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Friendly PVP Server with AI Bandits and Trading Zone.

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Black mountain is now officially the most dangerous place on the map. There is some decent loot if people can make it into the castle grounds undetected. But I'm warning you, things could end very badly. The AI here are split into groups of varying skills and strategy.. So be fair warned :P

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Request: We need some girls on the server to help even the playing field, if you're a girl, or you know a girl who likes to play dayz.. Ask them to join us! We will provide you with a custom female skin, but can't guarantee good behavior from the boys.. All sexual harassment complaints will be dealt with by the sexual harassment panda..

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Do you complain about something on this sever? Be happy, on this server is someone listening to YOU!


Have fun!

Just from a friend ...


Edit: damn, picture does not work ...

Edited by BoMo
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Is it ok to use the TS chat, because im unable to speak in late hours?

( because the rest of my family is asleep...)


edit: family status

Edited by PredatorSchnizel

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Yeah, you're welcome to use TS , that's what it's there for :)

The reason I've pulled sidechat down is due to the spam of stupid questions , mostly aimed at me about issues people can figure out with a little common sense or just by using google.. I like to play the game too :P

We are having a clan meeting tonight, so we are going to discuss this as well :)

Edited by urbanskaters

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The bandits at Black Mountain have now moved their base to Devils Castle. Our intelligence gathering unit informs us that the bandits have been stock piling large amounts of food, ammo, tents and medical supplies throughout their base. We have marked the area on the map with a warning circle and advise all our players to avoid this area at all times unless you're looking for a war, please consider Devils Castle an extremely dangerous and hostile area and enter at your own risk.

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This Saturday SUNDAY evening at 10pm GMT is DayZ Cannonball Run. We have 3 Arma3 Alpha Lite passes to give away for the first 3 players that finish the race first, along with a selection of weapons, gear and vehicles to choose from. Everyone will get the same vehicle to start with, you'll get a trunk full of spare parts and you'll be allowed to take up to 2 people with you (2 plus you = 3). Along the way you will find different vehicles that you can repair and use, unfortunately the salvage script will be turned off for this event, so make sure you hold onto your spare parts from the start of the race. You will be required to complete the track 3 times, and each pass will be checked and verified by an Admin. Anyone cheating will be banned from the server until the event is over. If there are enough admins online at the time, one admin will travel with each group but only for monitoring purposes, they will not be allowed to help you in any way and any attempts to ditch them will result in a disqualification.

We will post the route up this Friday evening so you can familiarise yourself before the event :)

Edited by urbanskaters

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Ah dang, this weekend I am going to visit my parents ...

Have fun on the road!

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Ah dang, this weekend I am going to visit my parents ...

Have fun on the road!

I need admins :P

When are you back ?

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I will be back on Sunday around 4 o clock in the evening ...

sorry mate!

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I will be back on Sunday around 4 o clock in the evening ...

sorry mate!

We'll do the event on Sunday at 10pm GMT then ;)

Sorted :P

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I tried to log on with my custom face, but it says that the file was too big. ( 12345b>0b ) So i assume that custom faces aren´t allowed?


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I tried to log on with my custom face, but it says that the file was too big. ( 12345b>0b ) So i assume that custom faces aren´t allowed?


You just answered your own question, unless you were hinting at something else? :P

Edited by urbanskaters

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It was merely a hidden suggestion, that if you could allow us to use them..... ;)


I know , and if you provide me with a "reliable" link to enabling this feature on dayz.st servers.. I'll gladly add it for you :P

Edited by urbanskaters

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Cannon Ball Race this Sunday 10pm GMT.. Here's the map and details:


  • 1 player per vehicle. This is a solo event....
  • All vehicles will be identical. Humvees ;)
  • You will have temporary access to a vehicle repair command (works without tools or parts).
  • You will also be able to spawn yourself NVGs (again, this is a temporary perk only).
  • You must complete 3 laps of the course with red markers, starting at Komarovo going clockwise, each lap finishes East of Elektro.
  • At the end of the 3rd lap, all players must head EAST and follow the green markers to the finish line in the North of Berezino.
  • The first 3 players to complete 3 laps of the red route and reach the finish line will receive Arma 3 lite keys.
    You can thank EvilScotsman for the Arma 3 lite keys.
  • You must keep to the main roads at all times, no cutting across the fields (the entire event will be monitored and recorded using our map tools, an admin may also periodically spectate you). Cheating will result in a disqualification!

Please arrive half an hour before the event begins and be sure you've familiarised yourself with the route. NOBODY is to get in or interact with the vehicles before you are told to get into a vehicle. We will heli-lift users to the start line, but ask in plenty of time to avoid a last minute rush.

All further questions should be asked in teamspeak, the address is on the first page of this forum thread.

See you there.. Sunday, 10pm London time.. ;)

Edited by urbanskaters
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Anyone going to take part in the Cannon Ball ?

Or should I leave it for another day ?

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I know , and if you provide me with a "reliable" link to enabling this feature on dayz.st servers.. I'll gladly add it for you :P

Hello there,

here are couple of things that you might try in order to get the custom face enabled:

1. Look for your for arma2.cfg file in the cfgdayz folder and then do as stated above



Change it to whatever size you thinks necessary, but i think that the file size should be below 100kb to avoid the server slowing down if more people chooses to wear custom faces.

2. Email dayz.st support, they can do it for you.

Here is the page where I found these hints:

Best Regards,

Edited by PredatorSchnizel

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Added: Custom Faces are now enabled. Let me know if you have issues with this feature as it's out of my control, it needs to be enabled by my server provider.

UPDATED: Due to popular demand, the map now has a community base and trading post closer to the south coast, it's on Skalisty Island and you get to it by crossing the bridge and heading South over the hill, you'll come to a hanger with 3 helipads off to the side. Anything left inside the hanger is community shared resources (only the stuff inside vehicles, NOT the vehicles themselves, so please don't take vehicles), you take what you like from the vehicles and give back what you like (if you can , try to replace what you take, as we may not always get time to replenish supplies). Anything outside the hanger is left at the owners risk, although we suggest that all trades take place outside in front of the hanger with an admin present (your choice). Anyone caught abusing the community base and trading post will be banned.

WARNING: The community base and trading post is right next to the admin base. If you get a message that you are entering a restricted area, please turn back or you face being teleported off the island. We cannot replace items lost due to this security feature!

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We are sorry to announce that we are sacking DAYZ.ST and relocating to another server host. Details will be announced when they are available. All your profiles and gear will be the same, just on a different server. We are sorry about this, but DAYZ.ST have failed us for the last time. At the time of writing this our server has been offline for over 10 hours straight, all attempts at contacting DAYZ.ST have resulted in their admins rudely speaking to and locking people out of their IRC channel (not just me but dozens of customers). Hopefully our new provider will be less obnoxious!

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The NEW Server Address Is:

New vehicle ownership rules on the first post as well, please read it before joining our server. There are additional rules that you can access using the custom menu in-game, mouse wheel scroll to Unit487 and choose Rules.

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