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Dumb ways that you have died?

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Going to refuel a car, about to click the option, I hear a zombio agroing me. Turn over, aim him, press Leftclick -> start to refuel the car. Didn't notice the refueling animation was so long until that day -.- I got hit several times by the zombie until I passed out, and then died.

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I've had quite a few odd ways to die. I'll list a few;

Set fire to your hair

Poke a stick at a grizzly bear

Eat medicine that’s out of date

Use your private parts as piranha bait

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Get your toast out with a fork

Do your own electrical work

Teach yourself how to fly

Eat a two week old unrefrigerated pie

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Invite a psycho-killer inside

Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride

Take your helmet off in outer space

Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Keep a rattlesnake as pet

Sell both your kidneys on the internet

Eat a tube of superglue

“I wonder what’s this red button do?”

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Dress up like a moose during hunting season

Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason

Stand on the edge of a train station platform

Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing

Run across the tracks between the platforms

They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly

Dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to di-i-i-ie

So many dumb

So many dumb ways to die


You need to add the link to the youtube video of that safety commercial :P The song is much to catchy to be belittled into lines of text.

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On topic, I survived a hail of bullets and dodged a vehicle only to die from a fence. Swung it open, it swung me open.

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Night time, in one of those two story barns.

Try to go down a set of stairs, end up lagging and fall off the edge, that drop of 10ft snaps my legs like twigs, gives me an infection, and drops me to red blood from green.

Decided just to die and not bother crawling to a hospital.

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Well, it was me and another guy. I was strolling along near Vybor in my tractor, when suddenly a biplane appears from the East and starts flying real low on the dirt road ahead of me. I was thinking, "How stupid can this guy be?". Well, he must have been a half decent pilot to keep the plane seven feet off the ground without nose diving. But, he still hit my tractor. For some unknown reason, my tractor made it out alive with only a minor dent with a couple parts on yellow. After watching top gun here burn to death in his fiery plane wreck, I decided to get out of the tractor and see if I could recover his stuff. Well, I get out and my legs are broken. Then I realised, I had used all my morphine on a friend. So, after crawling for an hour and a half, I ran into another player. I asked him plainly, "Would you mind sharing some of your morphine with me?". In return, he shot me once with his M4 and knocked me out, whilst I was bleeding. So there I sat, watching as he eagerly plucked items out of my inventory while I lay there pumping blood out like a yard sprinkler. I took a break from DayZ for the day, couldn't deal with that kind of frustration again.

Edited by Cap'n

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Accidently pressed "V" on top of a castle tower and a friend place a tent on top of me and it killed me.

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Well... this just happened to me.


This is a lot worse when you're playing normal ArmA and you kill your entire squad using the same method.

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Spawn under the ground.

Investigate that screaming sound.

Eat a piece of infected meat.

Turn on your car’s ejector seat.

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Trust someone you’ve not met before

Break your leg walking through a door.

Roll off the side of a ledge

Get eaten by a little green hedge.

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Jump down a six-foot drop

Try and make an ATV bunny-hop

Run down the road carrying flares

Get mangled crawling up the stairs

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Fire a rifle inside a town

Press up when you meant to press down.

Try and make friends with a bandit crew

"Hey – I found a can of Mountain Dew."

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to di-i-i-ie, so many dumb ways to die

Keep running while you’re bleeding like a fountain

Say Rocket’s name on top of the Green Mountain

Try to fight a god-mode hacker

Get teleported to the thunderdome

Fry with everyone else in a server nuke

They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly

Dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to di-i-i-ie

So many dumb

So many dumb ways to die

fixed that for ya brah

Edited by Bottlerocket

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Shooting at a guy & then half way through shooting him I throw a grenade right in front of me... :(

Oh thats happened to me before, i went to kill somebody in the cherno firehouse, clicked my left mouse button when i didnt realise that i had a grenade selected, i ran down the stairs as fast as i could.... well you know the rest, but the guy i went to kill survived.

Karma is a bitch sometimes .

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Heard some shooting from Rog Castle and went to investigate. I snuck into the low spot by the circular wall and was watching the door to the tower. Finally 2 bandits that had just killed a few people came around the right side of the tower. I shot them both and just as the second one died, I lost my footing and fell into the crevice where they ground slopes way down into the wall. I could move around for a bit, but then... CRACK, I think every bone in my body broke and I died.... Never got to loot the bandits :( That thing is like one of those carnivorous plant traps.

Edited by =ST=Achilles

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My fiancee and I were playing on Chernarus once. We had no other choice but to use a bus to get around. We were driving across some tiny village and our bus decided to spontaneously combust. We died instantly. To this day, I still have no idea what the hell could have blown up the damn bus.

I got killed once because someone clearly failed at throwing a grenade inside a factory. He threw it on top of me, apparently. -.-

I was in a barn with my fiancee and his friend doing a quick run through. They had zombies on them. His friend decides to fall off the stairs and of course, that breaks his legs and knocks him unconcious. My fiancee went to help him, gets him all patched up for nothing... because the zombies finally caught up to them and managed to knock both of them out. XD I could only shoot so many zombies considering my ammo was limited and I had absolutely no medical supplies. Needless to say, they both died and I just ran away. >.>

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Went prone in a staircase while trying to get my gps open >.<

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Me and my friend split up to get this one bandit running around the apartments in Cherno, and...

My friend is now laying in the apartments, smelling really badly and flies all over him.

It wasn't my fault! I really thought he was the bandit!

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I was attaching the last wheel to the car I spent an hour repairing, and was KO-ed.

30min walk to body to find it despawned.

Crashed the car 5 minutes later due to a glitch...

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I was playing with a few friends that I had taught to fly helicopters. We'd had an incredibly lucky day - we'd found 2 choppers already, a little bird and a huey. As we got to NWAF, we found a biplane. I'd only flown it once before, so I decided to give it another shot. We thought we'd be hilarious and fly around Elektro, assuming 3 aircraft would terrify people. Well, I got a little cocky with my flight skills after doing some tricky maneuvers - going low and pulling up just in time, dodging trees, loops/barrel rolls - I thought I'd be a badass and fly low over Elektro.

Hit the hospital. Insta-dead.

My friends were absolutely speechless, then just burst out laughing.

Even better, one those guys earlier that day had decided to roleplay as the crazy guy who thinks zombies are people, too. After leading his "flock" to the church and preaching it, they ate him.

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Pressing A instead of Q in a little bird.

Corkscrew right into a tree

Edited by Dr. Satan
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