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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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I do not belive it is but try turning V sync off.

I know i'm not fraggle.

Thats ok,

And I tried every setting still never get more than 60 fps. On thinking about it I have never tried it in admin mode


Hmmm what system are you running?

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Hello there

In my everyday life I wear alot of military style clothing, and the extra pockets, pouches etc really help with my real life loadout. I wonder if anyone has thought about "cargo pants". I could fit Fraggle in mine.



I keep asking him, but he say's he's not into that kind of thing.

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This thread got boring from 51 to 54. I'm at work people, make it more interesting for me :)

Get back to work!

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forum members with over... (checks profile) 350 beans should get SA free :P

Edited by daze23

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Get back to work!

Give me a job too! Lost mine the other month >.< Any news on the closed test dates? Itching to see it >.>

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When it comes to the more technical side of things my knowledge sucks TBH. Regarding the cargo pants and different clothing upping your inventory slots I love the idea. It'd add a reason to hunt for certain clothing.

Edited by Fraggle

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I like the cargo pants idea too. Even a shirt with a pocket could add 1 slot or a sweater with open slots for your hands can add a slot. Pretty neat idea.

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I love figuring out how to make these technical things work out been wrapping my brain round ideas that could actually work on this, I wont bump my own post but in another post I said about having biosuits to stop you catching diseases etc, you'll find it if you wanna read it. Doing things with clothing though is always a good way to encourage people not go out and look for more and more stuff, cargo pants, tactical vests, leg holsters etc the inspiration is every where, I guess you just have to know when to say stop or it becomes to much I guess.

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Thats ok,

And I tried every setting still never get more than 60 fps. On thinking about it I have never tried it in admin mode


Hmmm what system are you running?

i7 2600

GTX 580


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With the inventory being similar to resident evil's, i would say clothing will take up slots regarding size, cargo pants 2slots for sure

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i7 2600

GTX 580


That is weird how we have almost the same spec except ramm and you have nvidia. The GTX 580 is about the same as the 7970, I wonder if day z or Arma favours the Nvidia cards or drivers

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With the overhaul of the AI and such of the infected, I wonder if they plan to do an overhaul of the wild life. Any word on that?

Such as having deer being easily startled (high audible recognition) or aggressive animals such as bears? Would be nice to see a slightly increased range of animals as well as realistic behavior depending on the species. Hunting should be viable option for staying fed but it shouldn't be easy to hunt animals nor should it be completely safe.

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it's not been talked about for quite a while but I remember Rocket posting on the subject saying he'd like hunting and general survival skills to play a much bigger part of the game.

Edited by Fraggle

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I would like to see more animals in the game. I like the idea of have preditoral animals in the game, but they should have a default run from gun fire. As having a gun fight with someone and a bear comes up behind you and starting to chew on your ass would be annoying.

Also bown bears that inhabit the region the world is set in, are mostly scared of humans. Boars on the other hand should attack if challenged.

Why I always think of different things after I post.

Ok it would also be good to see infected animals. I would imagin in a real day Z. The infected would attack any living creature, so having infect animals seems logical

Edited by -seraphine-

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it's not been talked about for quite a while but I remember Rocket posting on the subject saying he'd like hunting and general survival skills to play a much bigger part of the game.

That would be good because lets face it if a zombie outbreak hit us right now, how many of us would know half of what we can already do ingame? I mean starting a fire can be hard if the wood is damp, who actually knows how to cut the meat off a dead animal? So it should play a bigger part because not everyone can change a tire either. Like Seraphine said more animals would be good, maybe infected animals too from eating zombie meat or the other way round a zombie biting of them too. Animals like bears, eagles, crows are all preditors so having a bear chase you could work out or having crows, vultures picking at your dead remains would add more realism too.

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Honestly, literally nothing. You guy's have access to all of the info now. When we did that interview with Matt Lightfoot, it was originally going to be a closed meeting but we decided to turn it into a Q&A session and make it public so that you guy's knew everything that we did :)

I'd imagine it does. Matt said that with the new inventory, items now take up specific spaces in the inventory slots. I guess they could make cargo pants take up 2 slots for example where as a heavy coat or something more substantial could use 3 or 4.

I actually meant cargo pants adding two slots to the total inventory space as they have two extra pockets. :)

edit: Nevermind. You guys got it. :D

Edited by SausageKingofChicago

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That would be good because lets face it if a zombie outbreak hit us right now, how many of us would know half of what we can already do ingame? I mean starting a fire can be hard if the wood is damp, who actually knows how to cut the meat off a dead animal? So it should play a bigger part because not everyone can change a tire either. Like Seraphine said more animals would be good, maybe infected animals too from eating zombie meat or the other way round a zombie biting of them too. Animals like bears, eagles, crows are all preditors so having a bear chase you could work out or having crows, vultures picking at your dead remains would add more realism too.

imagine being chased through the woods by a pack of zombiefied wolves.... in the dark :D!!... or even the crazed howling while your setting up your tent next to the fire :). Zombies dont enter the woods very often but thiers much darker creature's lurking thier...

Also any news on overhauling using a controller, i play from my sofa and use an xbox controller and not being able to lean etc is annoying.

Edited by produno

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Also bown bears that inhabit the region the world is set in, are mostly scared of humans. Boars on the other hand should attack if challenged.

I'll take your word on that as I don't have much knowledge of wildlife there nor do I feel like currently searching with google haha

However many believe gunshots actually attract bears. It's like a dinner bell for bears as gun shots normally mean there's a dead animal shot by a person. It's also not recommended that you shoot at a bear, unless it's completely necessary, if you're approached by one as it'll get at least one good shot at you before you can take it down....if you're even able to take it down before the bear kills you.

Edit: Obviously, most are going to take their chances killing the bear in game, but I'm more making the point that it shouldn't be easy. Bear encounters can be extremely dangerous and situations should play out accordingly in-game.

Edited by Lights Out

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imagine being chased through the woods by a pack of zombiefied wolves.... in the dark :D!!... or even the crazed howling while your setting up your tent next to the fire :). Zombies dont enter the woods very often but thiers much darker creature's lurking thier...

Also any news on overhauling using a controller, i play from my sofa and use an xbox controller and not being able to lean etc is annoying.

Get a wireless keyboard? Also well if the disease can transfer from human to human I'm sure the Zombie genes can be past from Zombie to Animal, this would make it harder for players cause you could be getting mauled by a wolf, a bear, you could have a crazy stalker zombie bird after you this would stop them just becoming a side attraction to the game and hopefully make them more a part of the game.

But wildlife is part of life and should be considered into the game either way, but more than just for food, they can spread diseases eat dead players bodies, become zombies, maybe even use their fur for clothing to turn a normal top into a winter top for more warmth?

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I would like to see more animals in the game. I like the idea of have preditoral animals in the game, but they should have a default run from gun fire. As having a gun fight with someone and a bear comes up behind you and starting to chew on your ass would be annoying.

Also bown bears that inhabit the region the world is set in, are mostly scared of humans. Boars on the other hand should attack if challenged.

Why I always think of different things after I post.

Ok it would also be good to see infected animals. I would imagin in a real day Z. The infected would attack any living creature, so having infect animals seems logical

yep, I was thinking about more animals when they were talking about how they could use the performance improvements

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I do the mouse & keyboard on the sofa. the keyboard on my lap, and the mouse (and mouse-pad) on a thin hardcover book next to me

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