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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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I've been fixated at this picture of kamenka facing east trying to spot new goodies and the only thing I can see is one extra house and what appears to be a burn site for corpses (big brown thing in screen) it has what seems to be dirt trails coming down from the road in 2 locations. What is the mystery behind this picture?


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Can anyone explain to me because char has a shirt and underwear?


He is undressed.

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OMg I cant wait! Looks awesome!

Please tell me you also got female characters? :D

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Take my damn money!

Edited by TSAndrey
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It's looks like some industrial area, maybe quarry? Or I am wrong?


Nice find! I'm loving it (da da da da daaa)

Edited by Vindicator

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whats justin bieber doing in there??

thats not bieber ... bieber looks older

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Who's ready for a bunch of half naked people running in chernarus Now?? I can see if now lmao

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Thanks for the update Rocket!

I know it's asking a lot but will you release information about the game mechanics before releasing the game? I don't mean deep insights on how the game is working (that would ruin the fun of exploring it) but rather if certain mechanics like loot/zed spawn mechanics (hello loot cycling as i call it), weapon balancing (hello L85/m107/as50) and vehicle scarcity (having more vehicles but less gas stations to create more hotspots) are changed or tweaked?

I think DayZ could use some modifictations regarding it's mechanics and i am sure you and your team know about it too. I would like to know if you are already thinking or even implementing such changes in the current development stage or if it will be done after the initial release. I imagine these topics not being high on your to-do list right now (kinda cosmetic changes imo) but what do i know :)

Keep up the good work and give the community the zombie game it needs right now ;D

PS: New player models/clothings look **** awesome!

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OMg I cant wait! Looks awesome!

Please tell me you also got female characters? :D

The tumbler page has more screenshots including an example of a female skin.

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Who's ready for a bunch of half naked people running in chernarus Now?? I can see if now lmao

*Guy hiding out in the fire station of Cherno and sees one guy run by in his briefs and shrugs. Then he sees twenty more running after the guy and face palms*

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Why why can we never see the full sized pics on that blog site?

Also why are the bean cans so big?

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whats justin bieber doing in there??

Haha, that's Matt Lightfoot - BI Production Assistant.

I doubt he'd take to kindly to being called Justin Bieber - I know that I wouldn't.

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"Put simply, DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold - to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be."

Wait a second... I thought this IS what you where working towards. If you weren't shooting for that back when you said a end of a year release, I DON"T BELIEVE YOU. You've spoken about a standalone being a massive improvement hence all the hype hence all the news articles, hence the wait. You've been yanking us along. Believe me I'm more than willing to wait, but don't talk bullshit promises next time that you never intended to keep.

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Awsome pictures!, if you do need a beta tester I'm currently at home all the time!,

Keep up the good work Dean and DayZ guys!


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And quite the hunk. Hubba HUBBA! =3

Needs more moustache though.

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The tumbler page has more screenshots including an example of a female skin.

Thx Ill check that out!


I love the clothes off thing! Now bandits can steal the clothes of your back lol

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Also why are the bean cans so big?

The beans arnt big, its a hobbits house

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Why why can we never see the full sized pics on that blog site?

Also why are the bean cans so big?

rightclick the picture, go to properties, copy the link, and paste in a new window

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So excited! The interiors look amazing! Also, the character in the last screenshot has got swag.

Full-Size screenshots:










Q: Do we actually spawn in our underwear?

A: No, but you can drop your clothes, or I guess someone might order you to drop them.

Q: How do we get to be one of the testers?

A: Those who are testing will get the game for free, and never have to pay for future versions. Their job will be tough. We're starting by rewarding the forum moderators, reddit moderators, dayz mod development and community support team, etc...

Well done. It's good to post the questions on the front page

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rightclick the picture, go to properties, copy the link, and paste in a new window

I don't get that option in Chrome, only inspect element which has no link in it.

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This is sounding better than I thought it was going to be, and I already thought it was gonna be amazing!!

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