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the LawsOfFire

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About the LawsOfFire

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. the LawsOfFire

    What is DayZ Origins?

    and i have been on a Origins server that had modded it to fit there needs. "YO Dawg. i heard you liked mods. so i modded your mod thats already a mod for a mod"
  2. the LawsOfFire

    Murphy's laws of DayZ

    every time you make a grammar mistake. someone will always correct you Your*
  3. the LawsOfFire


    i agree on being more exhausted faster. because breathing is much harder with a gas mask. it should also look like you are wearing a gas mask when in 1st person mode. decreasing visibility.
  4. the LawsOfFire


    why does it always have to be snakes....
  5. the LawsOfFire

    Consider the new patch PRACTISE

    i have ALWAYS played stealthy. i usually have a higher player/bandit kill count than zombie kill count when i die. because there are so many more solutions than shooting them. unlike players
  6. the LawsOfFire

    Suggedtion: leave as50 and m107 alone!

    i would say that we remove the AS50 and M107. but we will not remove .50 cal's instead ad the KVSK. a russian .50 cal sniper that is not as accurate. so if you have a gun that large. it should mostly be for killing cars/choppers
  7. the LawsOfFire

    Is Cherno based on Chernobyl?

    think about going there with your family. and you know where everything is without looking at a map.
  8. i do however hope that the night will be just a BIT brighter. not WoW bright. but so you can see without gamma-cheat or NVGs
  9. the LawsOfFire

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

    funny. i always gets lucky when i find mountain dews. right now i have one. and a AS50 + MK48 + ghillie + UAZ + coyote backpack (the large one) + NVG + rangefinder. and i dont even have a camp to gear up from. :EDIT: to get back to topic. random dude "OMG i see a tent" me "it is a rock" Random dude "i keep hearing a bus. but i cant see one" Random dude was killed (im surprised with how many people that cant evade a bus)
  10. the LawsOfFire

    Y u no like having nice weapon?

    the KSKVS or whatever it is called is a 50 .cal russian bullpup anti-material rifle. and its already ingame. and its harder to hit precisely with it
  11. i think it will just start out as a hole in the ground. with wood to hold it up. but in the long run i will try to build an awesome object AII bunker
  12. the LawsOfFire

    Weaponry that makes sense given the setting

    you do know that the AK rifles are the most produced weapon in the world? 50% of all assault rifles are an AK-variant. AR rifles are only 30%
  13. the LawsOfFire

    Does this always kill choppers?

    if you are still on top of the hotel. good luck getting down
  14. a guy that loves to be a newspawn. so he always suicides when he finds anything better than a lee :EDIT; to the dude that responded to me. i actually did that once
  15. the LawsOfFire


    a new group of bandits dressed in red coats would appear. stand in a line. a guy with no musket pulls out his sword and yell "Take aim!" the redcoats line up "FIRE!" and 75. cal bullets hail down over newspawns in electro then a random newspawn sneaks up behind them. and hatchet them all to death when they reload. then proceeds to shit on them