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About euphoria^

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Pensacola, FL
  1. http://www.gamersgonewild.org Gamers Gone Wild is the brainchild of a 10+yr group of on-line veteran gamers, system administrators, and custom content creators. Forged for a decade in the transitional groups of the 28th Infantry Division, 3PGD, and various other groups. It was decided that strictly tactical play didn't fit the whole of the group. While our members may also be members of other groups as a whole we are GamersGoneWild, or as you may know us GGW. It goes without saying, "We've been around the block". We have both sponsored and un-sponsored areas of [ggw]. Our gracious player base has allowed us to put up a host of servers and keep them up. It's been a rocky road over the years. Despite all the uphill battles many of our original members are still active and can be seen in one of the many servers we host.
  2. The server is an offical server hosted through GTXgaming, they don't allow you to edit starting loud outs. Markov, Bandage, and painkillers.
  3. We recently changed our Chernarus server over to Namalsk !
  4. Updated: We have moved our DayZ Origins Server from France to New York. The server located in France will go offline in 7 Days its currently being updated to Origins 1.6
  5. Today we added Vehicle Towing, Roping, and Helicopter Tethering, Vehicle Stripping, AutoRefuel and Enhanced Day-Z Chernarus by P-R-N mevusu. Coming Soon. Safe Zones. BaseBuilding 1.2 Advanced AI controlled towns. [Hostile to everyone] Advanced AI [Friendly to survivors/Heros]
  6. Hey guys, I'm euphoria^ with GamersGoneWild, a small gaming community with lots of potential . What we need are people to play with, and help make our small community grow and flourish. This is where you come in, We are open to anyone 15 years of age or older who enjoy mature gaming. We are currently at 20 Active members within the DayZ/Arma community and would really like to expand in not only DayZ/Arma but in other games as well. Our Website Teamspeak3 [www.gamersgonewild.org] [512 Slots, Open to Anyone] Squad Most of us are around 20-25 years old.
  7. euphoria^

    Make banditry be punished

    But I feel dayz is individual to whos playing it, I wouldn't want my character to cry after I've been deceiving a group four hours into an ambush.
  8. euphoria^

    My Server [Hacker FREE] *New*

    Hacker free? Don't know what kind of witchcraft you're practicing but I'm sure its illegal.
  9. euphoria^

    Fire in the stand alone.

    If you have a setting in your Advanced video settings turned off you will no longer see the massive fire.
  10. euphoria^

    Squad xml not working at all

    If it comes down to it I can host your xml for you. Mine works just with with hostmonstor . Squad XML
  11. euphoria^

    Fire in the stand alone.

    What I would really love to see in the stand alone is the ability to start fires, and not fires for cooking. Like the ability to spread fire on buildings, possible start forest fires. I think it would be a cool tool to get people to leave certain areas or control certain areas of the world. I feel that weather should effect it as well . Like if it hasn't rained in a couple of days the fire should be able to spread with ease. Just the opposite if it had recently rained. You could use fuel as an accelerator or lighter fluid. You could have a bic lighter or zippo or just use your matches. You could even control it to a certain extent with water to keep it from spreading.
  12. GamersGoneWild has a new DayZOrigins Server We'd love to have more people join our squad! 50 Slots. 512 slot Teamspeak ip= gamersgonewild.org
  13. euphoria^

    Amateur Radio?

    I dunno cystal radios wouldn't quite do it. more like.
  14. euphoria^

    Hiding spots in buildings?

    Yes! Underbeds, behind shower curtians. I would enjoy hiding from other players this way also. And I really like the way you open drawrs in Amnesia, that would be a nice bonus.