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Happy New Year

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Happy New Year!!! Have a good one and enjoy the rest of your break.

To the rest of the community: Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! Don't drink too much. Ok, drink as much as you can.

Edited by Fraggle
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Hello there

Have a lovely one everyone, and thanks for having me on board. It's really appreciated.

Take care, go mental but dont go too mental.



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Happy New Year To All!!!

I would like to say thanks to the Dev and Forum team for such a enjoyable year of DayZ!

Hopefully 2013 has more of DayZ to offer!

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Happy New Years to most of the forum members (you know what I'm talking about, people wanting slaves and rape dungeons, go fuck yourselves) and beans all around!

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^_^.. Can't wait for the Day Z standalone. I can haz Day Z at Midnight? ; )

Edited by Forgewolf

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Merry 2013 guys. We made it.

(Not that I ever doubted it. Though I wanted zombies.)

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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^_^.. Can't wait for the Day Z standalone. I can haz Day Z at Midnight? ; )

I want DayZ at 11:59 so Rocket and Co achieved there goal.

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And a very Merry New Year to you all !

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