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What is Your First Instinctive Reaction When Spotting a Player?

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Prone, compass bearing, inform squadmates, decide whether to shoot him or watch him for the time being.

If its shoot, depending on range, 0-300m use AR, 300m+ squadmates mass fire onto target

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If I see him first I then stay hidden and write in "direct chat" that im friendly and that i wont shoot.Then I come out,now this is the mistake that made me get killed so many times.I just dont have heart to shoot first then ask question later,i always ask firt then get shot :) im to kind.

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Drop to the floor and type 'DONT SHOOT PLEASE DONT SHOOT O GOD PLEASE' in direct comms. Then offer them all my gear in exchange for my life.

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I screamed like a little girl, then offered sexual services for safe passage.

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Tell them they have big arms.

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My heart beats really fast and I just tell them that I am friendly and if they shoot I go prone and shoot back!

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Get breathless, and start shaking.

Hit the dirt, get spottet anyway, firefight commences, i get shot.

I usually lose a fight, probably because i get too nervous sad.png

Have we met before ??

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"Hey I see you!"..."Yeah you there by the bush!"..."Are you friendly? If so do the wiggle or I will shoot!"

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Duck into the nearest hiding spot and analyze the situation. If im on my server and he's a fresh spawn, i let him go, anyone else gets shot at.

On other servers I only shoot ghilles and bandits.

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Anyway, as the title asks.....do you run, try and talk, try and shoot, drop to the ground, shit yourself?

My first reaction is to determine if I've been spotted. That dictates my choices and options for the encounter greatly.

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Play the "ghosting" game. (Not to be confused with ghosting between servers) Try and get as close as possible to them without them noticing, you win by taking things out of their backpack and getting away undetected. Bonus points if you manage to give them a ninja bloodbag.


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Turn everything off and lie down for a bit.

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My heart rate increases, my eyes widen, then my body prepares.. for the hunt. My first objective is, I'm going to stalk him, then wait for the moment to strike. It's just every damn time I spot a player, with or without gear, I start to feel like an insane person.. much like Vaas from Far Cry 3. I guess I just enjoy the thrill of the hunt :)

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If low geared:

Good distance+Low Geared Contact= Noting of player, move on

Short Distance+Low Geared Contact = Attempt friendly contact

Long Distance+High Geared Contact = Note player, cautiously retreat

Short Distance+High Geared Contact = Attempt surrenderatory contact, run or sneak kill if possible

If High Geared:

Good Distamce+Low Geared Contact = Let pass

Short Distance+Low Geared Contact = Force surrender, determine if friendiness possible

Good Distance+High Geared Contact = If unobserved, evaluate value. If possessing long range weapon, kill if observed or valuable

Short Distance+High Geared Contact = Take cover, ambush, kill immediately if observed

I have overall rules to kill bandit skins, and kill all contacts in cities. If in possesion of a vehicle or near one, kill target.

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If unarmed , offer them a sidearm with no ammo ( don't want them shooting me in the back )

If armed , 2 shoots to the chest and 1 shot to the head .

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Hide, follow them to their camp, hide in their tent and make spooky noises at night, the amount of people that DC while I take their loot is great!

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My eyes turn red.

Then i repeatedly say:

Murder, Death, Kill...

Murder, Death, Kill...

Murder, Death, Kill...

Murder, Death, Kill...

Until whomever it was is dead. Then i make happy faces in side chat! ^_^

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