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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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im just gonna come out and say it, spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.

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I love the no weapon start. You truly feel defenseless.

I believe it will take players some getting use to this but once you just embrace the rollercoaster - it's more fun.

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I agree. I don't really dig what you spawn with now, but I think that having no weapon is a great idea. It definitely makes the beginning more tense, and I never run into anyone in the beginning anyway. Now that it's easier to sneak by zombies again, it makes surviving without a gun until you get one more feasible.

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im just gonna come out and say it' date=' spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.


Rocket doesn't benefit directly from day-z. He doesn't even accept donations for it. Also, its alpha. This is not for your entertainment it is for testing if a feature works or if it doesn't and for bugs.

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Keeping my game @ 1.7.0 and leaving it there. Too many bugs and the new less-items-on-respawn is ridiculous(already addressed this in a really long post on the main patch thread). My entire gaming community and most of the users in our "partner" community feel the exact same way but I suppose that doesn't mean nearly as much as the opinions of the sausage-fingered "zombie apoc pros" that troll this forum on a daily basis.

We'll just pretend 1.7.0 was the final update which is fine by me.

Grow some BALLS son! You are whining because you and your friends are going to lose all your precious gear when you get OWNED by a Zombie in a frigging Zombie Apocalypse??!! Yes there are bugs but they will get fixed - i dont think Rocket sleeps!

I have been killed numerous times but you know what - every new spawn makes you play that little bit smarter. It is much more rewarding now to just survive. That moment you find your first weapon and the sense of relief washes over you - tell me what other game gives you that feeling?

Stay on the Zombie Apocalypse for the under 5's (1.7.0) if you like. Some people like a challenge.

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Completely agreed. No weapons' date=' no melee. Getting swarmed before I can get off the beach. no chance at all. Even with the vast amount of bugs, Horrrible counter intuitive menu, and about a 5 year outdated engine/graphics. the game was fun. Emphasis on WAS.


How the hell do you get swarmed at the beach. Never happened to me. And when it comes to avoiding zeds, crawl and crouch walk, is it so hard to understand. Like seriously now, do you people run at all times. You are simply playing the game wrong and then complaining how hard it is.

I've had zeds spawn right behind me on the beach, slap me a couple of times and disappear. only to have 3 or 4 more running up.

I can't get anywhere near a town, they all come running before I get anywhere near them. I've tried crouch walking, and crawling, but they all know where I am.

At least ask questions and try to help before criticizing people for not playing correctly.

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lol really adultswim?

Greatest change in a while. I think its going to reduce early days players killing each other so readily, and add a much needed level of difficulty. After not much time playing this game you get the hang of where you are, where you can go, and with a mak with 6 clips you can pretty easily get where you want to go. Now youre going to have to start off ransacking small villages/farms to get you started, before venturing anywhere near a big town or military base. Has increased the overall playability of this game twofold at least, and im over the moon.

Now with the fps sorted hotfix, this games off!

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Oh' date=' a mechanical issue that's probably inherent to how things work:

Bikes (and probably other vehicles) are too fast to let zombies spawn in time when you zip by a town. So bikes = No zombies unless a player's been nearby recently.

Edit: Possible fix: Detach spawn circle from player location. Offset spawn circle: Spawn circle = Player_loc + (normalized_movement_vector * speed * magic_value).


yeah but if you're moving fast, lots of zombies will spawn and it would cause performance drop ?

They're spawning anyway right now, just too late. It's the same thing, only correct: Spawn the zombies so that you run into them, not so that they can only see you at the horizon because you're already really far away.

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Does this fix ... being invisible in 3DP?

3DP is being removed anyway' date=' so this bug will resolve itself.


There's a reason why 1st person only servers are not full all the time: preference. People like 3rd person view and so they try to join (even veteran) servers with this feature enabled. If people like it, there is no reason to remove it.

inb4 thees is a harcore gamez not for CoD noobz, etc, etc, bullshit.

People play 3DP because its safer and theyre far too attached to their items. No one has ever given any other reason why they play in 3DP other than "I can see around corners and over walls"

Remove 3DP.

People play in 3rd person because running around in 1st person makes them motion sick. And turning off head bob or changing the fov does NOT fix this problem for them.

If you don't experience this problem, good for you. Don't waste your time trying to explain to those of us who do, why we really don't.

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Also the Makarov spawn rate needs to be lowered a bit. They're -everywhere- and tending to replace items such as food' date=' etc. If there's going to be so many around, may as well start with them again.


Where the heck are you finding all these Makharovs? I looked and looked in vain for a pistol. Found zilch.

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im just gonna come out and say it' date=' spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.


You should probably realize more that this is Alpha so Rocket's adding in new things to see how they work out before this mod actually goes into final release. You're an alpha tester. I wish people like you would keep that in mind. I understand it can be upsetting but you need to get a grip.

Nothing wrong with constructive criticism but you're doing it wrong, IMO.

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I don't know if it's me or the update' date=' but I'm getting random artifacts in the screen. Kinda like these 3D artifacts that comes from an object and they have "planes" extending everywhere on the screen.

It's the first time I get this tho, since


That sounds awfully like graphic card malfunction. :(

It's not.. me and some other ppl are experiencing the same with previous builds. It's mainly caused by the HDR setting, reducing it, it seems reduces the problem.. but sometime it still happens; i have also the "white flashes" problems sometime.

Didn't found a definitive solution.. yet.

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Okay this is where i stand, i'm going to attempt to post constructively.

I was murdered a few times and have experienced death and respawning without a weapon. Loved it. More weapons spawn now and starting without a weapon is a good change imho.

Zombie aggro was a bit weird, at first i was like wtf, this is a bit harsh, especially with zombies now doing more damage. Untill i played a while and got used to it and i loved it, playing was intense and a thrilling experience. Sure I died a few times getting used to it but it was a much better game tbh after i adapted to it.

So this new hotfix reverted your visability so you cant be spotted so easy AND reverted their zed view direction so they don't look in a large area. Coupled with the ability to lose zombies running around a building this game just became too easy. Zeds aren't a problem anymore.

AS a compromise i would suggest reverting to the greater visability and keeping view direction tied to body direction... but as it is now the game just became less fun and too easy.

tl;dr; DayZ just got too easy again, Make it harder.

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The only reason they had a wide view arc was because of their heads bobbing around.

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To add to previous reports; I looked in several town buildings and general store in a town only to find farm type loot: wood pile, winchester, and new shotty.

Of course I would decide to try out the patch when I'm on <1000 blood and in need of food haha.

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im just gonna come out and say it' date=' spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.


spawning without a chance in hell to survive

You can't be serious. No' date=' this has to be a troll. Please let this be a troll. You go prone and you are invincible, INVINCIBLE, 100% UNDETECTABLE. Creep your way through towns, be smart and have patience. If you run around all the time like a chicken with its head cut off it's not the games fault.

why should you care you already have my money.

He doesn't make money from this mod. This mod is free. You paid for arma2. Bohemia Interactive got the money.

that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun' date='[/quote']

No such events have been reported and this seems to be the only contra argument against spawning without a starting weapon that seems to come up time and time again. Players camping around the shores killing players for fun? Bullshit. You'd aggro zombies, you'd run out of food and it would be 100% pointless. Players are in constant search for better gear. But you know what has been reported time and time again? Freshly spawned survivors spamming their makarov into everyone and everything they see.

very unique

It's more unique without a starting weapon now.

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Thanks for the hotfix rocket!

I think spawning w/o a weapon adds a interesting dynamic and it prevents people from playing DM on the shore but i can see how it can be frustrating if there is no way to defend your self. I think if anything it should be either a Makarov with 1 clip 1 bandage ' date=' painkiller , and chem light OR 2 bandages a painkiller and chem light but no one should spawn with food/water so people won't dm on shore for a can o beans. This way the bandages will help people survive till they can find a weapon. Where as the 1 clip would mean no one will dm each other on shore cause of limited ammo and no one on shore iwll likely have food /water on them. Anyways i don't think you should start with a flashlight. I always found it to be a accomplishment when me and my friends manage to find a flashlight.

Going to test frame rate in alittle bit.


I love the idea of starting with next to nothing, having to use tin cans if your lucky enough to find some to distract zeds till you locate a weapon.

teaming up with people you may not usually because the dynamic is different once you move together for an amount of time unarmed. once one of you is packing a piece what do you do. continue untill your both geared and go your own way, stick together, first to get the gun shoots the other. one shoots the other when he runs low on ammo or food etc.


my only concern right now, highlighted even more without a weapon would be the gamma changes. Flame suit probably required here but I can't see anything if the moon isn't lighting the sky. if it is.. the game looks fantastic. If not I can not even identify things on the horizon to attempt to navigate with. hell I ran into the water twice :P.

ahhh but you have a Torch !!. Well yea. but the torch highlights a tiny area where you point it. and only if you walk. if you run it's redundant as it obviously zigzags up and down.. everytime I spawn at the beach and try make it to a town I attract zeds I simply don't spot that are closer to me than I anticipate. made even harder by the new zombie sounds, which are ace btw.

One mistake and it's game over. I struggle to even get within a doorway to a building if I have to run from the zeds as without a direct torchlight i just bump off walls and fences like a clumsy oath.

Just a tiny alteration to the gamma settings would help at least identify things like large structures from the environment. I really don't want to get into altering values without out of game apps for my graphics card just to be able to play at night, right now I think I would simply be wasting my time trying to play at night, I would acheive so very little, which frustrates me because the game looks so good at night with torch light,flares,headlamps,chems etc. great atmosphere.

just remembered the visibility bar has a delay to it, or so it seems. caught me out a few times when crossing roads and things. also seem to be more visible .. more of the time. No idea if that's an intended change, Just odd to be crouch walking in long grass with 4 visibility bars lit up.

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im just gonna come out and say it' date=' spawning without a chance in hell to survive, is the worst idea you could have thought up. im gonna give this game till friday, if its not playable in the sense that i can protect my self from other players who are camping the shores and killing for fun, or from zombies. then im done along with my friends. why should you care you already have my money. before you put this patch out this game was fun, and great very unique, but you went and pulled a blizzard. and killed it.


You really DO have a chance to survive though. You find a barn, pronesneak in there. You get the weapon that's highly likely to be in there so that you aren't defenseless. You go to Berezino (follow the coast up there, avoid settlements; you can get to Berezino by turning left when you hit the coast). Loot the shit out of that place. You're golden.

It really works well, I've done it over and over again. Berezino is good in terms of loot, in terms of cover, in terms of player density, in terms of M1911 + ammo, in terms of suits, in terms of military loot, in terms of getting bloodpacks..

In general, if there's a challenge, as a dude who enjoys games, you should fucking man up and figure out how to deal with it. Not just say "bwaah this is hard". It's not hard. It's not even particularly tedious. You just have neither a strategy nor proper tactics. So figure that shit out. That's what it's about in the first place.

What do you think was what we had to do the first time we played DayZ, without the loot tables, knowledge of military loot, vehicles, visibility stuff, all that? We played the game until we figured it out. And that's fun and awesome.

Maybe team up with dudes so that you have a better time, also. It's more fun to have someone to talk to while running around.

Can't believe I'm even responding.

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I dont know how people are having a problem, with spawning with no gun. I spawned at Elektro, and immediately sprinted towards the firestation. I picked up a couple of zombies, but by zig zagging through the factory I lost all but one, and the other gave up, after I ran all the way to the top of the firestation tower. Looted and found an AKM, 2 Mags, and about 2 cans of beans. Went to the 2nd level started getting sniped, so now I am stuck there. There seems to be a decrease in the Zombie threat level, but Bandits are more active then ever, on the server I play on at least.

I love the fact that zombies can lose sight of you. <3. I just wish they implement some way to talk Globally, I miss talking to the goofballs on the server.

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Thanks for the update. I like how the casual way this mod is going, and your willingness to take chances.

Reminds me of days playing OFP with my friends. We would play a couple hours, mod some more, play a few more hours. All great fun and in the end led to the most fun maps to play ever.

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it should be either a Makarov with 1 clip 1 bandage ' date=' painkiller , and chem light OR 2 bandages a painkiller and chem light.


Where as the 1 clip would mean no one will dm each other on shore cause of limited ammo

So let me get this straight. You think no one would kill each other shortly after spawning because of limited ammo? What happens when I do kill a player? Oh wow, another makarov mag from the guy I just killed. I think you know where this is going. Spawning with just one makarov mag would just make the shore a free-4-all. Not for beans but for makarov mags.

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Thanks for the hotfix rocket!

I think spawning w/o a weapon adds a interesting dynamic and it prevents people from playing DM on the shore but i can see how it can be frustrating if there is no way to defend your self. I think if anything it should be either a Makarov with 1 clip 1 bandage ' date=' painkiller , and chem light OR 2 bandages a painkiller and chem light but no one should spawn with food/water so people won't dm on shore for a can o beans. This way the bandages will help people survive till they can find a weapon. Where as the 1 clip would mean no one will dm each other on shore cause of limited ammo and no one on shore iwll likely have food /water on them. Anyways i don't think you should start with a flashlight. I always found it to be a accomplishment when me and my friends manage to find a flashlight.

Going to test frame rate in alittle bit.


I love the idea of starting with next to nothing, having to use tin cans if your lucky enough to find some to distract zeds till you locate a weapon.

teaming up with people you may not usually because the dynamic is different once you move together for an amount of time unarmed. once one of you is packing a piece what do you do. continue untill your both geared and go your own way, stick together, first to get the gun shoots the other. one shoots the other when he runs low on ammo or food etc.


my only concern right now, highlighted even more without a weapon would be the gamma changes. Flame suit probably required here but I can't see anything if the moon isn't lighting the sky. if it is.. the game looks fantastic. If not I can not even identify things on the horizon to attempt to navigate with. hell I ran into the water twice :P.

ahhh but you have a Torch !!. Well yea. but the torch highlights a tiny area where you point it. and only if you walk. if you run it's redundant as it obviously zigzags up and down.. everytime I spawn at the beach and try make it to a town I attract zeds I simply don't spot that are closer to me than I anticipate. made even harder by the new zombie sounds, which are ace btw.

One mistake and it's game over. I struggle to even get within a doorway to a building if I have to run from the zeds as without a direct torchlight i just bump off walls and fences like a clumsy oath.

Just a tiny alteration to the gamma settings would help at least identify things like large structures from the environment. I really don't want to get into altering values without out of game apps for my graphics card just to be able to play at night, right now I think I would simply be wasting my time trying to play at night, I would acheive so very little, which frustrates me because the game looks so good at night with torch light,flares,headlamps,chems etc. great atmosphere.

Yeah, having no weapon at start helps new players learn to team up with people and use direct chat. Thats why i think its good theres no weapon at spawn. However i do think we really need more bandages if were gana spawn w/o a weapon as once you get hit and start bleeding and use your first bandage. If you get hit a second time [which you most likely will be] you pretty much have to respawn.

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