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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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How much do you wanna bet FrankieOnPC and Sacriel will be in the dev testers for closed release...

At least he will record some gameplay and post it on youtube so we can see...

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On a totally unrelated note: I spoke with -insertforummodnamehere- and he said he won't have the time to test the game and that his good chum Dekartz should totally get a key.

It can't have been -insertforummodnamehere- because he said he would totally give his key to his old pal Max. You might have misheard him.

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Dean! It's 4-5AM, get to sleep! ;-P The Standalone looks fantastic at the moment, and I'm sure it'll play much better then any Screenshots can show! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

I believe I speak for most, if not all of the community in saying; We're not overly bothered if the release date is pushed back, for whatever reason that may be. Fairly certain most of us can't comprehend how much work has went into making this a viable Game, when it was only ever released less then a year ago as a small Project aiming for a couple hundred, maybe a thousand or so Players. If you're not satisfied with some features and so on, I'm sure it'll be worth the extra wait for a completely polished & functional Game. From the looks of it, that's exactly what we'll be seeing in the coming months.

Well done to the DayZ Development Team, along with the Forum Moderating Team keeping the flaming to a minimum without going insane while doing it ;-P

I'd also like to say for myself, I have an open wallet. Feel free to take however much you want for the Game when it's released ;-)

Please don't speak for myself or anyone else thank you ;)

Edited by YZ250
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- Cars/vehicles will be phase two priority, Rocket wants to redo them completely so you can change parts, engines, build, mix and match Mad Max style.

- Rocket hopes to be able to "Mad Max style" build cars, interchanging parts and engines etc.

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Will we get any news in regards to the storyline for the SA in future devblogs?

Additionally if we are given access to the closed beta, how do we know it not a scam like the ones that WoW gets in emails?

Last but not least what can the community do to be supportive for the SA?

Edited by zfleming12

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The mod is Already too good, it's incredible!

Game Dayz will be the best of the genre, 2013



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if this game gets ported to the consoles, I at least hope the let us play on the same servers. So they can learn the power of a mouse and a keyboard :D

You read the report too? how they (Console players) can not match the speed and efficiency of P.C. game players?

It's a shame we can't all play together actually, Massive online worlds wih hundreds of players al la DayZ.

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cant wait!!! just want a release date though :(

April 16. You didn't hear it from me.

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The mod team and I have just completed an interview with Matthew Lightfoot that hopefully answers all your questions.

It will be uploaded soon.

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The mod team and I have just completed an interview with Matthew Lightfoot that hopefully answers all your questions.

It will be uploaded soon.

Very cool! Thank you and looking forward to reading this!

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It was fun, and you'll all get to hear my creamy brown voice.

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I don't wear any.

I think that greatly increases the chance of catching the laydeeez :)


Wow... Just wow. Looks better than I even imagined!

The first thing I'm going to do is take my clothes off and run through Cherno at a full sprint.

Hey everybody.....


Are you sure the first testers should be Forum Moderators? They will mostly be spending more time naked then checking for bugs/glitches


Edited by RubenT
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Are you sure the first testers should be Forum Moderators? They will mostly be spending more time naked

I see absolutly no way that that could be a bad thing.......
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It was fun, and you'll all get to hear my creamy brown voice.

Wish I did. But some of us have to work. Which is why I'm on this website; instead of working. :P

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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I see absolutly no way that that could be a bad thing.......

What if I told you they are all very hairy?

If you'd seen the things I have seen... I was there, man! I was there!

Edited by Max Planck
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if this game gets ported to the consoles, I at least hope the let us play on the same servers. So they can learn the power of a mouse and a keyboard :D

Im out of beans so have a muffin. I agree utterly.

Muffins @ max too

Edited by orlok

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What if I told you they are all very hairy?

If you'd seen the things I have seen... I was there, man! I was there!


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Wish I did. But some of those have to work. Which is why I'm on this website; isntead of working. :P

I'm afraid you missed a discussion on poo particles.

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