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As a new player, This mod is so difficult its un-playable.

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People need to stop whining... I just started playing this game yesterday and yes' date=' I did die multiple times, however that's mostly because I was learning how to play the game.

Last night, I played the game in the PITCH BLACK. I found someone and teamed up with them along the shoreline heading to elektro for quite a long treck, but I eventually bled out by some damn zombie and died. I didn't complain.

Eventually, I managed to wander around the darkness and headed toward a flare placed in the middle of what appeared to be a city. I met up with 2 people there that were heavily geared and pointing guns at me so I ran for it. I ran inside a nearby building, went up the stairs and into this room with another heavily geared person that actually shot me once. I bandaged and we kind of grouped up for a while.

I found a gun next to where he was standing with some ammo. When I had the chance, I blasted them all in the head and stole all their fricken good gear. I eventually died later somehow, but I can't remember.

What I'm saying is, I'm completely new to this game. I have honestly no idea what I'm doing for the most part and I've managed to accomplish all those things that I said, therefore you have no reason to complain about the difficulty. It's not really that hard to go find gear without a weapon on you.


What accomplishment? Contributing to the deathmatch-feel? at the moment?

You really expected me to team up with guys that were intending to kill me? One of them shot me and the other two I met before him were talking over the mic to not tell me anything and pointing guns at me, so that's why I ran.

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lol problem is I think the dev's are listening to much to some people on this forum rather than developing the game as they see fit. It happens with all good games. Take for example BF2. It was a great game when it was released. Sure' date=' it wasnt perfect, and it did need a patch to fix a few minor issues but all in all it was a great game. But as the dev's listened to the 'community' they released more patches to fix shit but they had to nerf stuff and 'balance' shit and slowly but surely they fucked it up to the point no-one wanted to play it anymore.

Its like I read somewhere here that they decided to remove weapons from your original kit to make things more challenging, and that 'most people' here voted for it. Thing is I don't recall seeing a vote on it so who are these 'most people'? Are they people that just happened to be on the forums when the question was raised? Are they people with multiple accounts that voted multiple times for it? Polls can be rigged just like elections can in real life. Like my previous example with BF2, apparently 'most people' voted for the US jets to be nerfed because they were too powerful against the MIG's and then the balance went the other way to the point no-one wanted to fly a US jet though in my opinion they were fine left alone as they were. And most people I spoke to were of the same opinion they were fine as they were so who were these people that voted for the nerf?


There was a no gun yes/no thread Rocket asked for peoples opinion. However it seems that while he gets our feedback he ultimately makes his own decision on whether to implement the change or not. In any case, anything changed now can always be changed back.

That said, I got the feeling a lot of people where just saying "Yes Please No Starting Gun" because they wanted to sound more legit and hardcore in the forums...an anonymous poll would probably have been more effective.

I'm no way a 'hardcore' player, but I like the no starting gun gameplay. It's anecdotal, but I think it is making a difference with players shoot on sight mentality.

Yea they won't shoot on sight now that they can't. Once they get a weapon though it's back to shoot on sight all over again.

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First thing you see when you log into this forum is WHINE WHINE WHINE' date=' jesus christ.

If game is too hard for you theres 2 options:

1st: Learn how to become a better player, adapt to the new difficulty.

2nd: Lie down on the floor and cry then post a thread about how hard this game is.

Someday I hope I can be as amazing and insightful as you. For now I will continue to function in the real world and practice flexing in the mirror to show how tough I am.

A game that alienates a large portion of the player base may be a challenge and make the hardcore fans salivate, but it won't equal dollar signs. I don't mean for them to sell out and make it easy mode, but find that sweet spot and stop listening to the forum trolls with their over-inflatd e-peens...

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I think your experience would have been different if loot was spawning correctly. Right now its just mostly empty cans and hatchets, a bug they are looking to fix soon.

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1.7 was simply a better experience. 1.7.1 is poop.

1.7.1 was broken. is cool though, and if they fix the loot spawns (only garbage, no bandages, no food, no ammo) it will be the best version yet.

The performance of the mod still isn't up to par with Arma II yet, but optimization is the last thing that ever gets looked at in a dev cycle. If you add absolutely anything then all your optimization goes to shit, so it has to be the last thing.

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Best update so far in my opinion. The whining worries me, because I don't want it to go back to how it was. Food and water weren't a worry before, and the race to ifind a gun at the beginning is great fun, although it doesn't take too long. I've found better equipment much faster this time around. Bare AKs!

Seems liike you're facing a real horde now too with the increased spawn rate. Found myself locked in a store firing away and they just kept coming. Much better than picking off a dozen or so zed and having the town to yourself.

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I tend to disagree with everything you said.

I play since the 16th, and so far I found Makarov, Double Barrel Shotgun, Sniper, some Assault Rifle, many bandages, hospitals and all the other shit.

This mod is fucken awesome dude, chill.

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As the man has said...

Food Water to be fixed in a hotfix released tonight. Along with maybe some other goodies...

PS. Don't stress guys! Someone people get really upset the direction of the game is destroyed... trying things out here' date=' and things break occasionally... such is life in the zone, man!


Its Alpha don't forget, now stop whining, chill the frick out have some faith FFS! *rollseyes*


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I've been playing for weeks and i'm having trouble since the patch, I expect a new player who starts playing for the first time would not enjoy the game enough to get past the initial difficulty curve.

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So First of all my friend suggested I pick this mod up and try it as he has been having a blast with it!

So after tinkering around' date=' and missing a new patch (patch updates 10 minutes after I download 1.7.1.) Get on finally and see no gun. all I have are bandages and pain pills. Okay cool that just means I have to find them.

Well first time through, I get over to a building after much running, and get swarmed by zombies and die before I get close to it at all.

Alright, Fine. So I wasn't being stealthy enough. got it, Re-spawn

Now I'm sort of near a town and I move in semi crouched and am dodging a good number of zombies, trying to meet up with my friend. Check a few places, most I find is empty bottles and cans. after a few empty stashes I run into another player and get shot at immediately and Die.

Okay cool, players instantly think everyone is bad, even when they have no gun. Got it, Re-spawn.

I then go through about 10 deaths of me looking around for ANYTHING and finding absolutely nothing anywhere I look and either getting killed by Hordes of zombies or people just killing me.

I'm all for the whole hardcore vibe it gives off, but at least give us some sort of defense early on. as it is right now there's no way for a new player to get a feel for the actual "survival" part of the game. My suggestion is up the drop rate of some weapons near the coastal buildings, or start off with a gun and maybe only 1 clip of ammo.


IKNORITE, We should spawn with a car, doughnuts, map, tent and shotgun, its what id do irl.

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My 52 years old clanmate got it working...

:( I've literally been trying to install for 16 hours now.

Six Updater and Six Launcher dude, works every time.

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I like the posts where people say the new update is great just the way it is, even though in fact the food/drink/bandage spawning is OFFICIALLY broken, none is appearing, and Rocket is working on a fix right now.

Really goes to show how truly braindead the "This is the coolest, hardcorest update ever!" brigade are.

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if we aren't starting with a pistol anymore, there should be loot spawns much closer to the player spawns. I hate sneaking around for like a half hour just to get to a building and find nothing

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I like the posts where people say the new update is great just the way it is' date=' even though in fact the food/drink/bandage spawning is OFFICIALLY broken, none is appearing, and Rocket is working on a fix right now.

Really goes to show how truly braindead the "This is the coolest, hardcorest update ever!" brigade are.


exactly my sentiment.

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^this player seems to have adapted pretty well... even walks past a makarov if im not mistaken...

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tbh... this change has made little or no difference for me

whenever I spawn I get off the coast as quickly as possible and avoid any contact with zeds/players until I've stocked up. So far, I haven't any issues with loot whatsoever since the new release

When it does come to times near zeds, I'm always as stealthy as I can be. So unless a zed is right on top of me, I get by incident free :)

I have hardly ever needed to use the makarov at all, so losing it is no biggie. All it means is I have to be that extra bit careful with what I've already got :D

with this type of alpha, being adaptable is the name of the game... if it makes the whole thing harder, then bring it on is what I say!

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^this player seems to have adapted pretty well... even walks past a makarov if im not mistaken...

Sure, simply to adapt when every NPC/Zed/Actor is highlighted through walls.

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thats not really whats important in the video actually

but it does make me sad... :(

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So First of all my friend suggested I pick this mod up and try it as he has been having a blast with it!

So after tinkering around' date=' and missing a new patch (patch updates 10 minutes after I download 1.7.1.) Get on finally and see no gun. all I have are bandages and pain pills. Okay cool that just means I have to find them.

Well first time through, I get over to a building after much running, and get swarmed by zombies and die before I get close to it at all.

Alright, Fine. So I wasn't being stealthy enough. got it, Re-spawn

Now I'm sort of near a town and I move in semi crouched and am dodging a good number of zombies, trying to meet up with my friend. Check a few places, most I find is empty bottles and cans. after a few empty stashes I run into another player and get shot at immediately and Die.

Okay cool, players instantly think everyone is bad, even when they have no gun. Got it, Re-spawn.

I then go through about 10 deaths of me looking around for ANYTHING and finding absolutely nothing anywhere I look and either getting killed by Hordes of zombies or people just killing me.

I'm all for the whole hardcore vibe it gives off, but at least give us some sort of defense early on. as it is right now there's no way for a new player to get a feel for the actual "survival" part of the game. My suggestion is up the drop rate of some weapons near the coastal buildings, or start off with a gun and maybe only 1 clip of ammo.


Sprint across the map until you're where you wanna be then find a building, run straight thru the building turn crouch walk.

Gratz you've just deaggro'd those 70 zombies, 1.7.1 is easy

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Good stuff:

No pistol.. fair enough.

Been able to hide from zombies.. kewl.


Zeds have super spidy sense. they can see thru walls and houses.

Attack range is huge. Not good if you have no weapon.

If you shoot a weapon... Zeds come from miles around. I shot 60 zeds.. 2xclips of AK and still got eaten.. very bad.. because if there was not 60 zeds in the village (5-6 houses and a barn).. Id of seen them.

In closing.. theres no point in me playing this mod until the next fix. Im just not enjoying it.

If the above isnt fixed.. I'll delete @dayz.

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some loot areas are bugged right now, i spawned into the game right after the patch, alot of people are still alive from the update and have all their gear, but those of us who had to respawn are the only ones who know the new challenge.

i managed to find food and pop, a pistol with 6 magazines, and a winchester with 6 drops of ammo as well.

and managed to avoid alerting zombies when they had supervision.

its definitely a tougher learning curve than when i started playing (1.5.x, something in the 1.5 area)

the game was easy back then, but they have changed so many things, and it is looking for the better. they want it to be tough to survive.

however, take peace in knowing chances are, the people that kill you, probably got swarmed and killed themselves

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