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About jetbangdink

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Carolina, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming and Technology.
  1. "Hey I see you!"..."Yeah you there by the bush!"..."Are you friendly? If so do the wiggle or I will shoot!"
  2. jetbangdink

    Most dangerous coastal city - Cherno or Elektro

    I voted Cherno. Players sweep it for gear While bandits snipe from above. On heavily populated servers it's a bloodbath lol.
  3. jetbangdink

    Reason behind your username?

    I use my name Jetbangdink literally on everything. When I first started playing Counter Strike 1.6 many years ago I wanted a unique name. One of my favorite games of all time was Jet Grind Radio on Sega Dreamcast. So I knew I wanted to start it with Jet. The name is actually more of a string of events. Jet (you sprint up on your target), Bang (you fire that single shot), and Dink (your bullet ricochets off the targets helmet). This actually happens in the Counter Strike games so I ran with it. Have been using it for everything that requires a username since.
  4. jetbangdink

    Doing great!

    I see what you did there lol. You're right though.
  5. You know the first thing I do when I play a game for the first time is go to : Options > Controls.... If you can't figure out how to hit Numpad Enter and use third person yourself... Well GG lol. You can't say something is an unfair advantage when you can use it yourself.
  6. jetbangdink

    Doing great!

    I think the game is very solid so far. In my honest opinion, just clean it up. Make the the interface and gameplay interactions a little more user friendly. Also would be nice if DayZ owned and operated their own servers with a decent anit-cheat. Other than that, keep up the great work guys! Edit: I just mean some drag and drop of the gear. Much like that of an inventory system. Make it less complicated to equip and pick up items. Give gear like the hatchet it's own animation. Use of a single key for weapon cycle. The UI is nice I actually like that it's simple and not too flashy. You know just clean it up lol. But yeah mZLY is right they have probably allready implemented this stuff. I'm good at striking out in this forum lol.
  7. US (v1.7.4.4) [Regular|3DP:ON|CH:ON][uTC-8]-100+Vehicles. Got a random ban under normal play. Was playing under the name Joshua. No way of contacting admins.
  8. jetbangdink

    Server Ban

    Ok I just started playing today. I joined a USA server and asked in side chat how to get back to that server. A guy told me to search Token each time and it would show up. It was night time on the server and for some reason I spawned in a city. so I went on playing and found a motor bike standing up in the middle of the road. I just hopped on it and drove it off. I'm like cool my first vehicle find. I drive it around for awhile and out of the corner of my eye I see a Helicopter crash (I had been playing all day my first day and found nothing more than a crossbow in a barn lol) I saw the light in the sky from the fire. I park the bike and crawl forever all the way to the heli (there was a good 10 zombies surrounding it) I managed to crawl up and found an AS50. I was so excited to have found both these items. I crawl back to the bike and as soon as I get to it I get this message. "You have been banned for hacking and spawning in items we were watching you" and boom disconnected. Now I'm so mad right now I can't even explain. I played all day never finding a thing and as soon as I do I get banned for doing nothing wrong. I'm trying to find out the server IP as we speak. I just bought the game today even have the Steam receipt they e-mailed me. There is no proof I was hacking because, well.. I wasn't.