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DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

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On the subject of glass and liquid and devblog.

Half empty or half full?

I see a few half empties on this thread lol

Make mine a pint :lol:

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On the subject of glass and liquid and devblog.

Half empty or half full?

I see a few half empties on this thread lol

Make mine a pint :lol:

I'm a glass half full type of guy generally. I think some people have dropped their glass on the floor, fallen on it and cut their face on the glass though. Whatever is said they can only see the negatives. Oh well.

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I think some people have dropped their glass on the floor, fallen on it and cut their face on the glass though.

Don't forget some like to break their glass onto other people's noggins. That's why mine are all plastic.

Is it still a glass though if it's plastic?

I'm feeling the time space continuum unravelling all around us.

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Funfact!: At a pub I used to work in a really drunk guy tried to smash a pint glass over the back of my head. He was so drunk he slipped, missed by about 2 feet and smashed his hand into a tray of emtpies and cut his hand to pieces. We had to call an ambulance for him, LOOOOLLL!!

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Glassing people is pretty low, don't believe in karma but kind of wish it sometimes and that guy got it good lol.

Matt, see how the thread is now starting to turn violent? Blood on your hands my son. Heh heh.

edit: forgot me smiley :D

Edited by philbottle

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Mr Sausage, here's the most recent info you asked for:

Edited by Fraggle
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Featuring Matt at 4.45

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I humbly request a grave side vigil beside Thatcher's last resting place. Hope she don't come back as a zed but it's be a good location for the next devblog.

I'll be the guy pissing in the background with a hatchet at the ready.. She was undead already, rather than infected.

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What is a devblog? :)

Have a read here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

It's basically somewhere the developers of a game write articles or release vids to keep us informed about how the progress of a game in development is going.

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Have a read here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

It's basically somewhere the developers of a game write articles or release vids to keep us informed about how the progress of a game in development is going.

Let me correct it for you: It's basically somewhere the developers of a game DO NOT write articles or DO NOT release vids to keep us IN THE DARK about how the progress of a game in development is going.

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Didn't you hear? Rocket confirms!

because of the missed devblog, everyone will receive one free Hatchet in their mail! Shipping is real cheap, only around 470 euros, and there is a possibility of it to be used and/or not show up at all.


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Let me correct it for you: It's basically somewhere the developers of a game DO NOT write articles or DO NOT release vids to keep us IN THE DARK about how the progress of a game in development is going.

Have a tissue.

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to keep us IN THE DARK


Sup bro, it's quite dandy here isn't it?

Edited by PurePassion
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dude. i think that glass is half empty. you should try to fill it up some more.

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Have a tissue.

Thanks, one needs a tissue to observe the trainwreck in slow motion that is SA development. Project lead taking a two month high-profile vacation after the project had already been delayed repeatedly. Maybe Rocket could hook up with John Romero to discuss how rockstar model of software development worked out for him.

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Slow motion development?

The mod was released a year ago. The Standalone announced, what, 7/8 months ago?

So what developer brings out a fully fledged (good!) game in that time?

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Can only play so much DayZ before I come back to the forums to check on SA...

Then I get bored... and post about it. Devblog or bust!

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Slow motion development?

The mod was released a year ago. The Standalone announced, what, 7/8 months ago?

So what developer brings out a fully fledged (good!) game in that time?

Anything "fully fledged" is light years away, we are talking delays of the initial alpha release for god sakes, as in "we must release something by December" or "alpha test is days away" (February). Now it's "we'll review the situation in June". Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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Funfact!: At a pub I used to work in a really drunk guy tried to smash a pint glass over the back of my head. He was so drunk he slipped, missed by about 2 feet and smashed his hand into a tray of emtpies and cut his hand to pieces. We had to call an ambulance for him, LOOOOLLL!!

I wasn't that drunk.. slightly sloshed possibly.

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quick question: does rocket going to everest mean that there is no communication between the dev team and the community until he returns?

that is totally how its shaping up right now

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quick question: does rocket going to everest mean that there is no communication between the dev team and the community until he returns?

that is totally how its shaping up right now

Well he's been tweeting the community and liasing with the devs. I'm not sure how easy it is to do more than that from Everest.

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