 to this day which is relatively popular for use in CAS. They probably wouldn't be in Chernarus.

Fully automatic limited-production prototype shotguns not used by any military or police force should not be in DayZ! I don't understand why that is hard to grasp. There are slight niggles with the existing weapons, true, but how does that justify adding even more outrageous weapons?

If the AA-12 was used by the US military I'd say fine, go ahead, but it's not used by anyone and you don't find them anywhere. How many shooters have an AA-12? I don't even know how people can take the suggestion seriously... private hives, cool, vanilla DayZ? Nonononononononono.

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Someone explain plz how come it is perfectly logical to have enfields and winchesters in russia, but draw the line to shotguns...

Explain the abundance of western guns...no logic...?

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I'd rather see the amount of guns reduced across the board, so that not everybody has the opportunity of finding a primary weapon.

SA DayZ isn't going to be a FPS but a survival simulator, so do we really need to make the gunplay the main focus of the game?

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Speak for yourself! I and my community want the AS50,M107,KSVK,AA12 or any other guns thats in Arma2/3. Your point is invalid!

You got that right and I'd also add those whining about 50 Cals!

Seriously you've got about 300 or so whiners here and about the same on reddit that constantly whine about 50 Cals, meanwhile the rest of the 1.8million players are having a blast with the 50's, before them it was thermals and look what happend there! 300+ votes decided for 1.5million as it was at the time of the vote.

I can assure that most people don't like the fifties. If your community does, that isn't a problem, but i feel most people will not miss them in SA.

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1. Remove HE rounds and it will be good.

2. He posted the video as a joke.

3. The same reason the M4, M16, M14 AIM, M107 etc. are in soviet barracks.

The reason those guns are in the barracks is because it is a mod! The devs (just Rocket early on) didn't have time to make all the weapons authentic. With a whole team of devs for SA, hopefully they will take another look at the arsenal in this game.

edit for spelling/grammar

Edited by Vindicator

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I'd rather see the amount of guns reduced across the board, so that not everybody has the opportunity of finding a primary weapon.

SA DayZ isn't going to be a FPS but a survival simulator, so do we really need to make the gunplay the main focus of the game?

The difficult part is actually making things... "authentic".

Just random examples... a guy with a gun in real life can be very dangerous. Even if he only has one bullet. People made do back in the times of flintlocks and such, and they were worth their weight despite only having one shot and being totally innacurate.

In the game right now a guy with a modern semi-automatic pistol like the Mak is pretty much a joke...

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Modern military issue, even from other countries could make sense if one imagined that there was an international effort to contain the infection. Vintage weapons would be far harder to come by...

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