boatie 34 Posted January 24, 2013 (edited) Wha? It has so far. Edited January 24, 2013 by boatie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted January 25, 2013 I'm glad I didn't read this thread before now. I thought it was about some version of DayZ available on a Motorola Razr phone, so I ignored it. I wish I hadn't read it now. I gave up in despair at page 3, so my apologies if my comments have already been made.I've no doubt all developers are working very hard on their projects be they community or standalone, and with the very best intentions. However, I hope they will all understand that sometimes when I hear of these changes my stomach sinks. I feel actual dread because it reminds me we don't have anything tangible that we own, which will always be the same. If you express concern you're told you didn't pay for it so you have no right to "moan". My instincts tell me that is wrong, it feels wrong. Everyone should have a right to express their views but it shouldn't be abusive. It should be constructive or at least not contain dirty words! :thumbsup:What I dislike inherantly is that the mod and the standalone will change and continue to change, and change regularly via *spits* Steam (I'm aware of the benefits and reasons for using Steam but that doesn't mean I have to like it). So the very factor put forward as a benefit (easy to keep on changing and updating every few days), is what I dread most. Somewhere, someone will decide I am not suffering enough when I play DayZ, so from now on when I do X, Y will no longer happen but instead, Z will. The following week Z.1 will, the following week Z.2, and then Z.3.... That's why I wanted a single player - I had a deluded hope of something finite and tangible that I could get on and play in peace without someone else deciding that "Actually, you can't be female anymore and we're not going to tell you why", or "We're going to take away your favourite gun, or derp it so it only kills chickens". Even physics expects us to come to a stand at some point! :oOn the subject of realism: realism isn't everything. If it were, we wouldn't still be getting our ears - and everything below them - wet just to fill a water bottle! :huh:In any case, we need to make our points without swearing and being abusive. I mean no offence when I reply quite passionately to these sort of discussions. I try to be devil's advocate, as it comes naturally, and I am sincere in my passion for the game but I know those working on developing the project must be many times more passionate about it. So I try to keep that in mind. :thumbsup: 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zachstar 59 Posted January 25, 2013 Thankfully Rocket is less likely to implement such silly changes in my opinion for SA.Forcing players into the cities? That is like those calling for local to be removed in EVE online. Don't snipers and PKers in cities have enough fun abusing bambis?Yet like I said. If y'all want these "EPIC HARD MODE FORCE MAH PLAYSTYLE ON YOUZ" Changes in mod have at it! Just don't cry when you have to start playing what you consider "Easy Mode SA" when you find all the mod version servers empty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 25, 2013 Thankfully Rocket is less likely to implement such silly changes in my opinion for SA.Forcing players into the cities? That is like those calling for local to be removed in EVE online. Don't snipers and PKers in cities have enough fun abusing bambis?Yet like I said. If y'all want these "EPIC HARD MODE FORCE MAH PLAYSTYLE ON YOUZ" Changes in mod have at it! Just don't cry when you have to start playing what you consider "Easy Mode SA" when you find all the mod version servers empty.Force players into cities if they want blood bags.It's a risk/reward thing. They aren't removing meat steaks, just (rightly) nerfing them because eating a cow in 30 seconds to regain half the blood in your body instantly is ridulous... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zachstar 59 Posted January 25, 2013 For whom? you? Do you honestly believe that the players leaving DayZ over time give a rats butt about how you feel nerfing their game if they don't accept YOUR playstyle is a good thing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero_Damien 4 Posted January 25, 2013 I don't understand how nerfing meat is silly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 25, 2013 For whom? you? Do you honestly believe that the players leaving DayZ over time give a rats butt about how you feel nerfing their game if they don't accept YOUR playstyle is a good thing?For who? For everyone who plays DayZ.And what exactly does nerfing meat have to do with forcing a play style on you? No offence mate but you're making zero sense and sound a little bit butthurt because the game's being made a tiny bit more difficult. :S 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelMarduk 169 Posted January 25, 2013 I think that food from whatever source should only deal with hunger. That said, I think that blood should rise when fed and warm. e.g. hunger > 50% and temo > 80% then +3 blood/sec (kinda blood loss when infected in reverse). I believe the 'Blood icon' represents your over all health, not actual blood (although the use of a blood bag as a health pack skews this concept). Blood packs should give a percentage like (20% of max blood - current blood) of health back, and maybe double or triple the regen of blood for like 20 minutes. e.g. you are injured and down to 2000 blood, a blood bag would only yield you 2000 blood (12k - 2k)/5 but if fed and warm you would regen 6 (or 9)blood/sec for the next 20 minutes (instead of 3/sec)* I think infection takes 3 blood/sec correct if wrong, but its the concept I am suggesting.Maybe with the new meat skins (or so the meat skins dont go to waste), each meat would give 200 blood +2 extra blood/sec for 10 minutes, where as canned food just feeds you. I think this would keep immersion (maybe even aid in it). I also think it would balance things out a bit for us lone wolves out here in the wilderness.Just suggestions here, Im not a game developer and am probably way off base on the numbers I put here to actually have good balance. I throw this idea for consideration to those much better at making things happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zachstar 59 Posted January 25, 2013 Not butthurt at all mzly. I know darn well that once SA is out it wont matter anyway. Just promise me you wont cry when the mod servers with the "EPIC HARDZ MODEZ" version empty out after SA is out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted January 25, 2013 I expect most mod servers will empty out after standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arkaeldren 53 Posted January 25, 2013 I expect most mod servers will empty out after standalone.Not for hackers... They still need a place to play. Yet they have not figured out they are the main cause for evacuation. :huh: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted January 25, 2013 I expect most mod servers will empty out after standalone.That's been troubling me since the stand alone was announced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 25, 2013 It's to be expected TBH. For many the mod has served it's purpose and is now just filling time until the SA is released. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted January 25, 2013 I see a bright future for the mod, it will just differ to the SA. There will be an exodus once the SA hits, but the mod will coalesce into a firmer tighter thing (like my butt cheeks) and will become more specialised IMHO.L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted January 25, 2013 Well the Mod has been completly raped, roughed up, screwed around with, humiliated, chewed up and spat out again and again until it is completly unrecognisable.1400 vehicles, free start kits with night vision included,,,is not the way to go !Look how many Private Hive Servers are being announced every Day, none (or very few) are in the spirit of the original conception.Give me a vanilla DayZ any Day.I believe the only hope left for the DayZ Mod is in the hand of the community Dev's, that means official DayZ Mod updates, 1.7.5, for example.But that's just me !Orlok,,keep your butt cheeks out of it, or at least wrap em up in a manakini :P ffs. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 75 Posted January 25, 2013 You realize that DAYZ is an MMO right ?The idea behind this is to actually encourage team play. Clearly if that is not your goal maybe this is not the right game for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx 53 Posted January 25, 2013 Well the Mod has been completly raped, roughed up, screwed around with, humiliated, chewed up and spat out again and again until it is completly unrecognisable.1400 vehicles, free start kits with night vision included,,,is not the way to go !Look how many Private Hive Servers are being announced every Day, none (or very few) are in the spirit of the original conception.Give me a vanilla DayZ any Day.I believe the only hope left for the DayZ Mod is in the hand of the community Dev's, that means official DayZ Mod updates, 1.7.5, for example.But that's just me !Orlok,,keep your butt cheeks out of it, or at least wrap em up in a manakini :P ffs.Couldn't agree more. The mod has been shat on with these starter package, as well as 24/7 day, pay for gear and so on. I still think it's a great game but i will be one of those people leaving when standalone arrives. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted January 25, 2013 the mod will live on, there are people who love it (Bugs and all) I only hope the mod will be used efficiently for Possible improvements to the SA.AND I love the fact, the Mod's and dev mods actually communicate on these forums. It gives a real sense of community! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zachstar 59 Posted January 25, 2013 You realize that DAYZ is an MMO right ?The idea behind this is to actually encourage team play. Clearly if that is not your goal maybe this is not the right game for you.If teamplay was the goal for mod. One of the first things to happen would have been a FriendorFoe system added to the mod long ago.And yes the SA will be for me much more than the mod. Just please don't cry when you have to go back to "Easy Mode SA" when the mod servers empty out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 25, 2013 If teamplay was the goal for mod. One of the first things to happen would have been a FriendorFoe system added to the mod long ago.And yes the SA will be for me much more than the mod. Just please don't cry when you have to go back to "Easy Mode SA" when the mod servers empty out.You do realise the SA is gonna be much more difficult than the mod, right? Are you planning on shying away from hospitals when you have cholera and need medication? :S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zachstar 59 Posted January 25, 2013 Rocket already stated that most of the diseases planned are more late game types of things. By that time there should be ample time to have scouted around for something remotely decent and not just running with low blood and low vision into a city where you are sniper food. Not to mention with most of the buildings now opened up there is a better chance of running across medical supplies (Maybe not blood bags but other medications)So yes those diseases will make life harder for late game lone wolves. However, It also makes things more fun by adding in things to do. Instead of just nerfs with nothing in return because people keep whining.And I love teamplay. The issue is right now there is no Friend or Foe system and no way to accurately do voice comms between bambi groups without alerting every sniper in the vicinity. (Simple grouping is badly needed to solve this with armbands that cant be cloned, voice comms that cant be heard outside of group ((DONT whine at this. Every major group uses teamspeak so this is just a balancer for bambi groups who badly need it)) and need radios for long range speaking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Audio Rejectz 144 Posted January 26, 2013 In a post apocalyptic world, it would be harder to survive alone! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 26, 2013 Rocket already stated that most of the diseases planned are more late game types of things. By that time there should be ample time to have scouted around for something remotely decent and not just running with low blood and low vision into a city where you are sniper food. Not to mention with most of the buildings now opened up there is a better chance of running across medical supplies (Maybe not blood bags but other medications)So yes those diseases will make life harder for late game lone wolves. However, It also makes things more fun by adding in things to do. Instead of just nerfs with nothing in return because people keep whining.And I love teamplay. The issue is right now there is no Friend or Foe system and no way to accurately do voice comms between bambi groups without alerting every sniper in the vicinity. (Simple grouping is badly needed to solve this with armbands that cant be cloned, voice comms that cant be heard outside of group ((DONT whine at this. Every major group uses teamspeak so this is just a balancer for bambi groups who badly need it)) and need radios for long range speaking.You know turning post-process effects off disables that low blood visions, right?.. I didn't think anyone actually played with it enabled anyway, LOL.I'm sorry but a friend/foe system and magical voice chat that can only be heard by certain players will 110% never be implemented. I can say that with certainty. I think you're playing the wrong game, mate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spacecaps 101 Posted January 26, 2013 I didn't think anyone actually played with it enabled anyway, LOL.Actually it's not that bad, there are mods that remove the horrible blur while still keeping nice things enabled. They aren't compatible with DayZ though. (sadface) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaurenDanger 100 Posted January 26, 2013 There is a lot to read in the replies but I will just hope I am not repeating anyone too badly since I may have missed someone stating this as I skimmed across.The idea of the DayZ mod as an anti-game and an attempt at putting in as much of how it would be in real life means that yes, being a solo player is rough. But then it is still only a game and you do get new lives and part of the challenge is building up and surviving and being able to take on the potential 'enemies'. But whatever the changes, it is a game, stil being developed, and you have to respect the hard work. Human nature indicates that you can complain about a result and it might annoy the creator, but complain about the creator and you anger the creator. People push back, and if you assault the people doing the work, verbally as it is in this situation, they might want to push back and make the things that annoy you even worse just to spite you.Okay, I doubt that it would happen in this situation, but I am sure they joked about making it even tougher when looking at the complaint and how it was made. All of this is based on my play style which is solo player. But when I need help, I make friends, we trade, work together, and then I go on my way. If all we do is insult each other, we end up killing one another and the game becomes team death match. I can go play Chivalry when I want that.We all have the right to say "I do not like this and these are the reasons why" and that should be celebrated. but that does not give us the right to say "I do not like this and you are an idiot for making it" Alright, my ranting is done. People, play nice. We're all tanking and feeling human beings, all trying new things, and we have to respect the effort and the person making it, even if we despise the result. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites