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Blind firing

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I was just playing a few minutes ago and when i was looting an apartment complex, i started thinking of what would happen in a firefight in that building. then instantly i thought about blind firing. i was thinking maybe like just hiting a key and you could move your weapon to the right, left and up to shoot around obstacles more easily instead of peaking your very vulnerable head out just to get shot.

also maybe your weapon could get shot by and enemy while you are blind firing it and then it gets damaged and maybe even disabled.

i really think this would be a great add on to make fire fights and other encounters more interesting.

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I think there is a blind Fire Option in The SMK Animations Mod and i think it is quite prakticly.

But why would you want to blind fire? The ammo is supposed to be found seldom, and when you Fire blind you will Not Hit anything, ergo you just wasted bullets and gave away you position.

P.S: I See The real life Application of this, supress The enemy, but this doesn't work in a Game.(except One makes The bulletsounds incredably loud and give them a scary Sound, like ACE does)

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With the existance of third person (which i support) i think it could easily be exploited much like in other games

Well your problem is 3rd person, not blind firing.

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It should be implemented cause without it it is just limiting the gameplay.

However, I don't think blind firing should be accurate, it is mainly for suppression fire, not to actually kill stuff. So there should be no crosshair or make it very unstable so its almost impossible to hit anything, that would be the solution of 3rd person.

But it cannot be accurate with 3rd person. This can be exploited just like mentioned, but looking over the walls in third person is also kind of like cheating imo.

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This would be great as with blind firing comes inproper use of ammuntion. It would be fun but once I wasted my two magazines with no kill, the gentleman could walk right up with his winchester and give me a makeover.

That said I love the idea.

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I really like the idea of cover in a game and by extension blind firing too; the only problem is that there tends to be a trend towards one type of cover system and it comes with some inherent problems.

The two systems are as follows: the well known Gears of War style sticky cover (which limits usability and increases the clunk factor) and the lesser used system present in early Call of Duty games, the new Far Cry and of course Arma. The latter of these systems is fragmented and comes in two variants; the Arma/CoD "press to lean" method and the newer Far Cry system "active lean" method as I'll nick name them.

The reason I bring both these systems up is because I believe in order to get this systems right; the industry needs to reach a consensus on the mechanics of both methods. As of now the second system is kinda a mismatch of ideas; to reach a consensus you first need to set the ground rule. Perhaps DayZ can be the game to set them and it starts with ideas laid out here by the forumer's.

Here's my suggestions of some ground rules:

Solutions to Meta game:

  • No cross heirs in thirds person
  • Minimum aiming dead zone

Explanation: No cross heirs in thirds person: No cross heirs are a tricky subject because of the loot mechanics in DayZ but its necessary; so the extent of its affect needs to be defined. Minimum aiming dead zone: Without a dead zone its easily possible to circumvent having no cross heirs.

Controls and animations:

  • Responsive controls
  • Minimal animation transitions
  • No sticky game mechanics
  • Active animations
  • Functional lean
  • Reactive lean

Explanation: Responsive controls: this won't be a popular opinion but games like the recent Far Cry and Call of Duty have controls which play into the players ability to seek cover without the Gears of War like system were you become attached to an object. Minimal animation transitions: this something Rockets been doing anyway and it kinda plays into making the game more user friendly; less awkward character transitions. No sticky game mechanics: in other words stay away from forced animations or controls; rendering you useless whilst set in one state. Active animations: like Far Cry 3 your character reacts to their environment by leaning a little near the edge of an object but it important this isn't forced on the player though a sticky system. Functional lean: lean as and when you want using "Q" and "E" as Arma does now. Reactive lean: when near cover; leaning can be split into two stances leaning in aim and leaning without aiming or blind firing.

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I really like the idea of cover in a game and by extension blind firing too; the only problem is that there tends to be a trend towards one type of cover system and it comes with some inherent problems.

The two systems are as follows: the well known Gears of War style sticky cover (which limits usability and increases the clunk factor) and the lesser used system present in early Call of Duty games, the new Far Cry and of course Arma. The latter of these systems is fragmented and comes in two variants; the Arma/CoD "press to lean" method and the newer Far Cry system "active lean" method as I'll nick name them.

The reason I bring both these systems up is because I believe in order to get this systems right; the industry needs to reach a consensus on the mechanics of both methods. As of now the second system is kinda a mismatch of ideas; to reach a consensus you first need to set the ground rule. Perhaps DayZ can be the game to set them and it starts with ideas laid out here by the forumer's.

Here's my suggestions of some ground rules:

Solutions to Meta game:

  • No cross heirs in thirds person
  • Minimum aiming dead zone

Explanation: No cross heirs in thirds person: No cross heirs are a tricky subject because of the loot mechanics in DayZ but its necessary; so the extent of its affect needs to be defined. Minimum aiming dead zone: Without a dead zone its easily possible to circumvent having no cross heirs.

Controls and animations:

  • Responsive controls
  • Minimal animation transitions
  • No sticky game mechanics
  • Active animations
  • Functional lean
  • Reactive lean

Explanation: Responsive controls: this won't be a popular opinion but games like the recent Far Cry and Call of Duty have controls which play into the players ability to seek cover without the Gears of War like system were you become attached to an object. Minimal animation transitions: this something Rockets been doing anyway and it kinda plays into making the game more user friendly; less awkward character transitions. No sticky game mechanics: in other words stay away from forced animations or controls; rendering you useless whilst set in one state. Active animations: like Far Cry 3 your character reacts to their environment by leaning a little near the edge of an object but it important this isn't forced on the player though a sticky system. Functional lean: lean as and when you want using "Q" and "E" as Arma does now. Reactive lean: when near cover; leaning can be split into two stances leaning in aim and leaning without aiming or blind firing.

if you learn how to use the gears of war cover, trust me its not clunky.

i used to play it all the time

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talking about crosshairs and aiming...you all know that crosshairs will probably be removed entirely in the SA and aiming will be possible in 1st person only...just saying...

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With 3P it's not blind firing...

talking about crosshairs and aiming...you all know that crosshairs will probably be removed entirely in the SA and aiming will be possible in 1st person only...just saying...

Let's hope so...

Edited by Enforcer

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if you learn how to use the gears of war cover, trust me its not clunky.

i used to play it all the time

Yes if you learn to use it; its fine but in reality you don't get tied to walls when you stand next to them. And I don't mean to criticise but if in Gears of War you could move a away from a wall without having to press an additional button; wouldn't this then make things even more streamlined, smooth and realistic/authentic.

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Blind fire is considered a method for suppression fire, not to kill. So if they add it, thats what it would be mainly for. Blind fire for some friend to run to another cover, just get some heat and scopes off of you, if you actually want to kill, stand in the corner and lean like your supposed to.

Edited by Sinkatze

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Bro, 3rd-person shooting in Veteran with no cross-hairs pretty much IS blind fire. I got into a gunfight yesterday with an M16A2, and I realized I was basically shooting 3-round bursts in the general direction of where I THOUGHT the shots were coming from. Which is the most realistic version of warfare I've ever seen in a game. As of now, most Day S shoot outs take place between 50 and 300 yards. Without aiming down your sights, you're missing. Try doing it without looking at your GUN, and you're just being stupid.

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Blind fire is considered a method for suppression fire, not to kill.

Challenge accepted

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If you want a method for supression, just fire one round and wait for zeds to show up.

I wouldn't mind having blindfire added, but it's not exactly a necessity.

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I find a couple of bullets bouncing off the ground nearby is usually enough to make most players look for cover, and if you're up against a guy cool enough to stand his ground and take aim during that, he's almost certainly going to be smart enough to stand back and let you blow most of your ammo shooting at nothing much before waiting for his chance.

For me, it'd only be useful in such hugely limited circumstances that I can't really see the point.

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If you want a method for supression, just fire one round and wait for zeds to show up.

Umm, the idea is usually to suppress the enemy, not yourself.

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i use smoke grenades for "suppression" type things most people dont shoot when they cant see and zombies are attracted to that.

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Umm, the idea is usually to suppress the enemy, not yourself.
You're right, zeds would never DREAM of going after the first person they see..... :huh:

I'm hanging my head in shame for my stupidity.

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