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Dont get too carried away

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I would like players to know that when the SA comes out not all of the features you read about will actually be in the Standalone release!

Rocket and co have mentioned some of these ideas and suggestions will have to be looked at after release and some of them later on, if at all.

Reading through the forums a lot of people seem to think the SA will be the game to beat all other games, with features galore and this and that. Following the Minecraft model means improvements and additions over time and only if they are successful. Remember we have very little confirmed but at least we have constant communications from Mod and Devs.

Don't be spitting out your dummies because you got your wires crossed and didn't get base building or other features to a T. Some features I'm sure will take time, so be patient and be happy with what you get on release day.

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I wouldn't worry, whatever get's released there's going to be dummies being spat out left-right and centre. I think the peeps that follow the dev blogs have a pretty good idea of what to expect but maybe the more casual gamers that don't follow it as closely may be mis-informed.

Either way, I actually think people are going to be pleasantly surprised with the initial foundation build. After that, then we get the sexy stuff.

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The devs have done a decent job of managing peoples expectations IMO, problem is a lot of people don't follow the devs/forums/blogs etc

I'm waiting for "It's a alpha foundation release"

Edited by smasht_AU
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He (Rocket) said yesterday that some news will be given this week "for sure".

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I kind of hope we dont get innundated with new additions for SA, if only to avoide the mass wave of peopel swarming the shiney new release. I want to play with and against fans of the series ratehr than nuggets who dont have the first appreciation of what Day Z is about.

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Well my hats off to you Moderators, I know it's been bad before with the Mod, I'm sure you'll know what to expect upon SA release! All those nervous breakdowns!

More lunatics to herd around!

Just think, more Apaches!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I will be happy with the first Standalone release, I know it will be amazing without having many new features added in. Just polishing the old ones and adding new engine stuff will make the game better.

Edited by Sutinen

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I have the advantage of being a long time BI customer and we don't buy their games for what they are, but for what they become. As long as you're able to keep your expectations somewhat in check, you should be just fine.

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I expect nothing less then a full game on release... If it isn't, then I will throw a hissy fit everyday! I may even stomp my feet and tell my mommy Rocket lied!

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personaly all im expecting to see from SA at release is the same DayZ as we have currently with more enterable buildings and way less sciddie problems..

if its got ANYTHING more then that i'll be pleasantly surprized.

my only really wish for SA is the option to include addon maps easily.. cuz a revamped Cherna. is NOt going to cut the mustard as the only place to call home for long.

ps dogs and poop dont count by the way..neither bring anything to the game/expereince.

Edited by Siberian

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Hello there

I cant wait until the "THE DEV'S LIED!!!!111?!1" and "CLASS ACTION" threads.

My locking finger is poised. I've already started digging new holes in the Graveyard.

I have a feeling that the SA may well surprise us, but some folk do tend to get their hopes uber high. Let's just wait and see.

For me, being a mainly solo, player Dogs will bring some much needed company. Also a "poo" might be nice.



Edited by orlok
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There had better be ships in the harbour, wild animals which hunt you. I want all old towns twice as big on the 4 times bigger map, I want to get lost because I only have half a map! The train was a godsend, no more running 2 hours from the coast. I never liked the dog concept and I was proven right, they just won't stop and keep being run over by trains and cars an eaten by zombies.

The zombies are truly terrifying, no longer can you run around without fear, they chase and will not let you go till you kill them or they are dead! the children ones are horrific, like chavs with a bottle of cider! I'm still waking in cold sweats, therapy will not help. The 1/1,000,000 chance to turn into a zombie I haven't experienced yet, but my mate Dave has and he said it was great having the boot on the other foot!

The medical system Is gory as hell, being able to see and manipulate entrails adds realism. I've caught clamidyia from goats, herpes from fish and the medication for these are nigh on impossible to find.

Hunting has been revamped with new tools and the fabled fishing rod, me and friends get together and chill out together by the dam just socialising. The traps for bear and wolves are great, my bear coat keeps me warm when I go to the Namalsk mountains north or Electro

More new vehicles I can repair by taking parts of all others, the ambulance will be my home when away from my mobile motor home. At least tey are more reliable than the mod paper vehicles. The jet skis are great for hoping the southern islands though the pirates are merciless. The 5 mile tunnel under the mountains is like the Metro game tunnels, I haven't foun my dog yet!

Pirates, bandits, fascist police, extortionate medics, homocidal nurses, thieves, hunters, mad scientists are the tip of the iceberg (north of NAF) I prefer the armed Taxi service, at least they help survivors.

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OK, call me a noob, but "spitting out dummies"? This is one I haven't heard before. Please explain.

Thank You

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1% better then mod= worth the money and priceless fun....yes, the forum will become a hell on earth...

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I think personally its inevitable that people will start "spitting out your dummies" as (Michaelvoodoo) so nicely put it. Will only have themselves to blame for not following the progress of the standalone and all the information thats been presented to us.. Its not like we've been kept in the dark.

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I voice my opinion whether good or bad about the game as most come to realize. Though I don't have very high expectations for the SA release as mentioned in other threads.

I do think it will be an improvement over the mod, but essentially the same game play. It might have better zombie AI, more enterable buildings but like any game these days there will inevitably be new glitches and exploits.

Those are my realistic and personal expectations and I will even wait some time to see some youtube videos and find out if the new game even appeals to me before I purchase it.

Edit: Things like modular clothing and weapons has already been confirmed, and moving towards an actual MMO Architecture is exciting but it will be interesting to see how those things are implemented.

Edited by Dreygar

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From what i gather the only things noticeable at launch will be

new UI (looting system)

smoothing animations

all buildings enterable

clothing system

server pops 200-400+

This is all mentioned as things already in progress with the first build.

oh and of course no hacking.

Reddit comments from rocket: http://www.reddit.co...fter=t1_c783gyv

Smoother Animations:

Regarding the controls, most of the unresponsive and "clunky" feel of the control comes from the need to transition with animations. Our animator has a brief to go through and trim, even remove, transitions if they result in a more responsive gameplay feel. So I guess what I am saying is, this is more a content issue than an engine issue so much. A good example is the grenade throw, which makes you want to punch the screen with how long it takes.

UI improvement:

Every single UI element, from the options screens, to the menu, to cursors, to the gear screens... has been redesigned from the ground up.

Population Cap: (MMO)

Hmm no, not really. We've pushed forward much more with entire architectural changes to meet the needs of current functionality, rather than adding "cool new shit" (CNS). The CNS can come later next year, the house on the foundation we build now. DayZ is moving from a FPS architecture to a fully fledged MMO architecture, supporting something like 100-300 players on a server that would currently support 40-50 players.

The standalone is going to be better, and bolder, than most people expect I think. But it is streamlined. It is the foundation for at least another year of CNS.

Edited by Ovation

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Boots are part of the clothing system. currently the followwing clothing systems exist for standalone:

  • Headwear (e.g. motorcycle helmet)
  • Vision / Face
  • Torso (jacket, hoodie etc..)
  • Vest (anti-stab etc...)
  • Trousers (e.g. cargo pants)
  • Footwear (e.g. boots, trainers, sneakers)
  • I believe footwear, like in "the road", will be one of the most important items in the game.

Now i know this is not "Get to carried away thread" so this is not "what i expect to see" if any of these things are not in the SA on release i will not be disappointed at all, They might still be works in progress.

but like he said, i think we are in for a surprise on just how much has improved.

Edited by Ovation

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The devs have done a decent job of managing peoples expectations IMO, problem is a lot of people don't follow the devs/forums/blogs etc

I read these forums as most people here do, I follow Rocket on twitter. How would one go about following devs and blogs?

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I reserve the right to hold and lick my icecream or throw it on the floor as i see fit.

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I'm really curious to see what new items and capabilities players have.

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I'm really curious to see what new items and capabilities players have.

Lasers from the eyes, and in some cases flying!

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if im honest as long as things are a bit smoother quicker im already happy

look forward to news this week on whats happening B)

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