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Huge Structures in DayZ SA

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I'd love to see anything underground. I'm personally infatuated with Metro 2033. The book, not so much the game.

The sociological impact of being in the Metro is something Glukhovsky looked at so wonderfully, that no one else has done nearly as well. But, of course, I'd still go for bunkers, sewers, anything really.

I'd personally love to see a military chemical-weapons repository with neglected and leaky storage tanks, that would be incredibly lethal to unprotected players. Not that it would form a huge cloud of nerve gas that floats around the map like other suggestions, but I'd love to see this bunker as a good high-level, high-risk, high-reward destination for the grizzled veterans who are bored of shooting up airfields.

Think about it. The facility would be almost completely dark except for flickering red emergency lights, the gas mask and gear would (ideally) restrict your vision and movement, and one zombie could end your life if it just so happens to tear your suit or remove your mask.

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Maze like Sewer system under main urban areas.

Subway system where train cars can be modified to run on alternative power source.

Cruise ship near the coast with full interior and undead passengers also life rafts/small boats.

Maze like maximum security Prison with lockable cells, (great for taking hostages)

Car garage with tools like welder where mad max style modifications can be made to vehicles.

Building like Nakatomi tower from die hard, with offices, restaurants, etc.

Nuclear research facility like shadow moses island from MGS.

all that = Dead Island.. Or at least most of it.

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I'd like to see a 500 story tower built in cherno with no accessible windows laced with booby traps every three stories forcing shooters to hike 9 hours until reaching the top of it.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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I love the idea of sewers/subways.

I was thinking being able to move objects in game, such as dressers and tables to barricade doors against zombies.

Perhaps actually becoming infected and turning into a zombie would be interesting.

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The possibilities are endless, here are some of my suggestions:

A football field:


Every city need some sort of place for sports. Found in Elektro and great for building bases in due to the large amount of space, with zombie jocks roaming in the open fields.

A park:


A park really adds to the flavor of a city. Instead of just woods after woods which can boring after a while why not add in a park? It could also be the source of zombies roaming the woods.

An abandoned zoo:


A place once for friends and family is now a place for rotten,dead carcasses of animals. We can take it even further by adding some sort of zombie animals.

A small carnival:


Kind of overused in zombie and post-apocalyptic films but carnivals really add to the settings, especially an abandoned one.

Another great additions are places like subways,sewers and malls as already suggested by many people. More public facilities will really add the impression that Chernarus was once a place normal people lived in.

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A football field:

Chernarus is an european country ;) so it would defenetely look more like this


I love all this circus, zoo, carnival, amusement park stuff :) but a metro is out of question. There are around 140 metro sysytems worldwide ...London, Barcelona, Paris,New York, Tokio, Budapest, Moscow.......Cherno ?? :P

Vienna Sewers :


Edited by Private Evans

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I'd love to see a rusty off-shore aircraft carrier, only accessable by boat or heli, although the heli can't land on it :) . Arma2 already has the model with some interiors so should be possible.

I'd also love to see a sewer system under the cities, maybe with some secret tunnels leading elsewhere. I'd want these tunnels to be amazingly easy to get lost in so that players would need to make a mao or leave some kind of trail to find their way around.

All of this! All of this!

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A few more boats, would be nice in the Harbours, even as an aesthetic look, maybe a place to hide when you hear gun shots in town / locality.

With the addition of Utes a ferry would be a great idea (A wreck of course or non fuctional) With limited boat spawns in the Mod we would need a suitable way to get back and forwards, I was always surprised with Chernarus being a coastal location and a lack of boats. Piracy could take to the open sea.

In my experience as a lone wolf, swimming was the only way to access islands as boats were rare, I just hope more boats are added :thumbsup:



Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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Location : Guba pass. at least not on the south coast because you don't want fresh spawn to access all the amazing loot in it.

Loot : amazing!

PVP : YES lots

PVZ : YES zombified crew!

Lots of different entrance points possible, so you can sneak in and out if you're lone wolfing.

Edited by Bat
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How about a Museum?

With Dinosaurs and dead Puma and Bear Models

Some Knight Armors with Swords and Shit

Maybe you remember the Museum in GTA 4?


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A football field:

Chernarus is an european country ;) so it would defenetely look more like this


I love all this circus, zoo, carnival, amusement park stuff :) but a metro is out of question. There are around 140 metro sysytems worldwide ...London, Barcelona, Paris,New York, Tokio, Budapest, Moscow.......Cherno ?? :P

Vienna Sewers :



I'd love to see a park, as one person already suggested.

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I feel like dayz needs a mall tbh. Like a huge ass 3 story mall, and maybe on the roof put military spawns, but the inside loaded with zombie spawns and medium-loot. It'd be pretty cool having 3 of your buddies and you sneaking by in an area so sewn into pop culture...

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A stage for me to play on so I can command the infected with the power of rock to their demise.

But4srs. A carnival, those are always creepy when they're abandoned.

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Considering the size of the cities, I don't think the population of Chernarus would've necessitated a 3 story mall. :P

I just want some enclosed underground system. Or a PROPER industrial complex, big enough to get lost in.

A football stadium would be cool to explore, but I can't picture it being much use for looting.

(I mean the game with the ball and the feet. Armoured hand-egg is seriously rare outside North America)

Coal-mines, sewers, subways, car parks. Anywhere that's dark as fuck that you'd never feel comfortable in.

With the new car-wreck loot-spawns, a 28 dayz later style car tunnel scene would be well worth a look.

EDIT: Would fit nicely if there was a big river with a tunnel going under it.

Edited by Chabowski

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DayZ "Underworld" doesn't this sound like a huge future Addon bringing sewers, basements, coal mines, caves, catacombs, cold war bunker systems, nuclear missile silos and underground basebuilding :) all at once...

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A large warehouse/factory district, big factory insides with lots of corners and places to hide and explore, I think that fits this setting in particular a whole lot. For example, we've seen abandoned structures like this in STALKER, with big machines, alot of nook and crannies to check out. Maybe it could be an old tank building complex that was abandoned before the outbreak so it looks even more run down, but it ends up being a real good place for finding parts for vehicle modifications and finding metal junk used in crafting.

I'd also like to see some more military based installations, maybe more just an enhancement of the like the military airport, with maybe an underground bunker to explore beneath the airport.

Derelict ships would be awesome too. Maybe a large ferry thats hit a sand bank, even go as far as an abandoned navy vessel, maybe not aircraft carrier huge, but very big, maybe its crashed into one of the islands. More stuff that looks like the place was hit really hard and things went to shit fast much like you find all the destroyed cars around.

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Prison: A location for close quarters combat and a way to aquire: prison clothing, guard clothing, stun guns and monitoring equipment, water.

With all the respawning going on as player characters die over and over, how about turning the loss of a character life into something useful, like allowing a player to be captured and placed in some kind of custody, for sake of some other game mechanic. Player characters could be taken capure and locked away in any room with a lock on it.

As in this suggestion? ----> http://dayzmod.com/f...rvivor-hostage/

i fully support this! (you could find handcuffs in the prison and police station...)

EDIT: i would really like a new city. (like the size of Bristol!)

Edited by The stromling

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What about making contaminated areas and structures ? The player would need proper gear to explore and loot them :) ...gasmasks for example have been confirmed...

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i am somewhat unsure about that. it should stay in context. so what could lead into contamination?

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