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Make banditry be punished

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For standalone, it will really suck if it's the same as DayZ now when everybody just shoots on sight. Make it so if you kill somebody your character starts crying or something emotional to help make the player feel bad and for their position to be given away.

Don't make bandits look bad ass/rough either that will just reward the players to do that more.

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DayZ don't judge, everyone dies.

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for some reason I couldnt stop laughing after reading this...

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For standalone, it will really suck if it's the same as DayZ now when everybody just shoots on sight. Make it so if you kill somebody your character starts crying or something emotional to help make the player feel bad and for their position to be given away.

Don't make bandits look bad ass/rough either that will just reward the players to do that more.

The last one makes actual sense. Removing the bandit skin would highten the tension when you are not sure about trusting someone.

About the rest, well maybe there is some other kind of game out there for you.

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"Your character starts crying" I lost it.

By the way, I don't think there will be bandits or heroes in the Standalone. I'm still gonna keep helping people, because it's way more fun than just killing anyone you see.

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Shh bambie, just learn to use the f*cking search bar. Youll see that this has been discussed so many times, and NO. If you like to be a happy, peaceful, diplomatic zombiekiller, you can be that, but everyone can do what they want and you shouldnt be able to know about their intentions in advance. Unless someone tells you, or you see banditry happening.

Edit: Even weaponry tells you pretty much about the strangers intentions and motives, though you shouldnt do any decisions on its behalf, as you shouldnt in real life. But you can if you want to be sure. Thats the excitement, the freedom. The authenticity.

Edited by p4nnus
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Why hurt bandits? Because they play a style you don't like? I play as a hero and usually hunt bandits down but I doubt doing something like this is going to accomplish anything but peeving people off.

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Let people play the game how they want to play it, there is no need to punish people because they are being a bandit.

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Hey, i'd still be a bandit.

I for one would laugh at my character crying, dunno about anyone else.

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Bandits aren't really rewarded. All they get is a different skin.

People are also way more likely to shoot players with bandit skins, so you're basically a KoS target all the time.

Heroes on the other hand, get a much cooler looking skin and if I remember correctly, run faster.

They are much more trusted too, obviously.

I think the bandit/hero system is perfectly fine how it is now.

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But I feel dayz is individual to whos playing it, I wouldn't want my character to cry after I've been deceiving a group four hours into an ambush.

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I think people who insist on making this suggestion should be punished.

Are you familliar with the movie Deliverance, by any chance?

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At first i thought this was ridiculousness but then i realized it makes sense if you are to kill someone in real life odds are your not just gonna shake it off. your going to think about it its going to bother you. Maybe if you kill mass amounts of people you character should shake or scream while aiming at someone. This shouldn't happen every time but at least once and a while. kind of serving as a flash back or something.

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There should be a punishment for bitching about banditry and K-O-S where your character becomes so depressed from the constant bitching that they venture into a horribly deep depression and develop Lou Gehrig's Disease...


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Good, pacifist bandits should wear a "happy" opera mask. The evil killing types should get a "sad" opera mask and be followed by haunting violin music wherever they go.


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Good, pacifist bandits should wear a "happy" opera mask. The evil killing types should get a "sad" opera mask and be followed by haunting violin music wherever they go.


Even better...

They should be dressed in all pink while having the musical theme of barbie playing every time they make a foot step

I would enjoy this while I run up to someone making a weird terroristic war call as I aimlessly spray at my target. I do this sometimes to scare the shit out of players.

Edited by CS14
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For standalone, it will really suck if it's the same as DayZ now when everybody just shoots on sight. Make it so if you kill somebody your character starts crying or something emotional to help make the player feel bad and for their position to be given away.

Don't make bandits look bad ass/rough either that will just reward the players to do that more.

I'm not usually a bandit...But when I do have to kill other players...I break down and cry...I killed two guys to save my ass once as we were being chased by a hungry zombie horde. When I escaped I broke down and cried so much that my keyboard broke due to water damage.

I often sit by my fire and sob, gazing at the gun and wondering if I should end it all.

I grip for the gun, my fingers caressing it for a while before I decide to leave it be. Maybe...just maybe if I constinue with this spree I can relive the moment when my hand was forced, so I can stop it. So I can drop my gun and be shot down, so the monster within me can die.

Edited by Maloney

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Guy at the Stary tents! I'm so sorry I shot you and your two friends! Boo hoo hoo, I shall seek penance and wander the earth forevermore!


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Instead of the bullshit 'the guy starts crying', Why dont the DayZ developers add 'post traumatic' (AKA Shellshock) to the Standalone, So your player can get shellshock which makes aiming harder, and then random ghosts just pop up in front of you.

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Haha, no.

Yeah, it just messed up my idea, buh remove the ghost part and I find that a awesome idea to implement

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Banditry shouldn't be punishable. It's a choice. It's what people choose as their story as what it is described for DayZ.

I'm not supporting heroes or murderers.

This mod seems to portray on how a zombie apocalypse would be like in the real world. There will be people who will kill others for equipment or self defense.

Here's what I think can change for humanity, particularly Standalone.

  • Symbols to distinguish bandits and heroes differently. This can be such as bandits having a scar over their face and a hero having a cape maybe? ;P
  • If fired upon by a bandit or other survivor, it'd be considered as self defense depending if your sights was pointing towards them and such.

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It's funny that a guy with a Heisenburg pic is against banditry/murder. :emptycan:

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I think I see a new Dayz Meme Theme...


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