MrBloodworth 1 Posted June 18, 2012 Everyone hates their first hour in day z.I'm serious.This is true. However, 1.7 you could learn and grow., not really, you are punished for even logging in. It also did not address the issues that the patch was to correct.All it did was made the whole experience worse across the board, with added sauce for restarting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maderas 12 Posted June 18, 2012 It's an overload of difficulty all at once that's the problem right now, I think. We have: -Smarter zombies which are harder to avoid (being able to avoid them seems bugged, as I've had times I can duck behind a shed and lose them and others where they're flat out impossible to shake and chase me until I die)-Starting with no gun, which does add a lot of tension, but is made more frustrating by the above and...-the spawn rate of basic necessities seems to have plummeted through the floor. Being on the verge of starvation should never happen if you've looted a town, you should be able to come up with at least one or two cans of food as a reward.It's the combination of these factors which is upsetting many people, and the game would likely be perfectly fine if just one of them was fixed. My vote would go toward increasing the drop rate again, as that would retain the difficulty in scavenging towns while making it worth the risk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spider0804 0 Posted June 18, 2012 I am tired of games that spoonfeed 12 year olds by having a tutorial that says this button does this...blah blah... THOUSANDS of people play this game just fine75,000 - 1 = Better community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyromkiru 1 Posted June 18, 2012 I don't blame anyone for having a bad time at the moment. Starting the game at its current state as a beginner won't go well for anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blockhead (DayZ) 4 Posted June 18, 2012 recent changes like this will have a love/hate response with no middle ground... subsequently it will create a dividehowever, it's all part of the process... there's more than likely a tonne more changes to come, which will be loved/hated by different playersthis mod is far from the norm and demands the ability to adapt more than ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codeine 3 Posted June 18, 2012 It is a bit hard for noobies though.Im finding it tiring to survive now, not fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 18, 2012 The problem we have here is that this game takes skill and a little thought, now more so than before. All these baby gamers have been weaned on hold your hand, explain everything, wow look at the shiny graphics trash that most of the major studies produce. In a way this game reminds me of doom; no explanation, throws you into the world and off you go working stuff out for yourself. Good luck OP, I hope you get the hang of things, its very rewarding when you do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cappy (DayZ) 6 Posted June 18, 2012 Well now the view radius has been reverted back to the body's position of the zeds i, and the group i play with find the game far too easy now.With the ability to sneek around zeds now back to the way it was in 1.7.1, added with the ability to loose them around corners and such you don't need to fire a single shot to get away.I can't comprehend how anyone could think the game is more difficult nowyes you start with no weapon, but to be honest now you don't even need one.before aggro never left, and you were forced to open fire if you got spotted, increasing the aggro from zeds, revealing your position, etc etc etc. The ability to sneek was a good skill to have, and with the increasing aggro it warranted carrying lots of ammo if things got bad.Now this is not the case, the only reason you need to shoot now is if you make the mistake of entering a building with only one exit with aggro and even then a lot of zeds will charge past the door and loose aggro.Does everyone really think this is harder? have you played the up-date a lot? or have you died once, read the forums and complaints and decided to rage rather than experimenting with the new mechanics.I think the problem for most isn't that its too hard,. its just the spawn-in locations on the coast could be better positioned so you don't get aggro right away.if anything the game,sadly, has gotten a lot easyer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reign66 0 Posted June 18, 2012 I have never played arma2 until yesterday, just bought it. Yes- at first it was frustrating not having a way to defend yourself and I found zombies spotting me when I didnt think they should. Maybe I was too loud, I don't know.Then after 2 deaths I decided to take it slower, to avoid that big town full of zombies. Instead I went to the woods and found a hunting nest with a pistol and some ammo. Instead of going guns blazing I was able to sneak out undetected. After running back through the woods I found a small town with a farm house. A quick scouting run let me know that I would be able to successfully loot the area, be it with force or not. I eventually did have to engage a few zombies but I scoped it out enough to determine the best location to do so. I looted the barn after killing them and found a rifle (I forget which). I wasn't able to play much longer after that but if anything within the first 2-3 hours of playing this game it taught me you need a lot of patience to survive. Scope out the area and if the thought even crosses your mind that you wont survive- pass on it. Move on to something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 107 Posted June 18, 2012 The problem we have here is that this game takes skill and a little thought' date=' now more so than before. All these baby gamers have been weaned on hold your hand, explain everything, wow look at the shiny graphics trash that most of the major studies produce. In a way this game reminds me of doom; no explanation, throws you into the world and off you go working stuff out for yourself. Good luck OP, I hope you get the hang of things, its very rewarding when you do.[/quote']You are the most hardcore game ever apprantly. Some kind of infalliable DayZ gamer god. The rest of us are not, and are finding the game too hard at the moment. Talking to people on here is like talking to a wall. It's just rabid frenzy about vendettas against CoD players. Boring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fools 0 Posted June 18, 2012 There's a lot of elitist fury over posts like these. You really need to get over people not being as experienced with a game as you guys. These are fresh players coming in, this isn't exactly your atypical game. It takes skill and practice and patience above all. These people don't want to hear how you "dodged 50 zombies in a row and have ten guns strapped to your face" already, they need tips, tricks and opinions. Not requests to uninstall."Unplayable" is perhaps a strong word. But when you're unsure of spawning positions, what kind of things spawn where, there's going to be people dying over and over. Making it at last only to find a windscreen and half an inventory of empty tins. It's frustrating. Be a pal. Contribute Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timma (DayZ) 16 Posted June 18, 2012 I am tired of games that spoonfeed 12 year olds by having a tutorial that says this button does this...blah blah... THOUSANDS of people play this game just fine75' date='000 - 1 = Better community[/quote']I think you are underestimating the effect of the new patch. It's more like 245,000 (unique players reported on home page) - 122,250 existing players that lose interest - any new players that don't have the patience of a saint = dying community.Like it or not, without a growing user base DayZ is going to go from a funded, 40 hour a week project for Rocket to an after hours mod with limited developer support. Even if you want Rocket to implement meteor strikes to randomly kill players to up the difficulty, the game will become a far better product the more interest (and frankly $$) it brings in. I know Rocket has said commercial interests are not a driving force behind the game, and I completely agree with that, but encouraging a healthy, growing community goes far beyond just $$. Even if he could care less if the game generates another $1, it still in his (and all of ours) interest to have a game that is accessible to new gamers.Keep in mind this is still very much a fringe product, running on a fringe engine, published on a fringe platform - even the "newbies" that are just joining in right now are probably in the top 1% of "hardcore" gamers world wide. Not saying Rocket needs to make a game to appeal to the common masses (far from it), but end of day this is still a game. The first few hours of gameplay have to offer something worth coming back for. I imagine for the majority of new players doesn't cross that threshhold.True, this is still an Alpha, and I understand that a lot of the feature "testing" is going to be throwing stuff up on the wall to see what sticks, but I am not sure the latest patch, in its totality, is really sticking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JKflipflop 40 Posted June 18, 2012 I agree with Timma.+1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBloodworth 1 Posted June 18, 2012 Like it or not' date=' without a growing user base DayZ is going to go from a funded, 40 hour a week project for Rocket to an after hours mod with limited developer support. Even if you want Rocket to implement meteor strikes to randomly kill players to up the difficulty, the game will become a far better product the more interest (and frankly $$) it brings in. I know Rocket has said commercial interests are not a driving force behind the game, and I completely agree with that, but encouraging a healthy, growing community goes far beyond just $$. Even if he could care less if the game generates another $1, it still in his (and all of ours) interest to have a game that is accessible to new gamers.[/quote']Exactly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GameJeff100 1 Posted June 18, 2012 Why are people having such a hard time getting away from the zombies? It's in fact easier now because you just have to break line of sight.. I've done like 10 times already and only died once when I started.. and that's because a player shot me. However' date=' I will admit that if a lot of people aren't understanding how to do it, that there will be a lot of deaths initially. But everyone will get the hang of it.. I personally love the changes.. so much more action and fear now.[/quote']The only way I have been able to loose zombies after this patch has been the old run it a building with more than one exit and a steep hill. Oh that and the old run to a pier. Last night I was laughing so hard as I ran from a horde 3 of the zombie would actually run past me and I was in a full stand up double tap W run. Finally found a hill steep enough to loose them but still took me a bit to get them to stop chasing me. I am not sure how this LOS working but me zig zaggin through a forest did not seem to workStill having fun though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolchak (DayZ) 5 Posted June 19, 2012 Like it or not' date=' without a growing user base DayZ is going to go from a funded, 40 hour a week project for Rocket to an after hours mod with limited developer support. Even if you want Rocket to implement meteor strikes to randomly kill players to up the difficulty, the game will become a far better product the more interest (and frankly $$) it brings in. I know Rocket has said commercial interests are not a driving force behind the game, and I completely agree with that, but encouraging a healthy, growing community goes far beyond just $$. Even if he could care less if the game generates another $1, it still in his (and all of ours) interest to have a game that is accessible to new gamers.[/quote']Exactly.Yup. Doesn't matter what the "hardcore" kids say, someone (IE big name development studios and publishers) will see there's a market for this. And if Rocket and BI don't start turning it into a real game, something they can trademark and protect, something even casuals can make some progress on, someone else is going to do it before them. They're going to rip it off, and not only that, they're going to rip it off with an engine designed just for the game. The game is going to be demonstrably better just because of that engine, and it's not going to be this "Experiment" as so many like to call it. There's going to be PVE and PVP servers, there's going to be a full on hud, nights are going to be navigable, there will be skills, there will be a story/progression arc. It's going to be everything the "hardcore" kids hate and it's going to be their own fault for trying to push this game so far into a niche state. That fully fledged game is going to get more money, it's going to leech players off this one, and it will eventually kill this one off if steps aren't taken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Syndikos 0 Posted June 19, 2012 First time playing today and I had a blast. Once I figured out how to play the game, I survived for at least 2 hours at a time(pretty sure I'll get even better). Starting out without a gun is no problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SolidArtifex 0 Posted June 23, 2012 As a consumer, I bought this game after seeing playthroughs of it on YouTube where people started out with a pistol, and by all means it was still a pretty difficult game. I get pumped about it and buy ArmA and ArmA II solely for this mod (It's a 2009 shooter, they don't age very well). Then I get to patch 1.7.1 and I'm thinking: "What the hell? This product that I paid for was not the one that I recieved."I can understand why it was changed, and I know how to survive (albeit on a much shorter time scale) but... NOTHING? You start off with bandages and pills with a cheery "Good Luck!" as it tosses you into the world where a single zombie will get his buddies to gangbang you and a single hit can either have you gushing blood like a hemophiliac or break your bones like you have osteoporosis.SOMETHING, would be greatly appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GodOfGrain 191 Posted June 23, 2012 As a consumer' date=' I bought this game after seeing playthroughs of it on YouTube where people started out with a pistol, and by all means it was still a pretty difficult game. I get pumped about it and buy ArmA and ArmA II solely for this mod (It's a 2009 shooter, they don't age very well). Then I get to patch 1.7.1 and I'm thinking: "What the hell? This product that I paid for was not the one that I recieved."I can understand why it was changed, and I know how to survive (albeit on a much shorter time scale) but... NOTHING? You start off with bandages and pills with a cheery "Good Luck!" as it tosses you into the world where a single zombie will get his buddies to gangbang you and a single hit can either have you gushing blood like a hemophiliac or break your bones like you have osteoporosis.SOMETHING, would be greatly appreciated.[/quote']I love this game :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowe (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Let me preface this post by saying I've had this game since.... Wednesday night. I LOVE it. But, like everyone here already knows, the Arma II engine is not that great. So, I would like to share my worries here, and hopefully you guys can help me out with some answers, or even Rocket himself will read this and reply. I'm just trying to get a realistic idea of what this mod will become. For starters, the movement of the zombies is ATROCIOUS. They go from chillin' out in the grass, to the speed of sound with rabbit-like mobility in the span of a millisecond. Trying to hit them with a gun after agro is like trying to shoot Night Crawler. While we are on an X-men analogy, why do they have Shadowcat's ability to walk through walls? Are these things feasibly fixable in the engine? The inventory system. Oof. This thing is clunky and very unfriendly to beginners. I got the hang of it now, but it is still probably the worst I've ever seen. Is this something that we will just be stuck with? Arma3. I just heard about DayZ on Wednesday, and immediately shelled out $30 on Arma2 so that I could play it. I see that it is in Alpha, so I do not mind the bugginess and such, but now I am seeing that Arma3 is coming out soon, and DayZ may get ported over to it. Am I going to have to pay another $50-$60 to continue playing this game? (Probably a better game, too, since it will be on a newer engine.) Netcode. Yikes, is the netcode terrible. My friends and I were traipsing through the western side of Elektro, making our way to the city when some troll came up to us and started running around in circles, harassing us on comms and getting the attention of zombies. We could not kill him because the netcode is so bad, that he was just warping all over the place. On top of that, my friend and I that play together, always seem to slide around and/or seem to run off in the distance whenever we stop to switch gear or something. And we are running 40-60ms ping.I will stop there for now. I really do not want this to sound like a complaint thread, because it is not. I LOVE this mod. I am just worried that this Arma engine is going to hold it back, when there is SO MUCH potential to be had. I made this post out of love for the game, not hate or annoyance.Good luck out there! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenspear 22 Posted June 23, 2012 I'm sorry to post this as the first (or second, but it's the first I can see), but all of these grievances have been brought out and aired in other threads as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowe (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 Sorry about that, I'm at my inlaws' house in BFE and I only have my extended network on my iPhone to work with, so I haven't really looked around the forums much. Is there a consolidated place or post where I can find my answers? Sorry to clunk up the forum :-( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beloozero 118 Posted June 23, 2012 Typically, it's not really smiled upon to tell devs to "fix" the game when it's in Alpha stage. Minecraft wasn't as good as it is now back when it was first released and being worked on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surg3on 4 Posted June 23, 2012 Arma3. I just heard about DayZ on Wednesday' date=' and immediately shelled out $30 on Arma2 so that I could play it. I see that it is in Alpha, so I do not mind the bugginess and such, but now I am seeing that Arma3 is coming out soon, and DayZ may get ported over to it. Am I going to have to pay another $50-$60 to continue playing this game? (Probably a better game, too, since it will be on a newer engine.)[/quote']probably. Tho They may move Dayz to a standalone paid game.... which means you shell out $30-$60 anyway :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowe (DayZ) 0 Posted June 23, 2012 I think you're missing the point of my post. I am not pointing out the bugs that need to be fixed, I am asking if the bugs CAN be fixed within the Arma2 engine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites