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So I've just started playing Dayz about a week ago and looking back upon my past experiences as a noob with the amount of knowledge I've got now (still not too great, but I can handle myself now), I found some of the mistakes I made pretty funny. So I thought I could start this thread where you can share your funny stories of how naive you once were and have a laugh about it.

Here's mine:

It was probably about my 3rd life in dayz and i spawned in by the balotta airstrip. To my delight, there was a HUEY sitting right there on the coast, with no one in sight, I rushed to it, hopped in and began spamming all the keys on my keyboard to get it going. I then realised, although it was in perfect condition, it had no fuel, so I ventured to the airstrip to find a jerry can, I didn't find one so I went back to check on the choppa. A truck with 2 guys came along and lucky for me they were friendly, they offered to find some fuel for me and drove off, I stayed with the huey. I saw the truck returning in the distance but then it stopped. I heard gunshots, and realised that my new buddies had probably been killed, I foolishly got out to have a closer look.At this time I was still unarmed and it wasn't long before the bandits had taken me out. I quickly went to respawn and found myself again in balota, only to see the heli beggining to take off. I ran towards it begging for a pickup via direct communication. I watched my helicopter fly off into the distance without me. Saddest moment in Dayz ever..

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I remember once that I was running to Cherno, and I did the old trick to auto-run (Steam overlay, take it off and you carry on running kinda thing).. however, I left it to watch South Park on my phone whilst it did all the distance, and when I looked up, I was in the sea and had lost all my gear.


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in my first spawn i was in komarovo(now i know it's not such a good spawn) and i ended with my leg broken , low blood and the night coming all over chernarus. then i decided to give up and i tryed to aggro some infected to kill me, but i suddenly learnt that they see really worse in the darkness and that they don't notice flashlights...lol

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Haha the best part is that you were looking for a single jerry can, wouldn't of gotten you very far in that heli!

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We were about to restart the server and decided to sit around and wait by our car for a few minutes on the roadside until it got restarted... One of us was alt tabbed and the other 2 were messing around and not really paying much attention as we were in the middle of nowhere and felt relatively safe... I then hear a car, alert my guys about said car and look around for it, just as i was changing to the M203 HE a UAZ comes flying over a hill and plows straight into me, knocking me about 200 yards and killing me, then they parked up and killed my 2 friends :(

Mentioned in another thread already, my first death was trying to change seat in a chopper and being thrown out with no chute... Second death was after i'd killed two bandits that shot at me and my friend, i went to go check the bodies without realising there was a 3rd player with them.

Edited by MF25

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One day, I was playing with my friend. I had a 188 day old character, with supergear. Sniper, ghillie, everything.

A Zed ran after my friend to eat him. I shouted in TS "don't you worry buddy, I got this!" (because I'm such a pro, lol).

I pulled the trigger of my 1911, but instead of bullets leaving my gun I trew a grenade!?! Stupid-stupid-stupid me, because I didn't change back to my pistol after trowing those flares! The grenade exploded, I heared my bones breaking, I fell down and died. Lost it all, LOL. Needless to say; I felt really devestated...for 5 minutes. Respawned and continued. Best game ever.

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The first time I died I fell off a roof running away from zombies.

I have not fallen off a roof since.

Noobs, avoid falling off the roof. You will die.

The end.

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When I first started playing this a while back, I was an Enfield wielding side chat using Cherno-warrior.

Oh god...

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On my very first spawn. Running NW from Kamenka, all the way to the edge of and into the debug plains. Spending thirty minutes or so wondering what it's all about, thinking my game was broke because the colour had all gone. Then dying of thirst in sight of a log cabin not far from where I spawned. Doh!

I didn't much like Dayz after that, lol.

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On my very first spawn. Running NW from Kamenka, all the way to the edge of and into the debug plains. Spending thirty minutes or so wondering what it's all about, thinking my game was broke because the colour had all gone. Then dying of thirst in sight of a log cabin not far from where I spawned. Doh!

I didn't much like Dayz after that, lol.

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I ran into cherno unarmed and got sniped.

Brotip: Avoid Cherno and Electro -_-

Edited by K9Alex

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After maybe 2 weeks, same character, 200+ zombie kills, well geared, try to shoot a zombie, and wonder I) why my gun isn't firing 2) why the iron sights aren't showing 3) why Im looking at the little circular cursor

...oh shi...BOOM


Don't carry grenades in inventory, unless you're about to use them.


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I once had some good loot. NV goggles, AS50, M9SD, CZ 550 in back pack. I was just out and about saw a tractor on the hill. Went up got in pressed W to go forward. Tractor went out of control crashed into a tree. I died 5 minutes later server restart :(.

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I had a good noob experience last night on the roof of a factory overlooking Elektro. I had no weapons and was wondering what the crap to do next, run into Elektro with no weapons (suicide) or risk dying of starvation in the woods (also suicide). Suddenly I hear a voice behind me and there stands a guy all kitted up, he says "don't worry I won't kill you, you have nothing useful for me anyway". Then he drops me an eppie pen, bandages and blood bags and goes down the ladder. I took offense to the suggestion that I wasn't "useful" to him so I decided not to take his presents. Then I fell off the roof trying to get down the ladder and died.

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I'd just raided the supermarket in Polana and found a map, as I headed out the back door I brought it up to stick a marker down for an approach on Berezino. I heard a voice say "Hello, friendly?", i thought it was someone in global but put my map away just in case. Just as I did a shot hit me, I totally panicked and got behind cover, shouting for the guy to chill and that I was friendly. Got no response and I couldn't see anyone so I switched from plan A, hide to plan B, run away. Kept checking behind me for the next hour but never caught sight of the guy.

Went back to check the fraps footage later and found out that I'd somehow managed to fire my own gun while putting the map away and then bolted in terror from my own shot. Bambitastic.

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I've got another one related to helicopters: I was in cherno looting, when a guy with a hero skin told me he had a helicopter and could give me a lift, he was a cool guy so i followed him and we took off. I was in the gunners seat. after a little while, he landed to presumably pick someone else up, whem someone started firing at us, in the chaos i went into 1st person and took out a ghillie guy in front of me. Turns out he was the friendly guy, the bandit was on the other side. The hero killed the bandit and then realised what I'd done, I begged him not to kill me but I'd made a big mistake. Second potential helicopter I've stupidly lost....

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me and two friends were going from a supermarket raid into the woods, one of my buddies spotted a player coming toward us from the wood, he had the m21 sniper or w/e it is and a bandit outfit..the guy had obviously spotted us and was moving tree to tree trying to get a shot on us, we used direct and said something along the lines of "its three vs one..you'll lose buddy..back away now and we can all have a good day" about that time the bandits buddy flanked us with a kobra..we could of easily killed the bandit when he was coming toward us as one of us had a M16 and the other a DMR..

never try to talk to bandits..shoot on sight

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The first time I met another player in DayZ was near a coastal town, he was chased by Zs and was wielding a hatchet. As it was my first day in the game I ran to him to help him in whatever way I can... so he crippled me with his axe while running past me and used me as zombiebait.

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I was swarmed by zombies in a cabin in gvodzo and lost my first ever automatic weapon, an m4 cco that id found in a deer stand at windy mountain.

After spawning at balota, a guy I know offered to drive me up there to get my gear back. So he rolls up in his jeep and we taken a swift trip back up north. We find the cabin and i run in and grab my gear. I jump back in and he speeds off. He hits top speed just as I inadvertantly hit the scroll wheel and eject from the jeep.

Of course, i splatter all over the tarmac. After a good 5 mins of my mate pissing himself laughing he tells me he's gotta log off and if im coming back for my gear its gonna be on foot.

I spawn at kamenka and decide that the gears best left where it is.

Edited by bigdogsco

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well i started a new game i spawned in kamenka i started search weapons i walked in nearest building i saw then sudenly zed saw me and i started running. i walked in nearest building i went upstairs but door was unopenable. i started running at zombies and killing some of them with stairs (lol) then i found makarow and started shooting zombie heads but my bones were broken so it was hard to aim i paniced and started shooting all over the place then i fell unconscious. strangely zombie leaved me alone and i recoverd quickly. i bandeged my self and crawled out the building then other zombei attack started and i died.

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So, last night i was playing on lingor.So i had a Dmr with 9 Mags and an as50 with like 15 mags. I was on lingor island and around El Villon i saw a Ural with 5 bandits in it. Now naturally an As50 ccan take out a Ural easily, but i didnt realize i had my Dmr out...I shot at them about 26 times or so so and didnt even do much damage, i did happen to kill somebody sitting in the back. I then realized they had turned around and were driving towards me, so i ran. I ran for about minutes through a forest towards Calamar while hearing them honking their horn. Then there was no honking anymore, no sound of car, silence. i poked my head out of the trees to look around and saw nobody in sight. Thats when i turned around to an FN fal pointing at my nose. BAM A weeks worht of looting gone. Last time i take out my 2 best weapons and all the ammo i had for them on a looting trip. What sucks even more is in global chat i saw the guy who took my As50 saying he was meeting a few other guys at the Prison. To which a man called Xet replied "watch out theres 2 ghilled snipers in the bushed south of the prison. $ minutes later i saw all the bandits names in the death list to which Xet said " FUCK YOU FAGGOTS" but there was one guy left, the guy with my AS50...2 seconds later i saw Player "whatever his name was" Disconnected, Player Disconnect. And when i finally got to the Prison 30 minutes later, all that was left was an m14Aim. I picked it up, and realzed all my Dmr mags were in their truck. I walked over, filled up my bag took two steps away from the truck, BAM my AS50 had been shot from the treeline by the combat logger. I then ragequit and went back to Chernarus for the night.

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These stories are all hilarious. I broke my leg jumping a fence the other day, not really a story but definitely a noob move as I know that can happen pretty frequently. Of course it was because I was being chased by zombies in the dark, who all did the smart thing and ran around the fence instead of jump over it and then bashed my brains in as I was trying to crawl away (no morphine!). I actually crawled for a good distance before they got me, for some reason I thought it was possible to survive a broken leg with 6 zombies on me but alas, I was proven wrong.

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So I genuinely don't remember much of my noob days, maybe three full days ago. But they were such fun. I was truly just pottering around with an axe.

But the last 48 hours have taught me so much...

One. Scroll wheel up/down opens the context menu on anything.

Two. 90% of the houses are just block sprites and do nothing except provide los cover and barricades.

Three. A pack, no matter what type is so easily manipulatable. Switching out what you may need with less relevant items is so handy.

Four. If you are being covered either defensively or offensively, text and type is your best friend. That last time, I was being covered aggressively by three to four camped gunmen off a fresh spawn... I'm just there screaming out "fresh spawn, fresh spawn" and taking cover behind a decent rock.

Finally, number five. A guy in a full ghillie suit comes up to you in a chopper, tells you to get in, away from the z's and takes you to a camp area where he lets you have free access to a hoarded supply, you take it.

I must say that just left me awestruck that a player would (A) have that much gear stowed, and (B) share what he could with you... then take you where there was even more stashed...and let you take what you needed. I'm not going to mention names, but if he recognises the scene played out, thankyou big fella, I owe you.

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Died of starvation about an hour ago. 2nd or 3rd time I've died due to bad planning on my part.

The most annoying part was dying just as I climbed into a deer stand with a tin of beans in it.

Lessons not yet learned:

1. Kill and butcher every animal you meet.

2. Take every food item you find.

3. Items from lessons 1 & 2 are more important than ammo for weapons you haven't found yet...

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lol ok well maybe a month after playing i was looting the crap outa cherno when i heard a frightening voice over direct chat that at first made me practically dolphin dive into prone... as i look around i see a figure emerge from the backdoor of the supermarket with a huge gun. When i first started playing my instincts were to ask questions and shoot if neseccary so i trusted the stranger and i saw he had this awsome turban lookin thing on his head, little did i know it was a bandits skin:( we looted cherno for a while and i kept asking "how did you get that awsome mask!!!" as we left the city and lost the zombies i asked if he was hungry and began to make a fire so i crouched down and as i began to fumble around the choppy interface he shot me in the back of my head... never trust a player in a bandit skin they earned it lol shoot first ask questions later

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