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About Kyzahh

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    New Zealand
  1. It was around 4 hours at the start, then it got popular and dropped to 15 minutes with everyone repawn spamming to get an electro spawn.
  2. Kyzahh


    Like the idea of a handcrank + hose giving you a continuous flow of fuel to the car until you cancel the animation, same kind of idea as the blood transfusions are at the moment.
  3. Kyzahh

    New server ZEDS DEAD!

    Oh shit nigger, what are you doing? No need to bump it every few minutes.
  4. What people don't seem to realize is the amount of effort and time it takes to make a game. To put it in perspective I'll use a game people know and criticize a LOT, Call of Duty. The standalone team have been working on this for less than a year, probably around 9~10 months. Each CoD iteration is worked on by separate teams (IW and Treyarch), so basically they take a year and 9 months (give or take) to make a new game. But even with a team of ~100 working on the game, they still have the same engine with little to no revamping and the overall changes to the game are really not that major (using the change from MW2 to MW3 here). I'm not sure about the size of the team working on the SA but I can't say that it would be more than 60 people, with even less probably working on the core of the game. And the fact that they have taken the ArmA engine and converted it to a more MMO style of architecture frankly is HUGE. The task itself would have taken up so much of that 9~10 months that the current state of the game is where I would expect it. Yes I see all the glitches and imperfections but they're not un-fixable. There are many exciting games being released in the near future, not to mention the ones that have already released, DayZ is not the be all and end all. I will buy it as soon as it comes available but I'm not going to sink 100% of my gaming time into it. All I'm saying is that expecting the game to be in a polished state is foolish and anyone who does doesn't have a clue.
  5. I love all the progress this has made but one thing irks me, and that's the font used in the menu, ui and such. I wouldn't put it on comic sans level but I just don't like the look of it. Is this just me? (Because I feel like it is.) Keep up the good work Rocket.
  6. Kyzahh

    Hide Body!

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/114307-the-hide-body-system/ My ideas for an overhaul.
  7. And all of these servers are using the main hive? It is possible that your home server was rolled back and the two servers you're talking about are on different hives.
  8. Kyzahh

    Hero Skin Still Blurry (with BAF)

    Pretty sure it's a PMC skin.
  9. Kyzahh

    New Gaming PC Time!

    My optimal 1000usd build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/kyzahh/saved/11iy I did make that a little while ago so some things may have changed but they'd be minor.
  10. I think one of the solutions to this problem would be to make bikes very common on the coast. Shitty off road speed, but much faster than running when you're on the road.
  11. My friend had problems with DayZ all the time when he was on a limited upload plan. He had ~1MB/s download and ~20kB/s upload and it wasn't enough to maintain a solid connection, he would desync and get kicked all the time and it was only solved when he changed to an unlimited upload speed plan.
  12. There are so many guides on this kind of thing, just use google and youtube etc.
  13. Kyzahh


    Was I the only one who thought improvised mild camo?
  14. Kyzahh

    FPS on this build.

    FPS will be as high as the ARMA 2 engine will allow with its bad optimising.
  15. Kyzahh

    Integrated and Dedicated

    Actually the integrated graphics from this instance come from the AMD APU which aren't great but it's one of the best on boards graphics you can find as far as I'm aware. To answer your question in simple, yes, you can have both. Edit: Wow, one pci slot? Yes you will be able to as long as there is space, but that power supply is on the low side for running medium-high to high so you'd have to get a lower end graphics card unledd you wanted to upgrade the psu.