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Friendly PVP Server with AI Bandits and Trading Zone.

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Managed to lug my way up to devils castle after my car disappeared and it was too dark last night and I had no torch,not managed to see any AI yet thank god.

Should hopefully put some time into this server interested in the AI.

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Edited by Fukkit

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Looted NWAF got a ton of stuff,was even hearing gun shots around me jumped into my car and deciede to peg it back to my camp 6k away in the forest,just pulling up into the forest and BAM 4 AI(i hope it was lol) opened fire :(

I take it the bandits wear survivor skins and gillies as i just managed to get 2 kills on respawn in electro before the third got me.

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Looted NWAF got a ton of stuff,was even hearing gun shots around me jumped into my car and deciede to peg it back to my camp 6k away in the forest,just pulling up into the forest and BAM 4 AI(i hope it was lol) opened fire :(

I take it the bandits wear survivor skins and gillies as i just managed to get 2 kills on respawn in electro before the third got me.

Survivors wear appropriate skins and only survivor AI's wear Ghillies (sniper survivors that is) , the Bandits will always be in bandit skins for easy identification. If you are a Bandit, then survivors will attack you (or at least that's how it is supposed to work , and I've had players say it does).

Sorry to hear you had a tough time of it, is there anything I or my admins can do for you? Would you like us to sort you out a custom loadout? Nothing fancy though, but maybe some NVG's in there ?

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This server sounds fantastic. Sounds like you put a lot of work into making it fun for everyone, too. One question regarding whitelist (though I haven't even been on the server so I am not asking to be added now): I personally hate even talking on the phone, let alone in game, plus my headset with mic just died. Is there an alternative to teamspeak for inclusion? For future reference.

You can contact us through this forum, either myself or another admin will reply or take action on your message. You can also use DIRECT comm or Vehicle Chat and type "?admin" in the message and I'll be notified that you want to talk.. Then if I'm around, I'll ask you to log into the lobby where we can talk. Hope that helps ?

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Survivors wear appropriate skins and only survivor AI's wear Ghillies (sniper survivors that is) , the Bandits will always be in bandit skins for easy identification. If you are a Bandit, then survivors will attack you (or at least that's how it is supposed to work , and I've had players say it does).

Sorry to hear you had a tough time of it, is there anything I or my admins can do for you? Would you like us to sort you out a custom loadout? Nothing fancy though, but maybe some NVG's in there ?

Ah it's cool had a bit of a bandit bashing night :)

I take it north of cherno was meant to be burning tonight as it was and the amount of bandits around there made it a lot of fun.

Would seem that the zombies do not attack the bandits and we was up in one of the added apartment block on the top floor and we couldn't figure out why the zombies was agro below us the it turn out 3 zombies was in front of a bandit coming up the stair to hunt us down managed to get one but got HS by a 2nd one I didn't see.

Had a lot of fun tbh.

One other thing I did noticed was the bandit bodies de-spawned very quickly and it gets pitch black at night maybe a torch on spawn(up to you just a idea)

Any chance myself and badass68 can get whitelisted if we aren't already.

Many thanks

Edit scrap the bit about the bandit vs zombie bit i just read the hints on the OP.

Edited by monkey001

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Ah it's cool had a bit of a bandit bashing night :)

I take it north of cherno was meant to be burning tonight as it was and the amount of bandits around there made it a lot of fun.

Would seem that the zombies do not attack the bandits and we was up in one of the added apartment block on the top floor and we couldn't figure out why the zombies was agro below us the it turn out 3 zombies was in front of a bandit coming up the stair to hunt us down managed to get one but got HS by a 2nd one I didn't see.

Had a lot of fun tbh.

One other thing I did noticed was the bandit bodies de-spawned very quickly and it gets pitch black at night maybe a torch on spawn(up to you just a idea)

Any chance myself and badass68 can get whitelisted if we aren't already.

Many thanks

Hi Monkey, I tried to white list you but can't find your name on the recent log in list.. Can you maybe try to connect now, so I can see you GUID or post it here yourself. As for the AI despawning fast, that's to stop players from farming them and also to reduce server lag, the same goes for AI helis..

I've added Chemlights to the loadout, sorry, they were there before the rollback :(

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Spot on cheers :)


Edited by monkey001

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some good craic before it got dark, then i couldnt see "full moon ftw" Monkey stole all my kills on the bandits lol he never even seen them and used me as cannon fodder.

Cheers for the whitelisting

Some really nice work on the server adds a complete edge to the game had some good craic teaming up with the bud

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some good craic before it got dark, then i couldnt see "full moon ftw" Monkey stole all my kills on the bandits lol he never even seen them and used me as cannon fodder.

Cheers for the whitelisting

Some really nice work on the server adds a complete edge to the game had some good craic teaming up with the bud

Glad you like the server and all the additions I've been working on. So long as I can keep up the rent on the server, It will only get better over the months to come. Still working on AI heli lifts for players to get from A to B ;)

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We have disabled sidechat due to the noise pollution and spamming that went on. We also believe that removing sidechat adds to the realism of the game, forcing players to be more cautious and to plan more strategically. You can still use Direct Comms, Vehicle Chat and Group Chat (works in the lobby only). On that note, we are trying out a new way of reporting issues to the admins...

Using either direct, vehicle or group chat. Type " ?admin " followed by your message. i.e " ?admin I'm stuck in the debug zone ", you must put a question mark in front of admin or we may not get the notification. If an admin is available they will help you out asap, you may be asked to log off into the lobby until the issue/request is dealt with (if an admin is not available, you may need to post your issue here and wait until one is available). This feature is not to be abused, anyone abusing it with unimportant questions risk being kicked and possibly even banned if they persist. For all other questions, please post them here. That means anything that isn't urgent, anything that can wait until the morning, post it here. Thank you :)

Edited by urbanskaters

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Hey!I played a while on your server, had to stay away from the PC for a week, now I need to get whitelisted I guess.

Could you add me, please? I'll send you my GUID if needed, I also joined your TS but unfortunately noone is available atm. So I'll try to use this way to contact you.

Best regards and Good Game!

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Hey!I played a while on your server, had to stay away from the PC for a week, now I need to get whitelisted I guess.

Could you add me, please? I'll send you my GUID if needed, I also joined your TS but unfortunately noone is available atm. So I'll try to use this way to contact you.

Best regards and Good Game!

Drop me your GUID and in-game name. Thanks :)

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good games yesterday... Pretty violent day including a horrible plane crash by me after a failed attempt of horizontal spiral. I think I´ll leave those flying green coffins in a hangar from now on ;)

Anyways, I noticed that death messages were on, will this be permanent? And my debug monitor is not showing my humanity level anymore, is this the way it should be?

Nice to see that more people are joining to your server. I think our team had our first pvp action yesterday and we lost our black"devil" LB to someone in NWAF just after the restart before the dark. Just like in good old Day(s)Z, it seems that the MERC-team is not ment to own any vehicles :P



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Last night a human player took some shots at our beloved Little Bird. He was on top of one of this industrial buildings in Chernogorsk, we came back by foot and took him out. Can't remember his name (someone from 487 I guess) but his actions called for revenge.

So sorry for the gear you've lost, but it was necessary. :P

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good games yesterday... Pretty violent day including a horrible plane crash by me after a failed attempt of horizontal spiral. I think I´ll leave those flying green coffins in a hangar from now on ;)

Anyways, I noticed that death messages were on, will this be permanent? And my debug monitor is not showing my humanity level anymore, is this the way it should be?

Nice to see that more people are joining to your server. I think our team had our first pvp action yesterday and we lost our black"devil" LB to someone in NWAF just after the restart before the dark. Just like in good old Day(s)Z, it seems that the MERC-team is not ment to own any vehicles :P



Death messages will probably stay, we have our reasons ;)

The humanity has been removed from the debug as it isn't working properly right now, so it'll be back once we've fixed some issues.

Sorry to hear about your vehicle, yep, welcome to the good old dayz days. Btw, your clan might want to hire a VIP base. We already have a clan hiring one, it gives you roughly 50x50 meters of protected space (like the admin base). Because we have to hard code this into our map we reserve this feature for sponsors donating £20 or more, which also includes custom loadouts for all your clan. You need to provide us with the names of your clan beforehand though as adding new players to your base can take up to 48 hours due to the editing required.

Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield (NWA to you and me)

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Last night a human player took some shots at our beloved Little Bird. He was on top of one of this industrial buildings in Chernogorsk, we came back by foot and took him out. Can't remember his name (someone from 487 I guess) but his actions called for revenge.

So sorry for the gear you've lost, but it was necessary. :P

I took a pot shot at your heli , after killing another player on the same roof, at which point his buddy killed me and I presume you then killed his buddy. The circle of life my friend, the circle of life :P

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NEW: Blood bag yourself when your blood gets below 7500. (we may remove it if enough people ask)

NEW: Less zombies (more time to focus on looting, watching out for AI and listening for bandit players)

NEW: Safe bases now available with every donation of £10 or more (includes helipad with heli and custom gear loadout for your clan)

Edited by urbanskaters

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I think that giving yourself blood is a good idea (ie: shooted by bandits and alone in a server, so you dont have to spend next hour or so hunting down cows), but it should be more like a last resort. Only available with 1000-1500 blood left. Otherwise it is gonna be just like the healing pag/defibrillator in BF3, when you can istantly heal yourself and come back fighting. This in my opinion breaks the feeling of a adrenaline rushing encounters with other human/ai players if you dont have to care about that sudden first bullet that comes to you, besides big sniper rifle bullets that kills you no matter where it hits.

If you only have like 1000 blood left, you need to bail out from combat/looting, cover and hide yourself in order to give yourself blood between brief moments of unconsciousness. And with so little blood you will suffer from shock and probably have to bandage yourself before the transfusion and take some painkillers too to get yourself fully back in action.

I liked the amount of zombies as it was, ie: repairing a vehicle alone in a middle of a town requires stealth and plannig in order to get it done without beeing eaten alive. Looting shouldn´t be too easy and the possibility to that one hit kill Mike Tyson- zombie makes things just more interesting.... ;)

Well, these are just my two cents early in the morning...


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Hey, thanks for your reply.

Edited: Blood bagging is disabled during combat :)

We have kept the blood bag activation to 7500 blood because firstly most weapons carried by your average player can do 4000 to 8000 blood loss per hit, so 1000 would leave little to no chance of fixing yourself up (there are hundreds of hardcore servers to choose from , ours just isn't one of them lol). Although , I agree with you on the point that players can just heal themselves and carry on fighting, but lets face it, how many players have you taken on that haven't died after the second shot (or been knocked out and bleed to death waiting to gain consciousnesses ?) Most of my kills are 2 shot kills at most, so anyway with that said. There is an update pending that will prevent players from blood bagging while in combat (yes, we were going to keep this secret but I don't want people thinking I've gone soft on them) , but it's not easy to implement right now due to my limited arma scripting knowledge (i'm learning as I go along).

Reducing the zombies was done in response to more players than not complaining about the level of aggro from zombies while having to deal with AI and bandit players (what do you think one of my main reasons for turning off sidechat was for?), not to mention massive lag in areas like NWA when you've got 3 or more players in the same area. We are however, again this was something I planned to do later in the week, going to add a not so well known script feature of DayZ to some of the more lucrative loot areas, they call this feature the "Dinner Bell" .

I will increase or decrease the zombie rates based on feedback. My server caters more for the friendly pvp'r and cooperative type game player rather than the fast paced COD or Arcade Shooter style gamers. I hope you don't jump ship, and I'll do what I can to find a middle ground that suits almost everyone, because as much as I try, I'll never please them all.

Thanks again for your feedback, I'll do my best to get those feature-fixes up soon :D


I think that giving yourself blood is a good idea (ie: shooted by bandits and alone in a server, so you dont have to spend next hour or so hunting down cows), but it should be more like a last resort. Only available with 1000-1500 blood left. Otherwise it is gonna be just like the healing pag/defibrillator in BF3, when you can istantly heal yourself and come back fighting. This in my opinion breaks the feeling of a adrenaline rushing encounters with other human/ai players if you dont have to care about that sudden first bullet that comes to you, besides big sniper rifle bullets that kills you no matter where it hits.

If you only have like 1000 blood left, you need to bail out from combat/looting, cover and hide yourself in order to give yourself blood between brief moments of unconsciousness. And with so little blood you will suffer from shock and probably have to bandage yourself before the transfusion and take some painkillers too to get yourself fully back in action.

I liked the amount of zombies as it was, ie: repairing a vehicle alone in a middle of a town requires stealth and plannig in order to get it done without beeing eaten alive. Looting shouldn´t be too easy and the possibility to that one hit kill Mike Tyson- zombie makes things just more interesting.... ;)

Well, these are just my two cents early in the morning...


Edited by urbanskaters
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Updated: You cannot blood bag yourself while in combat. Figured this out a lot quicker than I'd expected to. For those of you that don't already know, the weapon ICON flashes RED while in combat. So wait until that stops flashing before you try to blood bag yourself :D

Added: Players now see their blood count in the debug monitor. You will also get a message if you try to blood bag yourself before the combat timer has reset.

Edited by urbanskaters
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My server caters more for the friendly pvp'r and cooperative type game player rather than the fast paced COD or Arcade Shooter style gamers. I hope you don't jump ship, and I'll do what I can to find a middle ground that suits almost everyone, because as much as I try, I'll never please them all.

Thanks again for your feedback, I'll do my best to get those feature-fixes up soon :D

Hello, and you´re welcome.

I know how hard it is to keep up a server, there is always people who will complain just about the smallest thing they dont like ( buhuu, that grass isnt green enought....) ;) Still it is your server and you can do whatever you want with it.

Players and that co-operative and helping atmosphere here are just the things that I like about this server, with the always chilling feeling of random pvp action around the corner. Yet there have been no senseless/idiotic spawn killing or electro sniping-type childish gameplay. You are doing a great job keeping the server action exciting and there is always something to do, even if you are alone at server. And because its DayZ, things will never go as you planned, at least with my hassling playing style ;)

My thought about blood transfusion and zombies were just a thoughts, definitely not going to jump ship but looking forward to try out your new features, now that i have my main internet connection back on-line. (missed some great action yesterday, according to my team mates) They told me that you are able to remove vehicle parts again, nice!

Keep up the great work,


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Hello, and you´re welcome.

I know how hard it is to keep up a server, there is always people who will complain just about the smallest thing they dont like ( buhuu, that grass isnt green enought....) ;) Still it is your server and you can do whatever you want with it.

Players and that co-operative and helping atmosphere here are just the things that I like about this server, with the always chilling feeling of random pvp action around the corner. Yet there have been no senseless/idiotic spawn killing or electro sniping-type childish gameplay. You are doing a great job keeping the server action exciting and there is always something to do, even if you are alone at server. And because its DayZ, things will never go as you planned, at least with my hassling playing style ;)

My thought about blood transfusion and zombies were just a thoughts, definitely not going to jump ship but looking forward to try out your new features, now that i have my main internet connection back on-line. (missed some great action yesterday, according to my team mates) They told me that you are able to remove vehicle parts again, nice!

Keep up the great work,


Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it very much and I'm sure my admins will to.

I encourage people to speak up, even if my replies may sound defensive at times I promise they aren't (much!).

I've got a few surprises planned for the next month or two, so stay tuned and try not to miss anything :)

Edited by urbanskaters

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