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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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There needs to be an in land city in the middle of the map, until then I'll never walk away from Elektro and Cherno because that is where the fun is to be had.

Well there and Factory, for some reason there is always like a 10 person shoot out there which I don't ever get as factory has nothing in it.

I think its more of a...ITS MY FACTORY! mentality.

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I love DayZ, but, I can still wait, It is good to see a few more pictures. I just hope the infrastructure is in place for the online community as there are going to be thousands on the day they release the Game

I am also glad they are doing closed testing, I can only hope they test it better than the mod was tested, A million voices all going "this isn't right" and "I payed for this shit?"

I only follow the Moderators on here so I can honestly wish you all good luck and you deserve the notoriety of being the first to test it before the rest of the world, You deserve it for the good work you have done here. :thumbsup: (Get it fixed quicker Derpy)

Feb / March for release!

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Nice infos, awesome pics, awesome textures. Can´t wait. :rolleyes:

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I don't know how they will chose the people to play the closed test, but do you guys have a guess when It will come? This month?

I read something about moderators of all kind of sites and forums.

hope they involve some 'normal' people of the forums. :o

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Aaaaaaaaaa how do I get on the beta test list!!! Take my money noooow rocket...

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The shadows are aliased, I think these images are not on the highest settings.

Assuming they were taken on the same settings as the previous batches they're 'normal' settings and a medium screen resolution. :)

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Assuming they were taken on the same settings as the previous batches they're 'normal' settings and a medium screen resolution. :)

on his twitter he posted 1920x1080p

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Well there and Factory, for some reason there is always like a 10 person shoot out there which I don't ever get as factory has nothing in it.

Nothing in the factory? Only like the best place to find every part needed to repair a car/heli. Wheels, scrap metal, engine parts, Main Rotor Assembly, not to mention food, higher end ammo, tool boxes.. It's like your one stop shop post-apoc hardware store! An it makes a great fort/base to fight over :)

I'm happy to see an update finally, but I wasn't worried or upset about the delay. Rocket wants DayZ SA to be a success more than all of us combined I imagine.

Edited by =ST=Achilles

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on his twitter he posted 1920x1080p

Fair enough, they aren't the same then. xD

AA does appear to be disabled or on a relatively low setting though, can't comment on other settings.

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Where is the Standalone Release?

I suppose I should start with the question everyone wants to know… where is DayZ Standalone? Obviously, it’s not here. At Eurogamer I said that DayZ had to be out before the end of the year and that’s come and gone. I still stand by that comment, to achieve what we had originally wanted, we did have to be out by the end of the year - and we’ve failed to achieve that.

Put simply, DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold - to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. This blew any initial plans we had dictated to pieces.

The plan going forward

The plan from here is straightforward. We will be releasing a closed test imminently, during which approximately 500-1000 people will assist in ensuring our architecture is correctly functioning. This closed test will be focused purely on architecture, not the game design. Once we have confirmed fixes for issues arising from the closed test, we will then reschedule an internal date for our public release.

What has been done?

One of the most profound and major architectural changes has had its initial implementation completed, this is the overhaul of the inventory system. In fact, the inventory and item management system was completely removed and rewritten from the ground by Jirka, one of the original engine programmers. The work that has been completed on this groundbreaking, and it going to fundamentally change the DayZ experience.

You scavenge for items now, as individual parts, picking up pieces rather than piles, looking for cans on shelves or under beds. The new system opens the door for durability of items, disease tracking (cholera lingering on clothes a player wears…), batteries, addon components, and much more. If you shoot a player in the head to take his night vision, you will damage the night vision. The changes to this inventory system are huge.

An additional area of change has been to make the inventory system more intuitive along with a key focus on providing visceral feedback on your progress through what inventory you have. The use of drag-and-drop, 3D models rather than 2D pictures, and being able to add items/clothing to your character in 3D in the inventory screen - have all come out of months of design work and research. I’m extremely pleased with the results of Jirka and Hladas, two of the programmers who have been working on implementing the design ideas. I believe the changes to this inventory system will fundamentally change the nature of the DayZ experience.

We are not at the point where we can release meaningful videos or screenshots of the system, but we have now confirmed the base architecture is working in game. Likely, the first that will come out about the inventory system will be during the closed test when people are actually using it.

UI Changes

ArmA community legend kju has been part of the DayZ development for some time, and is now one of your key development members. He has been working with our CEO (Marek) and me to develop the DayZ UI. We have been greatly inspired by Minecraft to make the UI simple and effective, rather than flashy and complex. All our art and code efforts are going into the game, the UI is being designed to be straightforward and functional just like in Minecraft.

Art Progress

A huge amount of work is being completed on art. I’m including some more additional pictures taken from around Chernarus. We have some massive plans now that all interiors have been completed, as rather than moving them on to other projects we are now giving them exciting new things to create.

One of the new artists on the team is a texture artist, and has been working on revising the textures for our new building interiors so they look more post-apocalyptic. Some of these changes can be seen in the work-in-progress pictures I have included.

Map Progress

The lead architect of the revised (and original) Chernarus map, Ivan Buchta, is still imprisoned in Greece on charges of espionage - and is a great loss to the team. Luckily, through letters, Ivan is able to provide some input and insight into the development of the map. Regardless, the continued imprisonment of him and Martin Pezlar has a significant impact on our ability to redevelop Chernarus.

Link http://dayzdev.tumbl...ase-i-suppose-i

Edited by HippieMikkel

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I am such a nerd for this game, I get to work today and instantly see this news and instead of tackling the huge amount of stuff I put off before my vacation I spend 45 minutes reading articles and comments related to this game.

Glad to see for one day this thread will have useful information but have to laugh at the amount of posts that will ask for closed testing access due to the tumblr post.

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I wonder how much theyl manage to optimize the SA for lesser cards and mobile gpu's.

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So relieved to hear they aren't going to be rushing this anymore. As recent events have thought us, underdeveloped releases are bad.

Just the few little tidbits he gives in the blog post opens up so many possibilities and ideas, I can just imagine the field day they've been having in brainstorming sessions. Damage to items, imagine being able to disarm someone by sniping their gun. Shooting someone in the back could damage meds or explode valuable beans. My mind is exploding with ideas.

I can only imagine what they have in store for us with the inventory system, I've always envisioned some kind of thing where running solo you have to pull your bag off your back to put items in, or running in groups being able to grab items and shove them into your mates backpack on their back. Anyway, starting to go off on tangent.

I finish by saying, although I haven't been playing the mod, my passion for the game hasn't waned. Take your time Rocket. We'll still be here :]

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I wonder how much theyl manage to optimize the SA for lesser cards and mobile gpu's.

It may run better simply because it's a better optimization of the engine, but in terms of pure processing power the only thing that is going to have less of a load is the CPU.. the graphics won't improve and if anything they will improve - putting extra strain on the video card.

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It may run better simply because it's a better optimization of the engine, but in terms of pure processing power the only thing that is going to have less of a load is the CPU.. the graphics won't improve and if anything they will improve - putting extra strain on the video card.

Yeah, better optimized engine for better framerate, rocket said their cutting out all the extra zombie animations which he said was a big culprit of the performance issues.

From what iv read currently, in the video options, setting something on High or above puts the workload on the gpu, and anything below High is put on the cpu. I wonder how all that will be handled in the SA..

Iv managed to get average 25fps on an i3, 5450m... but having to put the 3D res on something like 83% just ruins the whole visual quality..

Hopefully that will all change when the postie delivers my new lappy with an i5, gt650m, im just hoping for atleast medium @ 720p with a decent framerate... only time will tell...

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"We are still working towards a target for an initial foundation before the end of the year. But we will slip this date if needed"

If the Devs are saying it is possible it will not be out this year I think we are looking at least 9/10 month wait ...... if lucky.

That was for last year, they wanted to release the game in December (which obviously didn't happen). If they meant that for this year, there would have to be some VERY serious problems.

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DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold - to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. This blew any initial plans we had dictated to pieces.
You scavenge for items now, as individual parts, picking up pieces rather than piles, looking for cans on shelves or under beds. The new system opens the door for durability of items, disease tracking (cholera lingering on clothes a player wears…), batteries, addon components, and much more. If you shoot a player in the head to take his night vision, you will damage the night vision. The changes to this inventory system are huge.

And this my friends is what is called 'feature creep'. I put a public test version of DayZ standalone at June at the earliest, with an actual retail release late Fall of 2013. Don't hold your breath waiting for this one.

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And this my friends is what is called 'feature creep'. I put a public test version of DayZ standalone at June at the earliest, with an actual retail release late Fall of 2013. Don't hold your breath waiting for this one.

Rather hold my breath for this then wait for my money to be scammed by the guys at War Z

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And this my friends is what is called 'feature creep'. I put a public test version of DayZ standalone at June at the earliest, with an actual retail release late Fall of 2013. Don't hold your breath waiting for this one.

I don't believe there will be a public test. Closed testing is 'imminent' (to use Rocket's exact wording) and that's just to check that the new server architecture's all working properly, the game should be released pretty quickly once that's done. :)

Edited by mZLY
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Rather hold my breath for this then wait for my money to be scammed by the guys at War Z

The War Z is a functional zombie survival game. While it may not have features the developers wanted to have in, it does not take away from the fact that it is a zombie survival game and is 100% playable as such. Scamming would be taking people's money for a zombie game and then not having a game to play. That didn't happen.

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I know exactly where this is going, and I am not getting drawn in. Anyways, thoughts on the fact that we will not have to worry about Microtransactions for the SA!

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