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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Completely agreed. No weapons' date=' no melee. Getting swarmed before I can get off the beach. no chance at all. Even with the vast amount of bugs, Horrrible counter intuitive menu, and about a 5 year outdated engine/graphics. the game was fun. Emphasis on WAS.


How the hell do you get swarmed at the beach. Never happened to me. And when it comes to avoiding zeds, crawl and crouch walk, is it so hard to understand. Like seriously now, do you people run at all times. You are simply playing the game wrong and then complaining how hard it is.

Cry more please.

I love the update' date=' maybe some of the CoD Fanboys will fuck off now.

Hardcore all the way!


THIS! .... I wish people would stop being such pussies! ... What do you want?? Zombies with no eyes? This game is more of a challange before, Much more intresting now!... Much more of a challange.

Nobody is forced to play this mod if you dont like it, If it too hardcore for you go play somthing else.

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Only major problem I've run into myself is the complete lack of food and drinks. Seems like some other loot types are likewise not showing up as well, though I can't pinpoint anything. Found loads of tools of various sorts in civilian buildings which was kind of nice for a new start (hatchets, watches, matches, hunting knives mainly), though I of course understand it's not the way it's supposed to be.

Still couldn't find anything to eat or more importantly (since I could hunt with the tools) drink after a couple hours wandering around including through various buildings in Cherno, so I logged out in the supermarket in the hopes of finding food and drink quickly enough after logging in later to keep from losing too much blood.

Oh, and as others have mentioned zombies are apparently spawning very often inside solid buildings which have no interior, and remaining stuck there. Seems to greatly reduce the number you see wandering around in a city, obviously making it too easy.

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I checked few barns and farms, no food and water, only wood, empty cans and bottles sometime rifle. In 1.7.0 in castle you can find cool stuff, now in castle is almost empty. I found only map, colt, and i one place wood or empty cans/bottle. In earlier mod version in castle there was many loot spawn point now loot spowns only in1-3? places. First I thought that idea that we spawn without any weapon is good, but now i see that many survivors are dead so quick after respawn on beach. We need some weapon for self defence from start. Maybe Rocket should add Makarov with one mag on start. Becose now if you dont have few hours to play and if you have bad luck you can be dead several times in a row wenn you respawn on beach (bandits etc). I have mixed feelings about this update, on the one hand nice idea but i think its a little to hardcore ;).

And one more thin i escaped from castle abot ~100m maybe more to disconect in woods, i disconected from server. Then i joined another server and i was in that castle :s on 2nd floor wtf?

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nope, no food. played for 2 hours, then died because my character stood up while proneing over a stone on airfield and killed by zombies (but thats a arma2 feature i think so maybe my fault )...

but good to test the new spawning without weapon, made my way to the airfield near the coast, equipped with ak-74 and 2 mags... but the 3 hours i've played today i haven't seen a single bean or soda or water...

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I have searched all of cherno, every building, and surrounding buildings. As well as a few other towns. No food. I found 2 cans of soda though and 1 empty water bottle from a zombie.

The ONLY food I have managed to collect is from Zombies i killed. 2 cans to be exact, out of over 30 kills. Pasta and Sardines. and zombies are spawning in buildings like they freaking own the place. and when I searched the building the zombie spawned in, I find nothing.

aaaaannnnd its still nothing but PVP, sad sad thing.

Also...ammo is rather rare for the AK74, i have not found a single magazine, but several of the weapons. hell i found an Mp5sd6 and a mag before i even found a single AK74 mag

hope that helps

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Seen a bunch of zombies spawned in a barn and stuck. 1-2 of them walked out and began wandering as usual, 4-6 others just stood in there glitched in one another.

Also spotted the zombie in regular ArmA 2 mission :D I SAW HOW THE INFECTION STARTED

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I confirm, no food or drinks in entire city of Vybor on 4-5 different servers. :(

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No food where I've been either, did see an M107 spawn up in a military tent. Was pretty sure that couldn't happen, now apparently it does. :huh:

Not complaining, I guess it's just time to get used to sniper rifles. :P

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Yeah, same here.

Im getting horrible FPS

No food

Horrible loading times

The zombies also still aggro in a ridiculous manner. Harder to lose now?

To give an example before I was getting 50 fps outside. Now, I get 17. =/

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I've been playing all day since the hotfix, no sign of food anywhere. I went from the coast near Kamenka, up thru Zeleno twice, nothing. Not a can of beans or pasta in sight. Loot in general seems to not be spawning much the further north you go. But, thats just a gut feeling though. Barns seem empty except for cans and the random hatchet or 5.

Also, deer stands seem to only be spawning stuff rarely now. I used to be able to find something in a stand 9 times out of 10. Now they are mostly empty.

Edit: As far as the starting supplies (no gun) its great! Love the challenge. Also, finding a gun within 5 minutes of starting is easy, I've done it 3 or 4 times now in a row.

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Came across about 10 tools before I found a can of soda (MtD no less). Two weapons, lots of ammo for semi rare guns, and a general lack of food, chemlights, and flares (pretty necessary now in this pitch black night environment).

Again. LOTS of tools. Had all the navigational tools and food tools within about 5 minutes.

No change in fps for me. Zombies are fewer and far between, may just be the low server pop.

First death, I couldn't lose the zombies, then again, I couldn't see where I was going at all (the flashlight is only useful when you're walking, which doesn't do much for my health lol).

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PS: I think wood should be just as common as it is' date=' but limited to farm/residential areas--maybe some industrial, but probably not. Bugs the crap outta me to find wood piles in military places. WTF are they doing with wood at a base?! IDK


I kind of agree, don't need wood in military bases in the mod. But that said, you've obviously never been in the army - how do you think you stay warm in a tent when it's -30 outside? :)

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I'd just like to reiterate, if you're noticing fewer zombies around, it seems to be caused by zombies frequently spawning inside solid (no interior) buildings and remaining stuck there. Makes for an overly easy time inside cities.

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And one more thing I've seen few zombies respawning and stuck in barns, and one i gate to castle. But i see im not the only one with this.

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Rocket please note that, besides food, bandages aren't spawning either. Just got myself killed because there simply are none.

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how do you think you stay warm in a tent when it's -30 outside? :)

Heat packs. That said, temperature in DayZ doesn't seem to be much of a thing to worry about at the moment; I've never been below 35 degrees.

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I choose "Female" and my character is Male...

I changed profile, "restart" "die" and all, and im Male. I choose Female. My character is the same with other profile, dead or with the option "Male" and "Female"

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