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ShannonZKiller - Jan 2013 - Interview/Livestream with Rocket

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Damnit she's hot!

Nice interview. I really like his view on his/their work. I would rather wait a few more months than getting frustrated over a pushed release. Untill that I'll be warming up with MOD ;)

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I might do some interviews with streamers from my base camp on Everest too.


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Great interview, nice information, new details, lots to look forward to, some things not sure about. all good.

Cheers for a great interview and bigger thank you for the transcript.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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crosshairs will be removed entirely but they will keep 3rd person view in the game. Without crosshairs people using 3rd person will have to switch to 1st person view if they want to aim and shoot properly. This will not work on the fly but by going into the options.....

That's how I read his statements too. Seems like a reasonable compromise if we absolutely must keep third person, although it doesn't really address roof top camping.

Nonetheless, I predict oceans of tears.

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That was quite an interesting read cheers Smasht for another great transcript, also thanks to ShannonZKiller for a well put together interview.

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the way im thinking about the new restrictions on view

I like the idea in essence, it means using 3rd person for combat is balanced with first person.

but this way it's forcing more 1st person combat. at the same time not restricting 3 view to look at yourself and that witch i like

It gives people the option to use the advantages of 3rd person "view advantage" but lack in "accuracy advantage"

or the option to use first person view for "accuracy advantage" but lack "view advantage"

This helps balance but maintain freedom.

Edited by Ovation

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too much speculation will leave us all mad. it is like the huge debate over the lighting in the comparison screens from rockets devblog the other day. pointless. rocket answered a question here, it wasnt a development report it was him answering a question without spending a full hour mulling over the implications of his wording (like you can do in a dev report).

i have an uneasy sense that this will degrade into a "remove 3dp now / ill quit if 3dp is removed" argument. lol.

i for one was most interested in the way clothing will impact inventory. the thought of having to rummage through a dead guys pants and jacket to see what he has is very intriguing to me. so long as items have volume! id hate to reach into someones pocket and find a jerry can.... haha

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If (subject to clarification) you can not right click and be in a position to aim in third person then it is not too big an issue, at least we have third person to use when walking around the new places and the long hoiks. However I can't say I've seen any third person Screenshots yet, Wouldn't mind seeing one just for the FOV look. I wonder if you could still lay down suppressing fire in third for quick contacts or is the left button going to act as a different action?

Now, im not too greatly happy about it (actually I am Pissed off if it is the case), but the poor Youtube reviews will look very different, Remember players watch these things and promote the game so I only hope it does not put off players. I have never seen a game with third person which does not allow it. Some of the more well known tubers will look very different just with this change.

Some teams will take advantage of this as a few team members can go third person for the advantage and the other members can be in first, this will offer them quicker responses when it comes to firefights and screws up the balance for lone wolfs. Everything in game every player will have, but I only hope there are no team based things.

Someone on here suggested to block the use of Alt free look in third but not in first, I like that.

Admitedly it is a huge IF. Lets hope we get clarification.

Cross hairs? well I couldn't care less about this. I always hated Floating aids.

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I agree with some of your concerns but I guess it's worth remembering that any new mechanics like this will not be written in stone. We still have the testing period and the game will be in heavy development with regular patches via Steam for the next year or so at least. That's why I like the fact it's being released through Steam, with one click of a button at their end they can send out the updates ans we just have to let Steam do it's thing, no more crazy file structures or painful update process.

Edited by Fraggle

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I am gonna miss DayZ Commander for updating.

I was expecting a lot of changes, It has to improve over the Mod for it to be anywhere near as good.

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I hope that 3rd person will be restricted in such way ( no crosshair no free look, no zooming, lowered camera no switching to first person on the fly etc) that it will be useful for immersion only...see yourself in your cool new clothes standing in the sunset and stuff...but being more or less useless for combat and all kind of interactions...as I said before I guess that is the plan... but we will have to wait and see

Edit: and I am sure that even with the game play focused on first person we will still get our youtube vids ;)

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I hope 3rd person view isn't restricted at all.

In fact, i hope Rocket and the devs leave 3rd person view as is for the standalone.If people want to play in first person view so much, there is a option for that, don't ruin the game for people who prefer the 3rd person view play style.If the Dayz Mod didn't have 3rd person there is no way i would have kept playing for as long as i did.

People always find ways to ruin the game for other people, i really hope Rocket doesn't mess with 3rd person or 1st person views of the game.They're both perfect as is !

Edited by SuperJesusDude

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...i really hope Rocket doesn't mess with 3rd person or 1st person views of the game.They're both perfect as is !

As long as there are '1st person only' servers as well as mixed servers, I agree.

EDIT: I don't agree that they are perfect, but I agree that they work close to as intended.

Edited by Max Planck

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there is nothing wrong with 3rd person in general and in in some game like Max Payne it is truely amazing but if you have an MMO including PVP and providing both kind of personal views, you can't give one group that much and unfair advantages...being able to look over fences and walls or around corners is a completely pain in the behind...not forget to mention these f.....g rooftop camping snipers .....

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As long as there are '1st person only' servers as well as well as mixed servers, I agree.

EDIT: I don't agree that they are perfect, but I agree that they work close to as intended.

of course having different server options is always a way to satisfy all kind of preferences....first person...third person..crosshair..no crosshair..gore or no gore...unlimited vehicles..etc etc..where do you draw the line ?

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As long as there are '1st person only' servers as well as mixed servers, I agree.

EDIT: I don't agree that they are perfect, but I agree that they work close to as intended.

Yeah,i went overboard with perfect but yeah, both views work as close as intended.I just don't see the point in totally doing away with part of the game that so many people use just to please some who want an all out 1st person experience.

Yeah, 1st person only servers are the way to go for the people who love Day Z in 1st person, not changing the whole game just to cater to a small crowd.

Edited by SuperJesusDude

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..where do you draw the line ?

Hehe, only Rocket knows...

I guess somewhere between the 'vision of the game' and the amount of sales they need.

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Hehe, only Rocket knows...

I guess somewhere between the 'vision of the game' and the amount of sales they need.

probably this will never be completely answered :)

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I just want to thank you for typing that up Smasht_AU.

Wow Rocket, just wow.... Ive been playing video games since the commodore 64. I have never been this excited for a game, ever. Keep doing what your doing Rocket. This one is going to be special.

Lastly, Is anyone getting really excited about finding other peoples tales (books, notes, and such)? As a guy who read every little book in the Baldurs Gate games, I am just amped about this. Will start a diary on day one of playing. The immersion of stopping and reading someone else's life story is going to be incredible.

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I just want to thank you for typing that up Smasht_AU.

Wow Rocket, just wow.... Ive been playing video games since the commodore 64. I have never been this excited for a game, ever. Keep doing what your doing Rocket. This one is going to be special.

Lastly, Is anyone getting really excited about finding other peoples tales (books, notes, and such)? As a guy who read every little book in the Baldurs Gate games, I am just amped about this. Will start a diary on day one of playing. The immersion of stopping and reading someone else's life story is going to be incredible.

same here mate :)

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Lastly, Is anyone getting really excited about finding other peoples tales (books, notes, and such)? As a guy who read every little book in the Baldurs Gate games, I am just amped about this. Will start a diary on day one of playing. The immersion of stopping and reading someone else's life story is going to be incredible.

It can lead to lots of nasty traps for bandits, put a note in the open and snipe anyone who get too close...

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It can lead to lots of nasty traps for bandits, put a note in the open and snipe anyone who get too close...

So true, reminds me to scan the treeline carefully. :ph34r:

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I just hope they fix the FOV, then I wouldn't mind playing in 1st person even while just running around

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Based on this:

Q: Will default aiming stances change so you don't look so threatening when approaching players?

A: Yes, there is going to be a lot of work done to make sure you walk around with your weapon lowered or on your back or something like that and because of some of the changes to how first/third person works (you aren't going to be able to change between them as quickly as you can now. You're going have to go into your menu to change it) it means if you actually want to shoot someone (you now don't have a cross hair), your going to actually have to look down the scope at someone or look down the iron sights so yes, I think it's a key focus.

It sems 3rd person view will not be as usefull for PVP as it is in the mod, before you switch veiws to use your weapon the target could slip away or kill you already, so... It is good IMO

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