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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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This is so not true in any way shape or form. Going standalone and getting access to the Arma engine, and tweaking it was the goal from the start. Nothing is being rewritten from scratch. Day Z Standalone, minus some engine tweaks (adding new features from take on helicopters, and Arma 3. Removing Arma 2's tactical AI and optimizing the engine to suit "Day Z") is going to be very similar to Day Z Mod.

Get you facts straight son.

To quote Dean Hall from his latest interview:

So originally we planned to just turn the mod into a standalone game which is really just a modified version of the mod that worked on it's own, but what we really happened was we actually made a new engine.

Edited by Kumando

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So originally we planned to just turn the mod into a standalone game which is really just a modified version of the mod that worked on it's own, but what really happened was we actually made a new engine.

To add to that:

No. We deleted massive chunks of the engine. It doesn't resemble any engine that Bohemia has ever used.

The server/client architecture is entirely different.

The server exe is new

the inventory system is completely new

Please can someone tell me what I need to say to end this whole "it's based on ArmA2" and "why didn't they use ArmA3" questions.

Fact: DayZ is delayed because we're making a new engine.

Visually, it looks like ArmA3/TOH because they look better than ArmA2

Edited by smasht_AU

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- No real character progression other than gear... which is the only way we "progress" in the mod.

I gotta agree on that. I'm quite disappointed by the lack of character progression in this game, I was actually waiting for a skill system, such as making campfires faster, last longer, physical training, cold resistance, things like that which could be obtained after a long playtime / training of your character.

Edited by Fenrod

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I gotta agree on that. I'm quite disappointed by the lack of character progression in this game, I was actually hoping for a skill system, such as making campfires faster, last longer, physical training, cold resistance, things like that which could be obtained after a long playtime.

Warz ---->

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Thank you.This game wont be around anytime soon.

Well technical testing has already started, it will ultimately depend on the results of those tests. A few months possibly but I think your prediction of it not being released this year are way off.

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Get you facts straight son.

To quote Dean Hall from his latest interview:

So originally we planned to just turn the mod into a standalone game which is really just a modified version of the mod that worked on it's own, but what we really happened was we actually made a new engine.

Alright, you keep telling yourself that and believe what you want... Everything I have seen is identical more or less to the mod. There are going to be a few tweaks under the hood, but it is not a "new" engine. It is Arma 2, with a few ideas from Arma 3 and Take on Helicopters...

Take on Helicopters, is like 95% identical to Arma 2 as well. Play it for yourself.

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Alright, you keep telling yourself that and believe what you want... Everything I have seen is identical more or less to the mod. There are going to be a few tweaks under the hood, but it is not a "new" engine. It is Arma 2, with a few ideas from Arma 3 and Take on Helicopters...

Take on Helicopters, is like 95% identical to Arma 2 as well. Play it for yourself.

Dude, IT IS a new engine.

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It's a recycled mix mash of an engine.

What an utterly uneducated post in my opinion.

Why bother to post here if you think you won't like SA?

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So you think they should make a whole new engine from scratch? Better use the existing one and build over that and improve it. There's tons of stuff they can add/take off in/from the engine to DayZ stand out from Arma and they are doing it all the time. The engine will always be Real Virtuality, you can't get over it.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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What an utterly uneducated post in my opinion.

Why bother to post here if you think you won't like SA?

Obviously I have interest in the game, or else I wouldn't be here. Though I am looking at it realistically and not like drooling idiots who worship Rocket's nutsack. I posted above some observations and include Pros and Cons from that observation.

There is nothing "uneducated" about my post. Bohemia took Arma 2 and altered it ever so slightly to make Take on Helicopters. For Rocket to say Take on Helicopters is better looking visually than Arma 2 is beyond me. They are the exact same and if anything TOH is worse with their ridiculous car models reminding me of Sim City.

The plan since the beginning was to take the Arma 2 engine, remove the unnecessary things from it like Combat AI and polish up a few of the other features; as well adding a few features from the other games. Then release that like the minecraft model, and build upon it from there. That has always been the plan and I don't see anything having changed from that plan other than the release.

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I gotta agree on that. I'm quite disappointed by the lack of character progression in this game, I was actually waiting for a skill system, such as making campfires faster, last longer, physical training, cold resistance, things like that which could be obtained after a long playtime / training of your character.

I would love to see things like these be implemented, as long as any skill obtained is lost upon death.

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I would love to see the thing being released already, as was promised. Nobody ever expected a finished, polished product and we're not gonna get one, even if it takes them another year... or should I say: two blog updates.

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Because this is no longer a mod, but an actual product, will will meet different expectations from customers and reviewers. A smooth launch will do the standalone tremendous amounts of good, while we've seen what a rushed launch did in December, especially when you're asking money for your product.

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They're asking money for ArmA 2 and that's a glitchfest... there were other things that made a certain game so notorious, besides being unfinished. And on top of that, DayZ SA was meant to be sold as an Alpha version at the beginning, and for low cost.

Edited by Tilen

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Because this is no longer a mod, but an actual product, will will meet different expectations from customers and reviewers. A smooth launch will do the standalone tremendous amounts of good, while we've seen what a rushed launch did in December, especially when you're asking money for your product.

Using WarZ is just another excuse people have on why we don't have the standalone yet. The following Day Z has over War Z is just... not even comparable. War Z tried to cash in on the success of Day Z and I wouldn't exactly say they "failed" because as far as I know the game is still active and still in development. I think what burns people the most about War Z is that they tried to lie to the costumer about content, features, etc.

What bothers me is the "we don't know" response from Rocket. How does a company not know when they are going to release their product?

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What bothers me is the "we don't know" response from Rocket. How does a company not know when they are going to release their product?

They have literally just started technical testing. If it fails this testing then it's obviously going to take longer then if it passes. We all know how well it turned out last time. Why give an arbitrary release date if they aren't sure themselves and that date could come earlier or later depending on the results of those tests?

Edited by smasht_AU

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They have literally just started technical testing. If it fails this testing then it's obviously going to take longer then if it passes. We all know how well it turned out last time. Why give an arbitrary release date if they aren't sure themselves and that date could come earlier or later depending on the results of those tests?

Why? Because that is what companies do. Sometimes dates are pushed back, we get it. Though you typically pick a date, and have deadlines for a reason.

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Why? Because that is what companies do. Sometimes dates are pushed back, we get it. Though you typically pick a date, and have deadlines for a reason.

What is that reason exactly? You seem to think it's pretty important. Remember DayZ has no marketing department or any kind of pre-orders available so why does it matter other then setting people up for disappointment if it misses another target?

Edited by smasht_AU
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Why? Because that is what companies do. Sometimes dates are pushed back, we get it. Though you typically pick a date, and have deadlines for a reason.

Most comanies have their games on TBA until much later in the development stage. DayZ SA is at the stage where they are still working on some basic stuff of the game (zombie animation for one, I read Rocket's twitter saying it's getting redesigned), asking a public release date would be unrealistic at this stage. I'm sure they have an internal goal for release, but such info is never shared with the public in any companies.

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What is that reason exactly? You seem to think it's pretty important. Remember DayZ has no marketing department or any kind of pre-orders available so why does it matter other then setting people up for disappointment if it misses another target?

It matters because it shows proper planning, and that they are creating deadlines for projects to be finished so that they release it on their actual release date. Instead of the completely unprofessional.. "Yeah, we're not gonna be able to make that end of 2012 release... and we're not sure when we're releasing it... Oh, and by the way... Should we remove cross hairs? We're still not sure what we're really doing with this game."

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personaly I dont care realy will DayZ come out this year or next, I just hope that Dayz development dont have impact on ARMA3 development. As soon A3 will come out there will be plenty of Zed killing game modes which will look much much better then DayZ on A2.5 engeene. But again if DayZ is money making project for Arma3 then Arma3 is most propably will come out 2015 or 2016. These are only my speculations - no need to coment this :)

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We are at the mercy of rocket, No biggie in my opinion. He has the vision and wants to get it out the way he see's it. Not many dev's have this freedom, the end result will be all that matters.

If it was rushed, we face some issues that drove away gamers with the mod. No-one wants that again (Glitches / hackers / zig zaggin infected etc)

Many here will scream "where is it" that to me is a personal fault via Impatience.

take a long time, get it right, then get it out. the longer it takes the better, there is no threat and no similar games coming out like DayZ. In fact the best thing like It are modifications from the Mod.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I do not understand the impatience of some players in here - we can play DayZ (or DayZ+, DayZ2017 and so on) as a mod right now. So there is something you can do while you wait for the SA. I will wait and play Day_Z or Wasteland as long as it takes. Rocket wants to have a functioning product (at least a product which fits into the alpha state.) And the devs should get their time. I am working in the computer game industry. You set deadlines and make project plans, but in most of the times you are encountering several issues.

It is easy to sit in front of your computer at home and scream for the game ("we do not want to wait longer - you promised us the release at XX date - why don't we get more informations....QQ and so on), but if you are working at the product issues aren't solving themselves from nowhere. So keep calm and let the devs do their work. If they need more time, then they should get it.

I hate it, if ppl are complaining about realease dates and the work of the devs - they are trying their best. So please, just wait for them to finish.

And, no, I am not a fanboy who defends Rocket and his team out of "fanboi'ism" - as I told you, I am working in the same industry, have the same problems with a crying community and I know the stress you are going through during such a huge project.

Edited by Draxx

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