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A not-announcement announcement for the forums!

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Thanks for the update Rocket!

Release the SA when you think it's ready and you're happy with it.

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Thx for update, but that guy who said the game will be released in mid February was probably right ..... and I was hoping for 1/7/2013 as 1/5/2013 Arma2 sale ends. :(

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Thanks for the info Rocket! Take as much time as you need :)

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  On 1/4/2013 at 8:18 AM, zenorc123 said:

Lawsuit? for what?

Oh come on guys , keep it positive :)

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Im sorry mate i have been a bit of an impatient bastard, but thanks for the update.

Hope all kicks arse as hard as we think it will.

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  On 1/4/2013 at 11:03 AM, root` said:

Thx for update, but that guy who said the game will be released in mid February was probably right

If he is, it's only by sheer chance. It annoys me that people come out with statements like this when it's not even an educated guess.

The only people who can give educated guesses as to when the release will be are the developers.

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  On 1/4/2013 at 7:53 AM, smasht_AU said:

Hopefully this puts an end to the rumours you died on your practice climb.

I nearly just shot milk from my nose! Haha! Rocket is the next Eddie Murphy of alleged deaths!

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Finally, you posted something. Even one post is enough to calm me down.

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This is nice, don't stress yourself, but a release date would be nice too.

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That's damn good news rocket . Just one thing I'm going to say to you that I say to someone who seems stressed out ... Chill out bro

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I don't care when it gets released, we still have the mod to play in the meantime which is great already and keeps getting better. I rather have it take a couple of months longer and have a really good game than something like the War Z which I spend money on and only played for a couple of minutes to find out that I can't even cross a river and have to walk around it (that game is really awful compared to Day Z).

Btw. I can't believe people actualy think the war z has something to do with day z, that's just stupid. If people are that stupid they just deserve to get burned, I did but I at least knew it was a totally different game.

Anyway, can't wait for the standalone version and go public hive again with my servers!

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  On 1/4/2013 at 12:13 PM, skywalker1162 said:

That's damn good news rocket . Just one thing I'm going to say to you that I say to someone who seems stressed out ... Chill out bro

Sorry but i think i'm missing something, did he said something new what we didn't already knew?

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Well not even going to read trough the comments on this not-announcement-announcement :D

I really hope that the extra time that you got until the launch day will help give a better and more complete SA when it comes out. Just don't over do it :D

Really looking forward to see the game out and to have some fun on it. Cheers !

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Yes, very watery. I think the next post from him will be more like a strawberry milkshake or at least a nice cup of tea.

Edited by Fraggle
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