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Tacklebait (DayZ)

How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

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I'm curious what kind of mechanics are going to be in place in the stand alone once the bugs are fixed such as zombies not attacking you in doors as well as zombies not hitting you when you are in a bush/tree.

My thoughts are items that you can use on the fly. Maybe depending on the clothing your wearing for how many slots you have available.

With these you can equip smoke grenades/raw meat/ or whatever to distract zombies that are chasing you. Or equip it with a pop and can of food if you want to eat on the run.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Tacklebait

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Lose their line of sight (trees, buildings etc)

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Maybe they'll be like Africanized honey bees and lose interest after half a mile.

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Hopefully all those empty tin cans and whiskey bottles might be useful for something...

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I will rain down hell fire and brimstone on zombies. That is how I will lose them.

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Hopefully stealth (or a standup fight) will become more of a tactic again rather than blindly running and losing zombies in trees and buildings.

If zombies can run indoors, be more numerous and not give up so easily just because you run behind a tree then they will hopefully be a major threat again.

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Traps, not just bear traps. I've never even seen one in game. Like a grenade (smoke, frag, whatever) attached to a tripline. Even a road flare as a warning or distraction. Punjii pits with big ol' spikes at the bottom. How awesome would it be to dig a hole with spikes in it then run a whole pack of zombies into it? Awesome.

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Scraping zombies, ie-losing LOS, will certainly be an option. At this point it's all speculation as the zombies will most likely be built from scratch and so their movements, aggro, speed, abilities, will all be different.

Making them more dangerous and plentiful but without the laser guided precision when chasing survivors would be a change. Cities would be more dangerous while losing them in the woods would become easier. Personally I'd like to see shamblers rather than scramblers, or a mix.

Based on the info it looks like they might become persistent to the environment rather than spawning on survivor range. That alone is a plus.

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I look forward to the times where we actually have to avoid the zombies in the first place, instead of running through a town gathering them all, and then worrying about them when you're finished looting.

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Hopefully all those empty tin cans and whiskey bottles might be useful for something...

they already are.....

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they already are.....

I have never had a zombie react to a thrown bottle or can before? If you hit them in the legs they will break their legs. That's how useful they are right now.

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We'll still be able to lose them by breaking line of sight. Running through a few buildings with multiple exits or through a few trees/bushes should do it. :)

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I believe rocket stated that hiding in bushes will still be an option. But since the bushes are redone in standalone it might not work as well and might contain glitches that kill you in new ways. I really wouldn't worry too much. The developers of standalone clearly have a direction in mind with the game and it'll be an anti-game that is just as cruel and unfair as the mod.

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Hopefully in the standalone the melee weapons are more reliable and better for taking out Z's.

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Hopefully in the standalone the melee weapons are more reliable and better for taking out Z's.

You mean you have problems using the hatchet?

The only issue i have when using the hatchet is when zombies attack you from like 3 meters away where they sort of teleport to your face. But that is an issue with the animations and desync and whatever else is going on and affects all weapon types.

The hatchet is the number one weapon to use against zombies.

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Smoke grenades might certainly be a good option, but I got a feeling that the best option is simply to run if you don't want to fight. I'm hoping you can actually outrun zombies in the standalone to some degree, like your fastest is certainly faster than a zombies, it needs to be that way. Whether they are infected or undead, they are at a disadvantage to a healthy person, and I think that needs to be taken into account. I'm hoping they get a completely revamp as they are in dire need of it, not just by fixing the bugs, but fixing their AI when it comes to how they react, how they chase, how they attack, etc...

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Hopefully stealth (or a standup fight) will become more of a tactic again

What??? That's ridiculous!!!! How am I supposed to gear up in my standard 10-20 minutes so I can go shoot noobs if I have to be all stealthy and tactical? Hopefully that can be balanced with better starting gear or maybe more care packages.

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What??? That's ridiculous!!!! How am I supposed to gear up in my standard 10-20 minutes so I can go shoot noobs if I have to be all stealthy and tactical? Hopefully that can be balanced with better starting gear or maybe more care packages.

Yeh well said dude, it also needs tactical nukes and kill streaks!

(In fear of brain-dead idiots who don't understand sarcasm, that was a joke.)

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What??? That's ridiculous!!!! How am I supposed to gear up in my standard 10-20 minutes so I can go shoot noobs if I have to be all stealthy and tactical? Hopefully that can be balanced with better starting gear or maybe more care packages.

I think you gonna be very disapointed with SA.

The way things are being showed up by the dev team, I believe we will not be able to simply run into a big city agroing every zombie in the line of sight and loot every building in 5 minutes as we do now in the mod.

I was discussing this with a friend, and we figure out a lot of players will suffer with this (stealth or die).

Maybe the community can't be that patient to start again with such a badass learning curve. We'll see.

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When SA comes out i'm going to become a hermit... learning how to play it effectively... And I will teach the newbs the way of the vet survivor... I will also have a beard. B)

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