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Friendly PVP Server with AI Bandits and Trading Zone.

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Due to a very unfortunate incident the other evening, I've had no choice but to change the rules. They are:


Don't get attached to your things (if something despawns, gets stolen by AI or bandit players, you die and can't get to your body in time, or you simply misplace your gear then there's nothing myself or any of the other admins can do. We will not spawn you a new one of whatever you lost either!). PVP is allowed and as such real life combat rules apply, in short trust nobody, not even the admins. However that said, douche bag behavior like killing new spawns or unarmed players will likely get you banned, so please show some pvp restraint. Do not horde vehicles, myself and other admins will locate and remove excess vehicles back to the wild (we don't check the gear contents either, so don't take the risk in the first place. we think two vehicles and one heli per clan or individual is fair). Stay out of the admin base (the blue area marked on the map), this is where we keep the admin helis and our own gear, we also store extra gear for players who might need our help with finding NVGs, a slightly better weapon, food and medical supplies etc. DO NOT complain about admins having their own helis or a safe base etc, being an admin comes with perks like any job does (only myself and one other senior admin have access to the admin map, all the other admins simply have Rcon access. so don't be accusing our admins of cheating, unless they are actually cheating of course).

Other than that, we ask that everyone try to remember that this is just a game.

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I wanted to play today and saw the server is closed. I was kinda shocked to see this. To all the People from the SWA clan, Mark H, Rainbow, Connor and Lowbridge, Littlebridge, Verk and all the others: Thanks for the great time. Lets keep contact. You can find me on Like steam and dayzcommander as Aeregon

Edited by Aeregon

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Reinstalling Dayz to check out this server. Seems cool!

What location is server? What timezone is this server? +\- GMT?


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I wanted to play today and saw the server is closed. I was kinda shocked to see this. To all the People from the SWA clan, Mark H, Rainbow, Connor and Lowbridge, Littlebridge, Verk and all the others: Thanks for the great time. Lets keep contact. You can find me on Like steam and dayzcommander as Aeregon

Hey Aeregon, it's been a tough decision to make for me and I'm feeling very down about it, but it had to be done as it wasn't good for my health (no joking around). If any of you want to continue running the server on your own, I'll gladly speak to the provider and see if they can transfer the account into your name, it's $25 per month and it still has 1 month left in the donations pot.

I can't give it my time anymore though, so if nobody is willing to take it over then again I'm sorry and I hope you find a good server to call home again.


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Good news. One of our admins has agreed to take the server off my hands and keep it running. The server is back online minus the safe bases, as those were the difficult part and I doubt there's anybody on the team able to create them or keep them updated. The admin safe base is still enable as I hope to remain onboard as an acting admin, popping in from time to time and getting to use my blackhawk :P .. If the new owner would allow this of course, otherwise I'll take care of that before I go as well. There's still some changes to be made to the scripts so that the new owner can take over properly. Bomo aka MusicOn will still be staying on as second in command and the other admins I presume will still keep their admin status.

All further questions should be directed to Connor via TeampSpeak or here.

Good luck guys and thanks for keep the fire burning...

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Note to the new owner (CONNOR):

The provider at dayzpriv.com will insist the issues with any lag etc are due to the custom scripts, he will advise you to revert back to a default install if you want to get rid of the lag etc. This is bullshit, it worked perfectly fine on the other servers and works most of the time on this server, simply push him until he looks into the issues. The cpanel is buggy as hell, so be careful, it doesn't work properly and saving changes to the config has ALWAYS broken it for me, yet they'll insist you did something wrong. If you let him reset the mission files, you'll lose all the custom scripts i.e AI's, autorefuel, etc..

Remember, I'm stepping down so I don't have to deal with this bullshit anymore and also so I don't have to be editing scripts everytime dayz updates the core code. So you're on your own with this one, I'll do what I can in the background for you, but my time is limited now and you could be waiting days for my updates. Hope you understand.

Again, good luck and thank you.

Edited by urbanskaters
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Another reason why I'm giving up on this project :P

Quote from 2 posts back: All further questions should be directed to Connor via TeampSpeak or here.

Edited by urbanskaters

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The server is now operational again and under new Ownership. there will be a new TeamSpeak for our server and details of that will get posted up tomorrow. If you have any queries please join our temporary TeamSpeak (eurots7.gameservers.com:9185 password - dayz487) and speak to Buchanan.

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Connor, you said that you would be online today. WHERE ARE YOU :P

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Aeregon, I have been on most of the morning getting the new teamspeak server operational and stuff! Go into the Temporary TeamSpeak if you are still online.

Edited by BuchananC

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New teamspeak details are as follows: IP - ts76.light-speed.com:7818 and the password is: dayz487. The server is completely up and running now with only a few changes needed! As it stands, we have everything that was on the old server, AI Survivors/Bandits/Soldiers, All road debris has been taken off, self bloodbag after blood gets below 7500, but remember you cannot bloodbag while in combat.

It would be really helpful if you would donate to the server to keep it running (all donations go to the Server and TeamSpeak) If you want to donate please contact me on TeamSpeak and I will send you my paypal details.

I would like to give a special thanks to UrbanSkaters (Hayward) for giving me the chance to take over where he left off! Thanks mate and i'll keep the fire burning!.

If anybody is wanting to get whitelisted for the server log onto our TeamSpeak and ask for me personally and i'll get you whitelisted!

We need more regular players on the server so everybody that is interested don't hesitate to come on and get whitelisted, its a simply process that takes all of a click of the mouse button :)

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YEAH! All honor and glory goes to Hayward for starting this server. We will make sure it wont be for nothing!

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Due to the server being riddled with almost ever gun in the game in all player owned vehicles, I have decided to erase the database and everything else with it. The server is now just plain Vanilla DayZ with rMod now enabled! I will be editing the map over time, adding in new buildings, bases etc over the next few days/weeks. The IP is staying the same, just the database and all things script-wise have been completely deleted! So I will be working on adding back in the AI script, auto-refuel, towing script, and possibly the halo jump script!

If you have any queries to do with the server or you want whitelisted contact me via our TeamSpeak 3 Server or in here.

IP: ts76.light-speed.com:7818

PASSWORD: dayz487

(if you are a regular player on our server and I have forgotten to add you to the whitelist, just get in contact with me on the TeamSpeak and I will get you whitelisted).

Server IP:

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Ouch! That took me over 3 months to get just right, if you can get it all back in under a couple of weeks then my hat goes off to you. rMod might make some script impossible to use, which was a huge reason for me never considering rMod before.

So what happened ? The decision to wipe the database and clear the scripts doesn't make sense to me, based on your reason above. If you had an issue with too many weapons in vehicles, then you could have just deleted the vehicles and started a fresh map keeping all the user details in-tact and the scripts too. You could even have enabled rMod as it's just a mod anyway, but like I said you might have to edit a few scripts to work specifically with it. I hope you didn't get this advice straight from Tim at DayzPriv , because I'm pissed at him if he caused all this, he should know better..

Anyway, that is shocking news and I hope you succeed in getting it all back up again..

NOTE: To the few people who emailed me directly on here complaining about stuff (only just saw your comments today), please note that I don't run the server any more. Your comments have been deleted and I'll not be replying, sorry...

Edited by urbanskaters

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Ouch! That took me over 3 months to get just right, if you can get it all back in under a couple of weeks then my hat goes off to you. rMod might make some script impossible to use, which was a huge reason for me never considering rMod before.

So what happened ? The decision to wipe the database and clear the scripts doesn't make sense to me, based on your reason above. If you had an issue with too many weapons in vehicles, then you could have just deleted the vehicles and started a fresh map keeping all the user details in-tact and the scripts too. You could even have enabled rMod as it's just a mod anyway, but like I said you might have to edit a few scripts to work specifically with it. I hope you didn't get this advice straight from Tim at DayzPriv , because I'm pissed at him if he caused all this, he should know better..

Anyway, that is shocking news and I hope you succeed in getting it all back up again..

NOTE: To the few people who emailed me directly on here complaining about stuff (only just saw your comments today), please note that I don't run the server any more. Your comments have been deleted and I'll not be replying, sorry...

Hey Hayward, the main reason was primarily the server, It was all going t#ts up and all sorts, not saving players locations, when they logged out and came back in they would spawn with like 2 bandages in the middle of kamenka!

Yeah I felt bad for doing it because it was all your work, but the server was just completely broken so I thought a clean slate would be nice for everybody who plays etc! Don't think I did it outta spite to you or anything! Tim didn't really say anything about it it was my idea, I made sure I asked EVER regular player on the server and they thought it was a great idea!

Sorry man!

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There is something wrong witht he server connor. Dayz Commander says the server is up, but if we try to connect it gets stuck on the "waiting for host..."

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There is something wrong witht he server connor. Dayz Commander says the server is up, but if we try to connect it gets stuck on the "waiting for host..."

I'll have a look into it!

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I agree with hayward, Before i saw his reply under yuor post, I also thought it would be allot of work to get all that stuff working again. I actually thought that "everybody starts clean" ment that you would just remove the vehicles and resetting the players. :P

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I agree with hayward, Before i saw his reply under yuor post, I also thought it would be allot of work to get all that stuff working again. I actually thought that "everybody starts clean" ment that you would just remove the vehicles and resetting the players. :P

That's cool. I thought it would benefit the community more and fix the server overall from the bugs! But you have your own opinion

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Oh, i totally agree with that. But why removing script, to be putting it back after? It's your choice ofcourse. Im not trying to judge your choices. ;)

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Oh, i totally agree with that. But why removing script, to be putting it back after? It's your choice ofcourse. Im not trying to judge your choices. ;)

If I had just reset the players and vehicles and stuff the server would have still been broken from that glitch everybody was complaining about! So with a total reset, it removed the scripts but it fixed the bugs! So it had to be done.

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Im done man. I cannot cope with this stress nor' the fact that's its tearing me away from my personal life. Its been two weeks ive had the server and I feel like putting a bullet through my head! Anybody wants to take it over contact me on Steam: BuchananC.

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Connor, I can take over. but only if you have a back up from when you took over the server, the scripts ect.

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Whatever man, I do have a backup yes. Go onto DayZPriv.com and go into a live chat, ask for Tim and tell him I sent you for taken over the server.

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