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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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  On 12/30/2012 at 8:53 PM, ponystein said:

maybe its taking so long because there might be a boxed version we can buy , and that might be a suprise ? lol a girl can dream .


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  On 12/30/2012 at 4:14 PM, GiesBeans said:

Like everyone else, I'm dying to get my hands on the standalone. But we have to look at the bigger picture as far as timescale is concerned.

For one, the guy who gave us Dayz in the first place has recently said his health is suffering because of the pressure involved in making the SA. Millions of people are waiting for this, that is pressure. Also, a flood of morons are obviously too immature to wait and bother him constantly with requests for info. Rocket gave us a great mod, that for me personally has reignited my love for gaming I lost when the current gen of consoles appeared. He can take all the time he needs as far as I'm concerned.

If we want the standalone to live up to our hopes, we have to wait. Bitching about it isnt going to help, if anything it will do the opposite.

I'm still loving the mod, especially Namalsk (surviving a single day is an achievement) and I'm more than happy to scavenge for gear on the current version for a while yet.

I don't know about that. Wasn't rocket in the military and had plans to climb a mountain this spring? I imagine a guy like that could probably handle a little mental and physical stress. But I can tell you what I think could be getting his blood pressure up. It would probably be those unoriginal fuckheads that blatantly steal from him every chance they get and all their other puppet bullshit they pull. Their most recent attempt to ride DayZ's coattails backfired in their faces and I think rocket and co had enough foresight to see what was coming this month and stepped back and let those assholes slip on their own turd.

Or not. I just know those generic brand fuckers piss me off and I'm just some random guy. I've also seen that "rocket has high blood pressure because of the game" line posted a handful of times on reddit, though usually followed by "he got kicked out of the military too", and just wanted to piss on it.

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I'm afraid they hit the wall with that MMO-like client-server architecture.

Rocket was much, much too optimistic. He believed BIS will implement and debug new advanced netcode (which they never done before) in less than a month and that sounded ridiculous. He also believed in excellent optimization, because it was awesome on the paper (yet many first person shooters with client-server architecture struggle with 64 players).

I'm also afraid that server lag will become topic number one after the SA release. Zombies will walk and react smoothly - like normal NPCs in other games - but completely new problems will show up.

In the LAST blog post he wrote:

The Server controls character actions, a player’s client sends its requests and the server decides if this is possible. Our lead programmer in the company, Ondrej Spanel, is working on this currently. I believe this is one of the most radical changes ever implemented in the engine since Operation Flashpoint was released, and turns DayZ from an FPS into a true MMO

This made December release improbable.

He had probably already postponed 2012 release date by then but just didn't want to announce it. It could also be a bait for War Z - that game was horribly rushed to be first and as Dear Eshter dev said, "Steam strongly advise against releasing around Christmas due to decreased press activity and also the risk of being buried under an avalanche of Christmas sales".

Considering his good relations and communication with Steam he probably knew about it, so the December release could also be a bluff - that would have been pretty neat :)

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you are all already playing an awesome, not to mention FREE massively multiplayer shooter, in the form of this mod.

the mind boggles.. :huh:

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So I guess no SA in 2012 year. *** sadface.jpg ***. I hope delay was for the good of the Dayz SA game.

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  On 12/30/2012 at 7:39 PM, Rick bon Dock said:

You guys don't mind the wait because you have the mod to play! I'm not going to buy Arma when I believe the SA will be coming soon.

Yeah ya spot on there mate. I cant believe NO information has been released ie a Statement We didn't achieve our objective of SA release by the end of the year, and fill us all in. Actually it's pretty piss poor. I've watched many Videos with Rocket standing out front saying we HAVE to release this by the end of the Year HAVE to. And Yes before the Kiddies jump on me, I would rather they address any problems that may have occured, and want it to be right on release. BUT dont bury your head in the Sand and Hide give the people that support you Information. They set the Time Frame, not you not me, at least come out and give a Statement.

Personally i'm cool with the wait, been gaming for 33 years, you learn to wait for releases. But let people know what's going on.

Ok Flamers, let loose

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hello there

No flames. I don't like flames.

Also remember, this isnt just Rocket now. He's part of a business. A business based in a different timezone that has probably shut down over the holidays. Perhaps he and the main dev's are unable to post/tweet etc due to contractual obligations.

Mix that in with real life happenings and the holidays, it's not surprising that things have gone quiet.

Also remember that the "deadline" was a personal goal of Rocket, not anyone else's.

Is it an ideal situation for us gamers? No. In an ideal world would we have done differently? Yes.

A last thing to remember is you, me and that bloke over there don't have all the details and insider info. Any number of things for good or ill could be occouring, so we cannot judge or lay blame at any specific doorstep.

I think many folk should just get on with enjoying the holidays and stop obsessing over what is just a game.



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  On 12/31/2012 at 8:33 AM, orlok said:

hello there

No flames. I don't like flames.

Also remember, this isnt just Rocket now. He's part of a business. A business based in a different timezone that has probably shut down over the holidays. Perhaps he and the main dev's are unable to post/tweet etc due to contractual obligations.

Mix that in with real life happenings and the holidays, it's not surprising that things have gone quiet.

Also remember that the "deadline" was a personal goal of Rocket, not anyone else's.

Is it an ideal situation for us gamers? No. In an ideal world would we have done differently? Yes.

A last thing to remember is you, me and that bloke over there don't have all the details and insider info. Any number of things for good or ill could be occouring, so we cannot judge or lay blame at any specific doorstep.

I think many folk should just get on with enjoying the holidays and stop obsessing over what is just a game.



Yeahh I hear you Lok, and most businesses dont close over this Period, sure they do for the main days, but our business was open today as were many. COMMUNICATION is very easy, they have reddit , Facebook, the Forum and others. Piss Poor when someone cant make a Statement to the 1 MILLION Players, but you can stand up in many Gaming Q&A's and say " We have to have this released at years End, have to" Well thats the spokesperson for a Group, yesterday that Group should have made an evaluation where they were at and created a Press Release. Dead fcking Simple, stops me typing this, Helps the others, many others who dont have the MOD and want the SA, damn simple communication is.

BTW, I'm in a Server right now playing the Mod, with a smile on my face I may add :D

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Hullo there

Without being picky, many business over this period, are run by skeleton staff and whilst "open" are not running at 100pc, so key members may be absent.

But really we don't know about BiS so we are just speculating.

I suppose what I am getting at is we don't have all the facts.

Perhaps Dean is desperate to get info out to us, but his bosses are stopping him. Perhaps its the other way round? Who knows?

I've worked for multi-nationals and also in their marketing depts. It's very, very easy to have some chap/chapess with influence on the chain of command to halt comms. Plus, if I had gone over their head and released a PR without it being signed off, I would have faced disciplinary actions.

I'v e been in similar situations as the one I have alluded to and frustrating though it is, especially as the rest of the team knows this info has to "hit the streets" one can only do what one is allowed. Its not exactly a "wikileasks" situation.

More info and the game will come when it's ready too. No one is harmed by a perceived delay, I'm sure we can find something else to occupy our selves in the meantime.



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No mate that excuse , sorry it just doesnt cut it. OK GUYS see you all in the NEW YEAR, Hey werent we planning on releasing the SA ? Yeah but we couldnt make that Crazy Deadlne, some issues appeared we didnt expect. SO is someone going to tell the 1 Million People and possibly more ? NO It's too hard everyone is on Holidays. So the sorry arsed bastards dont deserve to be told . NO we deserve to visit our Families during Christmas.

Sorry none of these cut it, we are talking a Multi Million Dollar investment here in DayZ to potentially make a fortune, and NOBODY makes a Statement when the miss THE deadine. Ya gotta be kidding me

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Hello there

Again, we're guessing at what's happening and drawing conclusions from that. Its just not fair.

Until we know FACTS neither of us can say anything on the subject with any authority.

Would I personally like the situation to be different? Yes of course!

But, the belief in the fact the dev's are just being lazy,stupid, arrogant, etc for me just doesn't wash. If there is quiet on the PR front, then I think (and hope) that there's a damn good reason for it.

If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'll be just as miffed as everyone else.

I just believe the angst this is generating in a few posters is a little out of whack with reality.



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FACT : Nobody bothered to contact over 1 Million potential purchases the SA would not achieve it's much promoted Deadline, easy and simple one would think

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Shit. I can say a single thing: now the community will be more glad to hear bad news than no news at all. Rocket, you should give us some info after New Year.

Happy 2013!

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Well it aint going to be in December, let's all hope for a January release XD. One thing that still really bothers me though is that he had said that dogs would be implemented in the mod before the standalone is released. Does this mean they had to comprimise a bit on the release date in order to make more progress on the mod? All i can say is leave the Mod to the community so we can play and morph it. The standalone can be a AAA envisionment of the game, and we can see what works and what doesn't work in order to make both of them better.

TLDR: Let the community do the mod experimenting, leave the standalone for the devs.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


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Hello there

We can all agree that some info would be good. There is no denying that. None whatsoever.

My point is, that I think that the lack of comms is not being done deliberately to keep us in the dark or to annoy us, rather there are descisions being made/or have been taken that we are not privy to which have resulted in this quiet time. Tbh it's not been that long.

There are quite a few folk who are desperate for further info, but it's surely not a vast amount or the forums would be flooded. I think the majority are just happy to wait.

Again that's my speculation and could be wrong.



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I can see one of three things as a reason for the silence.

Either he has traveled to be with family for the holidays, and is taking his short vacation.

The company he now works for has a reason to tell him to go silent which would'nt be his fault.

Or, the one I'm hoping for..

The silence is just the prelude to the surprise release for after New Years.

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Well, lets hope that the game is released, we may then have something to discuss.

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Hello there

The last would be nice. Very nice indeed.

But, I think that if I were in their shoes, if I had missed Xmas (just due to it being a good sale time rather than any arbitrary deadline), then I personally would hold off until late Jan early Feb (perhaps Valentines day) to release the SA.

This give a tiny amount of time for final tweakage and a good date to generate PR with.

Just my HO.



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  On 12/31/2012 at 10:14 AM, DaxFlowLyfe said:

I can see one of three things as a reason for the silence.

Either he has traveled to be with family for the holidays, and is taking his short vacation.

The company he now works for has a reason to tell him to go silent which would'nt be his fault.

Or, the one I'm hoping for..

The silence is just the prelude to the surprise release for after New Years.

Whatever of your reasons its a disgrace to not engage the people that will potentially help you achieve your goals, to create THE Zombie MMO Personally i'm over Companies that are run like a Hot Dog Seller down on a street corner. Don't bother creating your Company name and registering if you operate like the Hot Dog Seller ;)

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promises? where?

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O.k, No news is good news as far as I am concerned.

If the rumours of stress related issues are true, I feel for the guy, I had to leave the Army because of reasons beyond me, It Hurt's, It hurts a lot when you have no control over it. It makes you question everything, some aspects don't go away. Rocket did issue a statement not too long back, so stop moaning about no news. It's Christmas for crying out loud.

The silence from everybody over a Hoiday period is normal, not everyone is a work aholic, other more important issues come to mind like spending time away from work issues with friends and families. even enjoying my presents counts.

There are 2 guys in a Greek prison who were the basis for a lot of the SA, their imput will be a lot of the reasons why you play and love the SA. Because they were arrested This will have no doubt altered the deadline of the SA. (It's hard to replace cogs in the machine if they don't function as well)

DayZ SA is an ambitious project, I for one did not believe we would get it in 2012, AFAIK the team working on the SA is small anyway so I didn't expect miracles.

No-one in their right mind would release a game around the time when potential competition does, would you want DayZ SA to be confused with WarZ when all the crap hit the fan? people naturally draw conclusions of similarity and thats something DayZ does not need. I personally think Warzzzz was released to exploit the DayZ release, If it was held back because of this issue, well done for not muddying the waters.

Remember It's a game, if you don't have anything other than moaning about being contacted about a game in your life, there is something wrong with your life. the world does not revolve around your life or expectations.

People need to have patience.

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I wont buy the game if he's gonna be like this when the game's released. If there's a problem in the future, forget about getting information from devs. They cant keep their promises, they wont care if you're waiting any info or not, they just dont care the community. Things will get uglier when the game is released fyi.

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  On 12/31/2012 at 10:32 AM, Michaelvoodoo25 said:

People need to have patience.

NO People that Work for a Company, NOT 1 person in this Case, need to NOT stop Communicating when THEY as a Company miss a Target. Simple isnt it, not that hard. Release the Game when it's done agreed, don't stand up spruiking your Game at Venues all around the Wolrld saying it MUST be done by Years end, not once but Many times. Simple Communication to potential purchases, isn't very hard is it. We aint playing a Miss Fcking Marples Mystery Game now are we ?

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Well again there was no hard and fast date. The xmas release was R's personal goal. As was stated.

Again if someone in the organisation says no to info releases then although others may want to, they simply cannot post.

If your marketing dept doesn't have the go ahead, there is nothing one can do. It's no other depts remit.

It IS simple in theory, but in reality can be very hard indeed.


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