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[3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

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Wow dude, these are really great, I love the degraded alternatives too. I hope Dean jumps on this like a fat kid on cake! :) Good work, your fandom is inspiring :D

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I want to drink "Griffon" and then have a bite "SulaHoops" :D ^_^

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vodka medved' balalayka! xDD

Edited by Griffon

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I'm still a fan of the mystery can. :)

It's DerpyHooves. It's my guilty vice. I love the smell of Derp in the mornings.


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It's DerpyHooves. It's my guilty vice. I love the smell of Derp in the mornings.


Smell's like... Hooves...........

Also.... Muffins, i even have a sample you can use :P


Edited by Derpy_Hooves

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MRE's anyone?

Something like this?


It's a bit dark but I didn't want to play around with lighting settings for too long ;)

Clean one, dirty one, empty dirty one.

Damn forum isn't letting me upload files, so imagebin link :( Not letting me embed it either :(

Brought to you by Chernafood Inc.


Edited by Elvaron
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Nice work Joey, I really hope the 'degrading quality' concept makes it into the SA.

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Oh Joeyslucky if you were right in front of me you'd have a wet nose because I'd have given you a great big wet kissy on it! You genius! :thumbsup: :beans: :)

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I'm not quite sure how alpha mapping will work in SA (haven't exported models with an alpha before) but here's what it might look like.


Does "Модератор одобренный" = "Moderator Approved" ?

What about make something with my nick :D We are laughing all Russian Section from this Vodka bottle :D

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Damn everything look nice and sweet. I hope to see your work in the standalone

Edited by The average pilot

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I vote alcohol (vodka) being useful in game to prevent small sicknesses from food or to suppress small amounts of pain from zombie scratches... Would set it apart from sodas and water.

But it makes you go all red dead redemption (blurry vision, character miss stepping)

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I had to come back and look again. I've saved a copy to my disk. It's just so clever. Mind you, it's all like magic to me. Like light bulbs. How do they know how much light to put out? :huh:

See? Magic!

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Some ideas are so adorable.

Almost makes me wish I could get a food lol

great work on the models ! <3

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Needs more twinkies. Everyone knows when the apocalypse strikes there will be those people who horde that shit up.

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Any more work today? How's my Rootin' Tootin' Trail Mix going? :P

I wouldn't know what Joey's up to, I'm currently working on a surgical set, quick preview render scene with other stuff for size comparison (can you spot the throwing knife?): http://imgbin.org/images/11604.png

As you can see, still plenty of tools missing in that kit :D next will be the scissors. It's gonna have a red rubber band to hold it together, seems more appropriate for that shape than a zipper.

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I wouldn't know what Joey's up to, I'm currently working on a surgical set, quick preview render scene with other stuff for size comparison (can you spot the throwing knife?): http://imgbin.org/images/11604.png

As you can see, still plenty of tools missing in that kit :D next will be the scissors. It's gonna have a red rubber band to hold it together, seems more appropriate for that shape than a zipper.

Nice stuff, I wish I could texture. While I'm not awful at using Blender to make models I got lost at the UV map stage.

Any ideas on what your items could be used for (the surgical set and nails)?

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The nails are used for the nailgun (model done, need to texture it though) to barricade building entrances with wood (nailgun can also be used as a short-distance weapon).

Surgical set to remove bullets after surviving a firefight, otherwise the wound will get infected and you start losing blood slowly until the bullet is extracted. Or, you know, just as decorative items in enterable hospitals :D

Edited by Elvaron
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These are very creative. To hell with Heinz and all the rest, I think these are much better. Well done!

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Hell, who doesn't want their name on a chocolate bar? Dark chocolate... Mmmm

There you go:


Voddler chocolate ;)

Also made the scissors (render includes Voddler chocolate):


What else do you think should go into the surgical kit? I'm thinking one of those long, thin poky things and maybe a different variety of scissor, but after that?

You need to upload the images to Photbucket, Tinypic or similar and then link the image in your post :)

Thanks, tinypic worked.

Edited by Elvaron
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