Max Planck 7174 Posted February 24, 2013 That pun was pushed out.Give him a break, he might be feeling a little flushed. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 24, 2013 really sad to see that so many people simply don't understand what this game is about.....this game simulates the total collapse of the modern world as we know it....being back in the middle ages or even worse...infections caused by people wet pooing at the next waterhole would for sure kill more peope (as it does in RL) than any wannabe bad ass shoot out would do...beside this I would advise you to simple check the wiki pages about Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis and Shigellosis....deseases that will be in the SAI think you're misunderstanding some of the arguments here - or at the very least the one I'm trying to put across.It's not OMFG POOP IZ BAD AND I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT IN MY GAMEZWTFBBQ, it's that I don't see what simulating the act of actually defecating and then having the... ahem, 'products' rendered in game is going to achieve that couldn't simply be worked around in ways less likely to cause problems with griefers.We already have water-borne infections in the game, so working something like Cholera in would likely be no harder than just giving a percentage chance of contracting it based on the location and player density of the area the water was taken from. Why do we need to have the cause of it in-game? And how many of us (besides deliberate griefers, which aren't really likely in the real-world scenario we're trying to recreate here) are actually going to go and take the time and effort, knowing the consequences, to crap in the local watering hole? In places where there is only a single source of water for potentially 20 miles or more, I can see the problem, but that's not the environment Chernarus is - there are multiple sources of water, from pumps to wells to open ponds and lakes. Water is one of the few resources (apart from Road Flares and tin cans!) that isn't in short supply.I don't want to get too deep into the spread of diseases and so on, as I'd be arguing about something which I don't even pretend to understand, but I'm just not sure that we need to actually have feces and the act of defecation rendered in-game in order to simulate their spread in an accurate manner. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted February 24, 2013 Hello thereI don't think you need worry about a high res ploppy with realistic textures and one can pick up and rub over ones body in 1080 hi def imagery.What ever is done will be non "uber graphic"RgdsLoK 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 24, 2013 Haha, and there I was dreading having to go through the graphics options to turn off 'sweetcorn rendering'. :DYeah, I figured that we're not actually going to get to see the act itself being done, but even then, as soon as you bring in a mechanic that features something you wouldn't bring up in polite conversation at the dinner table, some creative monster is going to come up with some way of doing something unpleasant with it.As I think I intimated in one of my earlier posts, I don't actually disagree with the idea to the extent that the OP does, and I'm willing to sit tight and see where they go with the idea, which I actually like the core 'thought' behind (waste management etc) but I do have very genuine concerns that unless it's executed near-on perfectly that it's going to be the source of a lot of problems.Still, we can but wait and see. :) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted February 24, 2013 Honestly, I think it's a terrible idea. It could easily be replaced. Why just increase the amount disease in an area when a player goes near it or in it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
God Dan 62 Posted February 24, 2013 I want to drop a fat shit on your body Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gesundheitk 420 Posted February 24, 2013 Hello thereI don't think you need worry about a high res ploppy with realistic textures and one can pick up and rub over ones body in 1080 hi def imagery.What ever is done will be non "uber graphic"RgdsLoKThat's a bummer. I was looking forward to purchasing another video card just to get the most out of my shit-rubbing 1440p smooth gliding texture all over my pixelated body. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 24, 2013 I want to drop a fat shit on your bodySee, folks? This guy. Here is your problem. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 24, 2013 What ever is done will be non "uber graphic""über" it is meant to be "über" : P (couldn't help myself...shame on me)I think the major fuss is because ppl feel there are hundreds of very well thought out ideas within the suggestions and there is now a huge possibility that exactly pooping will be "wasted time on". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted February 24, 2013 I don't know why there is so much hostility in this thread lol.I have no problem with it, but I agree 100% with what you said about the media groups, that is all that the DayZ community needs right now.Plus, I can't wait for the time when the greatest thing in the history of trolls, tea-bagging, is replaced by literally shitting on somebodies grave...Here's a graph of the new way Day is played. :) ---> :beans: ---> :emptycan: ---> >:( ---> <_< ---> >:( ---> :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
God Dan 62 Posted February 24, 2013 See, folks? This guy. Here is your problem.It's worth it to see someone go back to thier body and see a shit on it. There needs to be some way to troll Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted February 24, 2013 Hello thereIn many ways i completely agree with you. But as this is a survival sim also incorporating diseases, waste is a known vector for transmitting them.It's the handling of waste and the issues it presents which are apparently going in game.Remember early Britons used poo for many many uses.Infecting water sources etc is an important and interesting game dynamic.Wiki "Merril's Marauders" (ww2) to see what can happen to a fighting force drinking sullied water.RgdsLoKI see what you mean, but there are other ways to simulate pooping without actually, well, pooping. Why not just make a timer for players, and once it runs out, it slightly increases the amount of disease where the player is at?I think it should be something that happens in the background. Players shouldn't actually have to involve themselves in the process. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) can't wait to TP players' bases!..what always has to be regarded is that certain things and tasks sometimes sound fun and nice in the beginning and turn out to be a annoying repetitive sh**.I really can hope it is just an animation that comes along with diseases, hence being a symptom.. Edited February 24, 2013 by joe_mcentire 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 24, 2013 can't wait to TP players' bases!That would be amazing. Get this in the game already! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Positronica 30 Posted February 24, 2013 really sad to see that so many people simply don't understand what this game is about.....this game simulates the total collapse of the modern world as we know it....being back in the middle ages or even worse...infections caused by people wet pooing at the next waterhole would for sure kill more peope (as it does in RL) than any wannabe bad ass shoot out would do...beside this I would advise you to simple check the wiki pages about Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis and Shigellosis....deseases that will be in the SAActually, plenty of us understand what this game is about, namely that it's a GAME, and that people play it because it's a more enjoyable pastime that doing something else, like watching TV, or playing a different game, or sitting on the toilet in your bathroom. Plus a lot of us, and hopefully the developers, too, understand that the enjoyment of the gameplay in DayZ ALWAYS needs to take priority over the realness or simulation factor in the game. Why? Because that's why people play a game. People "play" simulations of boring, non-imaginative, tedious, and/or minutia filled experiences for training. They play games because of the enjoyable gameplay. And I know it's trendy for people to say that DayZ is supposed to be a hardcore simulation of a totally realistic zombie apocalypse, but that's just nonsense. It's a game, first and foremost. If it was a super accurate simulation of what a real zombie apocalypse would be like, you wouldn't want to play it. Why? Because a real zombie apocalypse would be a pain-filled, excruciating, soul-destroying experience. It wouldn't be a fun experience at all. All you'd want to do is find a way to end or escape it, and in the case of a video game, that option is always there just by exiting the game, but that's the last thing a developer should ever want their game to make people do. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slugfoot 73 Posted February 24, 2013 I predict that any publicity/notoriety incurred as a result of crapping in-game will only increase sales. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) See, folks? This guy. Here is your problem.That guy? That guy doesn't matter, he is not going to change the way I play and enjoy the game one iota. He is just some random guy.Why should I, or anyone, care if he gets his thrills putting a pixelated turd on a corpse on some random server? It doesn't matter unless you let it.I think the major fuss is because ppl feel there are hundreds of very well thought out ideas within the suggestions and there is now a huge possibility that exactly pooping will be "wasted time on".I think this might be because people are unaware of the whole infection deal that'll be part of the standalone. Rocket has even said that diseases will possibly play a more important part than the zombies.People hear about the crapping animation and think "that's it, that's the whole mechanic".Last thing: Why is faeces such a big deal? Why do people think the media will go ape over it? I can't imagine anybody batting an eyelid where I live (eu). Edited February 24, 2013 by Max Planck 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Why should I, or anyone, care if he gets his thrills putting a pixelated turd on a corpse on some random server? It doesn't matter unless you let it.'Cause ppl go out and shit everywhere and in the graveyard and then? then media will point at the gaming industry and how badly it affects us normal beings!! Edited February 24, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted February 24, 2013 That guy? That guy doesn't matter, he is not going to change the way I play and enjoy the game one iota. He is just some random guy.Why should I, or anyone, care if he gets his thrills putting a pixelated turd on a corpse on some random server? It doesn't matter unless you let it.I think this might be because people are unaware of the whole infection deal that'll be part of the standalone. Rocket has even said that diseases will possibly play a more important part than the zombies.People hear about the crapping animation and think "that's it, that's the whole mechanic".Last thing: Why is faeces such a big deal? Why do people think the media will go ape over it? I can't imagine anybody batting an eyelid where I live (eu).Come to the U.S for a week and see how apeshit the media goes over nothing. It is sad really. Parents in outrage over bodily function in games, yeah, I can see it being the next 'sex in GTA: San Andreas' scandal.I know what the devs should do! Put out a special line of headsets with mic's AND a nose sniffer thingy (gotta work out the name. Nose-mic maybe). That way, when someone has just lost a few brown pounds, we can find them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted February 24, 2013 I think we already have enough stuff that will make chernarus dirtier as the time passes on the server. And all that could act as a cause for diseases.Dropping empty cans after eating.Leaving a piece of raw meat because you need space for more ammo.Now that the clothes are implemented and it's said that the clothes could carry diseases i would like to add another idea.Why not make the clothes dirtier as the time goes on? You do run and crawl all over chernarus, and the clothes would get dirty.So every now and then you would need to find some source of fresh water to clean those clothes or just find new clothes.That means you drop the dirty ones. You would notice your clothes are dirty the same way you would notice if it were carrying a disease. (don't know how they plan to indicate that yet)So i think for the waste management mechanism we already have enough (i'm sure i could think of a few more examples then just the ones i mentioned).It might be best to avoid defecation (or how everyone likes to say "pooping" :D) and still have every good mechanics it would bring but loose the trolling. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted February 24, 2013 Come to the U.S for a week and see how apeshit the media goes over nothing. It is sad really. Parents in outrage over bodily function in games, yeah, I can see it being the next 'sex in GTA: San Andreas' scandal.I know what the devs should do! Put out a special line of headsets with mic's AND a nose sniffer thingy (gotta work out the name. Nose-mic maybe). That way, when someone has just lost a few brown pounds, we can find them!The US media can say what they want, it won't affect a Czech company. Furthermore, the standalone will be published on Steam, so you can all happily play with the rest of us regardless of what Fox thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted February 24, 2013 I think we already have enough stuff that will make chernarus dirtier as the time passes on the server. And all that could act as a cause for diseases.Dropping empty cans after eating.Leaving a piece of raw meat because you need space for more ammo.Now that the clothes are implemented and it's said that the clothes could carry diseases i would like to add another idea.Why not make the clothes dirtier as the time goes on? You do run and crawl all over chernarus, and the clothes would get dirty.So every now and then you would need to find some source of fresh water to clean those clothes or just find new clothes.That means you drop the dirty ones. You would notice your clothes are dirty the same way you would notice if it were carrying a disease. (don't know how they plan to indicate that yet)So i think for the waste management mechanism we already have enough (i'm sure i could think of a few more examples then just the ones i mentioned).It might be best to avoid defecation (or how everyone likes to say "pooping" :D) and still have every good mechanics it would bring but loose the trolling.I have supported these ideas for awhile. I love the idea of possibly having to take a swim to clean off, or maybe even shave my 4 inch long beard after a 10 day survival streak because I have a family of birds living in it.Pooping however, not my thing. I would get no enjoyment from wiping my virtual ass. Last thing I wanna do is let loose on the tiolet, and then have to come to a game and do the same thing. What if my character is constipated??? :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OfficerRaymond 2064 Posted February 24, 2013 The US media can say what they want, it won't affect a Czech company. Furthermore, the standalone will be published on Steam, so you can all happily play with the rest of us regardless of what Fox thinks.It would however, affect the sales in the U.S regardless. Also it would bring negative attention to the game, which DayZ does NOT need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 24, 2013 all news are good news ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites