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this is gonna sound weird...

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every time I meet with a player in dayZ (which isn't often because getting killed by random bandits are my most common interactions) and decide to team up with them, 90% of the time I get a REALLY strong wanting to betray them, maybe it has to do with my love of AC multiplayer and sharp affinity for stealth, espionage, and spy work and has lead me with serious trust issues, anyone out there with advice (preferably a brony with friendship tutelage)

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I believe it's all in the way you speak to them, and the way they respond to you. Hostility is easily detected in ones voice, and almost assumed in text (my opinion)

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Yikes... I haven't betrayed anyone yet and I've only been betrayed once after I gave a guy a spare gun and he immediately shot me.

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every time I meet with a player in dayZ (which isn't often because getting killed by random bandits are my most common interactions) and decide to team up with them, 90% of the time I get a REALLY strong wanting to betray them, maybe it has to do with my love of AC multiplayer and sharp affinity for stealth, espionage, and spy work and has lead me with serious trust issues, anyone out there with advice (preferably a brony with friendship tutelage)

Having trust issues is a big problem in DayZ, rolling with complete strangers especially, honestly i do not team up with anyone unless i have contact with them on TeamSpeak, everyone else i class as possible hostile, i will tend to avoid rather than confront.

You should come join me in game, gain your trust with a fellow Brony, i play with both Brony and non Brony players in a good atmosphere, i think it would help you out alot.

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Trust no one unless you know them.

If you find someone and they say they're friendly, keep them in your sight. A usual sign of betrayal is they tend to stick next to you, while you keep your distance, another is they usually aim down the sight of their gun alot.

I would betray them depending on their character, did they just kill my friend, but he did say sorry? Is he showing signs of betrayal? If they seem innocent, I would stay with them and take a stab in the dark.

Edited by Traditore

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I get this from time to time. I'll see someone and if we're friendly and just in the same area or sticking together (or whatever it may be) and they have nice gear like a better weapon or NVGs or a car, I always have the feeling of 'I could kill this guy so easily right now and take all his stuff' but I can never bring myself to do it, even with my mates on skype or w/e yelling shoot him. I think it's when you hear another persons voice and it kind of throws you off, especially if they sound friendly. As people have said, you can tell a lot from their voice.

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I've found that after you reach a certain level of skill, there's no real advantage in teaming up.

Sometimes I give rides to newbies and kill them point blank because I think its fun.

Dont judge me.

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So if I understand this correctly, you feel the compulsion to betray them because you think they're going to betray you? Sure it's hard to trust other people in DayZ, but you don't have to go about it that way.

I usually don't "team up" with randoms, but I do help them out and give them stuff when I run into people. There are certain signs to watch out for and certain security practices you can follow to avoid being betrayed. Usually people after your gear will follow you around VERY closely, and tend to have their gun raised and look down their sights a lot, even in "safe" areas. You can sense a tone in their voice to tell if they really are friendly and/or new and just want the extra help, or they're just after your gear in the end.

As far as practices, when you meet people try to be the one to see them rather than the other way around. Politely ask them to lower their weapon (ctrl x2) before revealing yourself, and even after that, don't stand directly in their line of fire. Always keep an eye on the movements and behaviors, alt + look is your friend. If you feel like a situation is getting a bit suspicious, don't immediately kill them unless you really want what they have and you're ok with killing (I personally am not, but it's your choice.) Try to slip away as best you can, even going as far as logging out in some cases.

You can be friendly, you just have to be smart about it.

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i never betrayed someone so far..i understand your feelings because when you see those legs in your crosshair is a big temptation, but just rexist! i usually go to give some help taking my precautions, then leave..

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I believe you can never really tell. I had a guy come up to me multiple times in Cherno asking if he could team up with someone and eventually after a zombie one-hit knocked me out I asked him if he could go find me some blood bags. At this point he started talking on voice chat and the guy truly sounded like a new player just looking for someone to play with. I couldn't sense any wrong-doing in his voice and he sounded like a genuine nice guy. After he healed me up I decided to let him team up with my group who picked us up just a little later. We then took him back to our camp, which admittedly was stupid but we trusted him.

After giving him a sniper and some other gear we then set off to the NW airfield where we heard somebody dropping grenades on zombies and decided to go on a little hunt, however we lost sight of the players (like they knew we were there). We then decided to retreat in our cars and in suspicion of being followed we parked and assembled our group inside a large warehouse. After sitting there for a bout two minutes we were right about being followed and fire was opened on our position. One of our group members was shot but another managed to spot one of the enemies and take him out, which caused his friend to retreat. THe new guy told us where that guy was heading but instead of following we decided to escape.

Sure enough we got away but just as we decided to log off, the same two guys from earlier appeared and killed us out of nowhere. Ofc my initial suspicion was that they were teleporting/map hacking but it turned out the guy who i grouped up with and played with for about 4 hours was with the enemy group and was feeding them our location the whole time! I was pissed off and now I rarely trust players, but I have a fairly large group so I still have a lot of team play.

TL;DR: Played with a seemingly friendly player for 4 hours to find he was part of a bandit group and revealed our position to his friends.

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The best way to know if someone is going to betray you is that they will keep going behind you and looking at you. Try running around a lot and see if they follow you with their gun.

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There have been times when I've thought 'I could kill these guys and run off with sooo much gear' but I've never actually considered doing it, on the rare occasion that I do bad things in DayZ I'm pretty clear in my intentions. xD

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My advice to you is stick on your own. That way you only have yourself to worry about and nothing else. You can sneak about without worrying that your friend will reveal you or get seen. Im a lone ranger and sometimes it gives a strong advantage.

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every time I meet with a player in dayZ (which isn't often because getting killed by random bandits are my most common interactions) and decide to team up with them, 90% of the time I get a REALLY strong wanting to betray them, maybe it has to do with my love of AC multiplayer and sharp affinity for stealth, espionage, and spy work and has lead me with serious trust issues, anyone out there with advice (preferably a brony with friendship tutelage)

You're right, that does sound weird.

Don't worry, I have thoughts like this too xD

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The mod is just a PVP with Zombie theme, no reason for such drama.

No it is not. It is just what people do for fun. The game wasn't meant to be anything like it, but people got bored and started killing each other.

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So if I understand this correctly, you feel the compulsion to betray them because you think they're going to betray you? Sure it's hard to trust other people in DayZ, but you don't have to go about it that way.

I usually don't "team up" with randoms, but I do help them out and give them stuff when I run into people. There are certain signs to watch out for and certain security practices you can follow to avoid being betrayed. Usually people after your gear will follow you around VERY closely, and tend to have their gun raised and look down their sights a lot, even in "safe" areas. You can sense a tone in their voice to tell if they really are friendly and/or new and just want the extra help, or they're just after your gear in the end.

As far as practices, when you meet people try to be the one to see them rather than the other way around. Politely ask them to lower their weapon (ctrl x2) before revealing yourself, and even after that, don't stand directly in their line of fire. Always keep an eye on the movements and behaviors, alt + look is your friend. If you feel like a situation is getting a bit suspicious, don't immediately kill them unless you really want what they have and you're ok with killing (I personally am not, but it's your choice.) Try to slip away as best you can, even going as far as logging out in some cases.

You can be friendly, you just have to be smart about it.

I raise my hat to you sir, I am one of the few left in my breed. A man with only 2 murders, and 4 months of playing.

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Trust no one unless you know them.

If you find someone and they say they're friendly, keep them in your sight. A usual sign of betrayal is they tend to stick next to you, while you keep your distance, another is they usually aim down the sight of their gun alot.

I would betray them depending on their character, did they just kill my friend, but he did say sorry? Is he showing signs of betrayal? If they seem innocent, I would stay with them and take a stab in the dark.

Now that ''trust no-one'' thing is total bullshit. You can trust people, but 1st of all trust no one in a ghillie-suit or a bandit skin.

I never Shoot on Sight, except for bandits... always.

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Really? How long you have played?

Only since Nov. 22. :blush:

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Betrayal is a big part of the game, a lot of people betray others. I know that I betray random people I meet, unless they're in teamspeak or skype with me they will get killed eventually... simply because that's how I play. I have learnt to live with that.

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