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Day Z Key - read it all

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Recently a friend came over to my house, he has been globally banned and he is really annoyed. He hacked day Z making the experience less enjoyable for everyone...

He told me he wanted to show me a YouTube video and he opened up a random channel then I walked out of the room, I came back to him sitting there smiling, I asked him what he was so happy about he said nothing and made out he had to leave...

I checked my history and found a video titled Day Z hack.

I then checked my downloads and saw a *** file.

I deleted it and went to play day z.

But I got a error I cant quite remember what it said :/ I tried to fix it but it didn't work...

So I have now deleted ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA and I am going to wait for the stand alone.

I called my friend and he admitted to downloading it. I asked him why he just said F*%€ off.... Friendship ended

Can you try to prevent things like this happening in the future by protecting the key or something?

I HAVE NEVER HAD ANY INTENTIONS TO HACK I HATE HACKERS THEY RUIN THE FUN OF THE GAME. This is all true but I know most of you will say bullshit..

I am now waiting patiently for tge DayZ standalone

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I liked the story. If it's true, get better friends. I wouldn't have someone who I didn't trust come over and leave them alone in my house, yet alone use my computer. You can lose worse things than a game key from a malevolent person that is using your computer.

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Im not going to talk to him anymore and I suppose I am lucky he didn't do something worse

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I dont expect many people to believe that, but honestly it is true.

I HATE hackers, I am a gamer that plays legit there's more fun in playing that way ^.^

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At least it only cost you 20-30 bucks to discover your friend is a total brain dead piece of shit. You're better off without him and to pay 30 bucks to reveal his true self, may have saved your a lot of money and grief in the long run.

Make sure you scan and clean your pc, because this idiot probably didn't download a real hack, just a program that stole your cd-key and switched it with a banned one.

There's not much Bohemia Interactive could have done to prevent this from happening, just be more careful with the company you chose.

Edited by Dallas
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You really need to re-evaluate your friendships, if that's the type of friends you have.

And if they're real


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Lmfao that sounds like the biggest load of shit I've heard in a while. What do people think that will happen with threads like this? Some big cheese at BE will read it and think "oh you poor fellow, ban removed" how stupid are you? (If this is some how true I am sorry) :)

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Protecting the key? That's your job.

You don't leave anybody alone on your computer while logged in on anything, be it Steam, Facebook, your email, Skype, etc.

Your password/account/key is your responsibility. If it gets banned, it's your fault.

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Well I read it all and the moral of the story is to take responsibility for your game key and don't make friends with twats.

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sorry i just love posting it

Edited by Mr Nasty
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First off, your friend didn't do this. The hack doesn't let him steal it, it sends the key to the guy who created the "hack". Your friend would more likely go into regedit and steal the key himself so he could continue to play.

So here's my theory. Your friend hacked or you read how you could spawn whatever and teleport and shit. So you got tempted and got duped. So now you're bitter that you lost your key and complain here. I hope you see the irony of you trying to hack and got hacked instead. Cause if you do - it's hilarious.

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My buddies find it weird that I will never allow them to touch my gaming rig and this is exactly why. I had a buddy stay over for a week and a half and I told him very bluntly not to mess with the upstairs computer and to use the laptop, but he decided to download a bunch of nonsense onto my gaming rig and promptly learned that I could care less how safe it was (downloaded music from piratebay and iTunes) that the rule extended to mean do not even fire it up if I am not there. Needless to say it is now password protected despite living with only my wife just to protect against moronic friends thinking the rule is meant to be broken.

Password protect your computer and just tell buddies tough titties if they want to get on there.

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sorry i just love posting it

Edited by Dallas
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I honestly dont care what anyone thinks, I know this happened. Thats all that matters.

I have had bad experiences with hackers over a wide variety of games. I hate them. Yes I admit this does read like a heap of shit but it's true and it's up to you to decide not me.

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I am never letting them touch my computer or leaving somebody alone with it again.

Edit: never letting anybody touch it.

Edited by hamish1001

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im not banned... my key was stolen and replaced....

couldn't be bothered trying to get it back when the standalone will be release this year

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Can you try to prevent things like this happening in the future by protecting the key or something?

You sit here and ask us to try to prevent things like this happeneing, when you let it happen. The irony of this situation makes me facepalm.

Don't let people on your computer next time. Key's are protected as it is, don't give em out. And don't download suspicious files.

I have many words I want to say, but I refrain from saying them due to being professional about this.

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Hang on... Sorry if this is total rubbish, but don't you have the key on a piece of paper and you just reload and it will work??

And if its through steam then steam has you info stored and you can get it back that way?

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That's not even cool, life it too short to not bitch slap him first.

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i thing i do is that i have an Admin account and a normal account with the same name background ETC. when friends come over. i switch to the normal account. because i know that they cant download anything then

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If you're unable to get on, you could just play shit loads of Minecraft and pretend you're playing DayZ? You'll have to play at night to make sure there are zombies, mind, but still...

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Brake your "friend" legs and let him bleed to death!

just kidding

brake his legs and bandage him.

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